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Looking for the perfect Heavy Stubber

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Guys, serious question here. Is there any other 3rd party miniature websites that have a good looking substitute for a Heavy Stubber? For example, the Heavy Stubber Team in the Renegade Guardsmen section in Forgeworld is one of the guns I want on a single model. Thing is I don't want to pay for two extra models that I won't use. Any ideas? If you find any guns that look like an MG32 or an MG42, it would look pretty cool on a Siege of Vraks Renegade Guardsmen, wouldn't it?

Well it seems getting weapons without minis really isn't that easy (for historical minis I mean). Found this though, here is a better picture.



Also these in plastic.


Just looked at the FW stubber team and realized how huge that thing is. You should probably look for 1:35 weapons if you want that look.

My bad, I wasn't too specific on the details but I will tell the above yay or nay and why.

AngelsAbsolute- I do believe you hit the nail on the head with the gun, but the fact that I have to wait for the bid to close and then wait for shipping is very unappealing.

Durus- Ork big shootas are a good idea if that's what you meant. I didn't know if you had a typo, but I will give you the benefit of the dought.

Cornelias- The problem with those models is two fold. A/ The model's metal. B/ The gun is more underslung in the way it's held.

Grotsmasha (Jono)- Sorry to say, but I was trying to avoid exactly that. It's too many unwanted pieces and the design of the gun is unattractive to me. Plus, the ebay thing is just gonna make me wait longer when I don't need to.

Thank you very much for the info and sorry if you feel less helpful, if you find anymore please upload pics and URLs. You guys have been very helpful nonetheless, and I thank you again.

The links I posted are buy it now options mate, so you only have to wait for shipping, which you'd have to do for anything, and those links were for US auctions, so shipping would be quicker than forgeworld :)


Can I ask how many you're after? If it's just one or two you're not gonna get much better than people have already suggested. If you want enough for a whole army I'd suggest getting the FW one you originally mentioned and then getting some press mold kits or something.



Yeah, Big Shootas, sorry for the confusion. There are several kits in the Ork range with different variants, but they all have the beefed up MG34 flavor.



For some reason I always think of something immediately after hitting the reply button. Anyway, this here is modeled after a Vickers but I thought I'd just point it out as it is just as iconic an WW weapon as their German counterparts and wouldn't look too out of place on a Death Korps mini either I think. Victoria's minis are closer to the old Perry IG minis in scale, so I'm not sure exactly how well the arms would fit, if you want to use them, since the DK Commissar I have seems a little tall in comparison.


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