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Imperial Fist 1500pts


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Hello guys & gals,


Not been a huge gamer the last few years and want to start putting the models I've lovingly painted to use. As I've not concentrated on gaming the units I have currently are what I have to work with. So thought I would give you my list and maybe some Samaritans out there could help advise some changes I could make. Or additions I may need.




Siege Breacher

w/ Volkite Serpenta, Power Maul, Boarding Shield, Artificer Armour, Nuncio Vox.

(Attatched to Breacher Siege Squad)




Apothicarion Detatchment

w/ x2 Power Sword, x2 Artificer Armour

(1 apothecary per tactical squad)


Rapier Weapons Battery

x3 Laser Destroyer Array




Tactical Squad x10

w/ Power Axe, Artificer Armour, Melta-Bombs, Nuncio-Vox, Legion Vexila


Tactical Squad x10

w/ Power Axe, Artificer Armour, Melta-Bombs, Nuncio-Vox, Legion Vexila


Breacher Siege Squad x10

w/ Power Maul, Artificer Armour, Boarding Shield, Breacher Charge, x2 Graviton Gun, Nuncio-Vox, Legion Vexila




Sicaran Battle Tank

w/ Twin-Linked Lascannon Sponsons, Heavy Bolter, Auxiliary Drive, Extra Armour


Sicaran Battle Tank

w/ Twin-Linked Lascannon Sponsons, Heavy Bolter, Auxiliary Drive, Extra Armour


I am aware that some of what's attached to the units may not be necessary but are included in the list because they are modelled with said accessories.


What do I need to do to this list to make it reasonably competitive?


Many thanks.

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The bulk of your list I quite like. A bit few on troops perhaps. I'll let others decide that. The only thing that stands out to me immediately is the Siege Breaker Consul and the Breacher Squad.

The former because he seems wasted of his special abilities: No Phospex grenades, but also in a unit without any heavy weapons (Graviton guns don't really work well with this) or even Barrage weapons elsewhere in the army to use his Nuncio vox on. You might as well take any other Consul choice and get more use out of it.

The latter, the Breachers, seem contradictory. They have a Breacher Charge and a sergeant tricked out for melee, but carry 2 Graviton Guns which are heavy weapons.



If I were to re-write parts of the list, I would drop the Breachers and increase both Tacticals to 15-20. Or do the reverse and drop a Tactical squad to increase the Breachers and second Tactical Squad. The Apothecaries are sound, and will only get better in larger squads. Rapiers and Sicaran's are great, too. Lastly though, I'd change the Siege Breaker for probably a Master of Signal or Librarian with a couple of Mastery Levels and whatever equipment you can squeeze on him.

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I'm hearing you loud and clear. None of the above was ever meant to game, but now that there done, it seems a waste to be sat in a cabinet. I will point out that all my characters, sgts and special/heavy weapons are magnetised so easily swapped out, only thing that is fixed are the nuncio and Vexila.


Perhaps dropping the Breacher squad and increasing the two tactical a to full strength.


Swapping as suggested to a master if signal which looks like I would have enough space to include a Whirlwind Scorpius that I have on order?


What do you think?

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I kinda like the list, but would change up a few bits.  I think you would be better off with at least 15 man tactical squads, and the breachers to full size, personally I love the breacher squads and like a little variety of masses of the same old tactical.


The Sicaran's come standard with the Heavy Bolter, doesn't need to be listed in your army entry (same with consul and his vox), especially since it can't be changed.  The Lascannon sponsons are not Twin-linked, I think you're thinking of the main accelerator autocannon which is.  Lastly, you could drop the aux drives on the tanks, and remember that there is NO entry for extra armour (only armoured ceramite), saving you points.  Your mileage may vary, but you could increase the tactical squad sizes by dropping the goodies depending on how you feel games go with and without them.  Each extra bit is another model with a bolter and wound your enemy has to remove.


For the Breacher unit, it is an expensive squad, but like most squads in the HH lists, they are cheaper to add more marines than buying an entire new squad.  +10 points per breacher and hiding your HQ ?  Make it 20 and add an apothecary!  Graviton guns (heavy) with a melee+ranged decked out serg, not optimal, maybe change to volkite chargers - saving 20 points for 2 more marines.  As you've decked your HQ for some melee, I'm guessing you want him to ride in safety inside this squad, so you won't be shooting the gravs much at all.


Please correct me if I am wrong, but with all the nuncio vox's, do you actually have barrage weapons or drop pods to make use of them ?  Obviously they are modeled, but if you were to add / change your army list a bit, you may end up getting a few extra bodies anyway.  I am sure you could use the vox models and people wouldn't mind you saying that they are just another trooper for friendly games.  Saving you points for 3 more possible bodies.


I'd change the HQ choice, but that's a personal choice.  The Siege Brea'k'er is probably an expensive choice for something you're not even using.  A vox unit for 45 points, with the ability to shoot your two gravs with the special rules hmm.  If you had added phosphex bombs and Medusa units, I'd say the Nuncio Vox's and the SB consul would be absolutely ideal.  Have a rethink and look for something that fits what you want, as well as being useful - the Master of Signal with minimal wargear is probably a good choice, and leaves you with more points.


As I read you are now thinking about the WW Scorp model, the nuncio vox wargear will prove useful due to the WW barrage weapon.


Food for thought, but remember I've yet to game with 30k lists, so my advice is from what I've been reading and the advice already given to me by the very helpful community here :)

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