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Art in progress, Space Wolves

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So I have been away for a while.

I have been dealing with a eavy project that requires alot of attention, and which has nothing to do with Warhammer/Wh40k unfortunately.

However, as always happen when a larger project goes on, I tend to doodle.


I doodled the following brief for myself:


Name: Jouko Jotunbane
Pack-type: The Old Berzerk
Weaponry: Chain axe, chain-fed one-handed bolter, Stormshield
Heraldry: Yellow and Black fields, 3 x Fire-eye (SW gem)
I got inspired and doodled down five more, but the above is the only one I started doing some actual doodling on in the form of an image.
Tis is very much a work in progress, I have spent maybe 5 hrs in total on it, on and off inbetween actual work.
But It has been a while since I shared anything on B&C so why not share this:
We'll see if I ever get this one done, It's basically just doodling to relax from work and refill the creative flow. This is also a good way to exercise to paint things from my mind. So the only thing I used a reference for in this image is the ear (hate ears).
I am aware of the suit being too dark. I am going for a colour that is closer to the HEresy era, but I am also painting from dark to light.
If it works out fine, I might also paint the other packmembers:
Name: Hagal Segilson
Pack-type: Pack Leader
Heraldry: White Hraethigaldur Rune on Pale Blue Field 
Name: Surt
Pack-type: "The Muscles"
Weaponry: Power-warhammer, Stormshield, Bolt Pistol
Heraldry: Red Cross of Odin on Black Field, Red Cross of Odin
Name:  Aegir Krakenfire
Pack-type: "The Cleansing Fire"
Weaponry: Flamer, Bolt Pistol, Stormshield
Heraldry: Black Triskal on Pale Blue Field, Black Triskal
Name: Hrolf Left-Hand
Pack-type: "The Joker"
Weaponry: Melta-gun, Combat Knife, Stormshield,
Lefthanded SW;  weapons mounted/held in oposite hands in comparison to the rest of the Pack.
Heraldry: Black Cross of Odin on Red Field, Black Cross of Odin
Name: Frosti Thursvig
Pack-type: "The New Berzerk"
Weaponry: Chain axe, Bolt Pistol, small Power Axe, Stormshield
Heraldry: Black Wolf's Hook on Yellow Field, Black Wolf's Hook
It's a pack of Grey Hunters..
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You do? Would be interesting to know, did I paint a frend of yours or sopmething? Concidering is completel from my mind (apart from ear...)





Might have to do with me watching Vikings a lot lately. I do not think anyone in the series look like this though, but I think the general feel comes through....



Your definition of doodling is very different from mine. Love the face and hope you do the rest as well. 





We'll see. Right now I doodle on it anytime I fel I need a break.


I guess my kind of doodling is different since I worked as an illustrator for more then ten years. I did not intend to put anyone down :/

Very nice. I like how you have characterized his face and the tat was a nice touch. On the shield, I agree that it shouldn't look like it's pinned to the elbow. I really like the initial color palette and am interested in seeing how you add depth to the grey.


I have a challenge for you, which you are free to accept or decline. In Abnett's "Prospero Burns", he describes how the Rout sometimes wear a leather worked face mask. It appears that the mask can embody different designs (from antlers to dragons). The leather can be in any color. It can have intricate knot work in it. The wearer's eyes are exposed, but it's not clear if it covers the entire head or is just a facial mask.


In other words, it seems like a very intriguing concept. I am very curious to see what you might visualize.


<cue Mission Impossible theme>


Your mission Mr. Colrouphobic, should you decide to accept, is to integrate this new item with one of the pack...


duh, duh, da, duh duh...

This is awesome. You basically created the mental picture (x1000 degrees of awesome-ness) that got me into 40k and Space Wolves back in '98.

Hah, well, hopefully it inspires!

Dang, that's awesome. He looks a bit like Ragnar from the Vikings tv show.

Very cool, dude.

Yeah, it's not supposed to look like him, but as mentioned, season 2 is on and so might come across in these..

Pure awesomeness. Glad to see your work on here again.

Thanks, I feel like I have neglected some B&C stuff.. Deadlines are harsh..

Is it bad that my mouth is dry and my palms are sweaty?

Stunning visuals, as always, Colrouphobic. You really know how to bring characters to life. smile.png

Depends, are you going to lay hands on me? Otherwis its all ok!


It Looks like an older version of a Biker buddy of mine if he was still alive just plain weird man . But anyway Can't wait to see the rest of the pack.

Well, hopefully it is feeling a little honorary then. Funny how it's a Biker buddy of yours though. I had two things in my head (and ears, listening to soundtracks as I paint): Vikings and Sons of Anarchy...

Your "doodling" is magnificient! Teeeeeeaaach me msn-wink.gif

What would you like to know?

On my webpage/Blog there are some tutorial posts -


You can also check our FB page out for updates of the blog (sporadic right now)


Not much of teachings there, but if you have anyting specific I might look into it (once the harsh deadlines end).

Well done! Really like the face, and the armour looks fantastic. One criticism tho. The shield looks like it's mounted on his elbow, not the forearm. Keep it up, can't wait to see more!


Yeah, it's the size of it rather then the positioning, but will keep it in mind :)

These are going to be Heresy-era characters...

Another 15 minutes.




Kneepads are very close to what I want, colourwise. Pauldrons have some bits to go.

Pelt is an indication to the pelt he will have over his backpack.

Chestpiece will most likely change alot, but I like the general idea of an assymetrical narrative (Wolf eating a star/sun) so I think I'm going to keep that for this character...

They both look amazing and are really inspiring : I mean I really want to grab mkII armour to convert them :)


One little place for improvement imho is the proportions of the legs, which seem a bit long compared to the rest of the body (torso + head). Not that a space-marine has the same proportions as a normal human, but anyway...


I will keep it in mind, though I think the confusing part is that you cannot see their cotch, and that the armour of the legs go up on the hip right now...



To create some anticipation, next up will be Hagal...


BTW, these are all WIP's, they wi be rendered into completion...


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