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Demon2027 Traitors


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I've long wanted an Imperial Guard army, but have struggled to find a style that will motivate me through the multitude of squaddies I'll be putting together. However, I recently randomly stumbled on some really nice kit bashed traitor guard online, and, while tidying up the attic, I found a selection of FW chaos militia kits I can't even remember buying. Clearly the Gods have some sort of destiny in store for me, so I'm now walking that cursed road to Chaotic glory. So far I've just got together one model, using bits I already have. I want to create a very varied look which means investing in some fantasy bits when I get paid next, but for now here's sergeant Testor:



Moving forward, I want to create a ram shackled look, where different groups of traitors have joined together, and original gear has been replaced and cannibalised. The odd 'gift' may have kept in, and the chaos star has come to replace the imperial Aquila, but I want to try and keep them human (mostly, I can see some mutants to). Background wise I imagine they have been recruited (i.e. turned) by an Alpha Legion operative, whom I'm currently calling the Benefactor (he's from some Inq28 stuff I'm working on), and been put into the service of the Black Legion.

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I love traitor guard as well! First guy looks good so far, what color scheme are you thinking or are you going for multiple schemes for a ramshackle look you were talking about? Also, that head doesn't look like the current ones, unless it's just from a odd angle.....hmm weird. Anyway I too have a few of the renegade enforcers that I'm still procrastinating on starting haha.

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Thanks guys, I initially resisted the idea of doing traitor guard but I could resist the whispers of the gods.


Going forward I'm going to stick to the IG codex, hopefully there will be some new toys coming out for the dark mechanichus to twist my army's whim. For colours I'm thinking dark greens and light browns, not sure if I should do camo or not, and plenty of weathering. I hope to build the rest of the sgts squad this week and start painting soon.

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Check out the rumour topic for the new stuff, we're awaiting on one kit now assuming the final rumour bit is correct - and the rest has been so far with the Scions, Taupox, Ogryns/Bullgryns and Hydra.


Dark green and a light brown might not work, brown is tough to get the right colour sometimes so experiment well before you settle. Plus you want a scheme you like and isn't too hard to do - especially if it's a camouflage one. I'd recommend a camo scheme as most 40k armies don't have it so it's a good chance to do something different and stand out. It may be more work but it's always worth it :)

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