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el shafan's miniatures

el shafan

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Hi all, this is my first post here on the Bolter and Chainsword!

EDIT: sorry for changing the title, I just thought i'd better put all my miniatures in one thread.

I painted Chief Librarian Ezekiel of the Dark angels for an upcoming competition, comments and criticism are welcome smile.png


This is the first GW model i've painted in quite some time. Even though it's an old miniature (metal, not finecast!), I think it's a great sculpt. The banner and shoulder pad are also my first real attempts at freehand, and while I think they're ok, I really have a lot to learn.



Terminator Librarian, painted a few months ago (before Ezekiel):



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Thanks guys!  :)

@ Sanguine_Knight: Regarding the freehand, i'm a professional illustrator and this is VERY different from my usual work. So i know i have the drawing and painting skills, but applying them to such a small scale was much harder and more time consuming than i thought.

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First off - he's excellent. The free-hand is top notch and better than I can do (which pretty much applies to the whole mini! ;)).


Please feel free to disregard the following - it's mostly personal preference.


I would imagine that the banner might have some sort of border. The free-hand, colour transition and so on is excellent, but I feel that there is something missing and that might be a border to really draw the viewer in to the image.


I think the red on the sword, whilst very well-done, distracts the eye and rather spoils the composition. A more muted colour might be appropriate (or how about NMM?).


Those are my only comments and this is still far better than what I can achieve, so what do I know? :P

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Thanks Gillyfish!

I think you're right about the banner, it could have benefited from a border of some sort. Lesson learned for next time, i'm not going to add a single brush stroke to this one.

But I think the sword does look good. I looked at a lot of painted Ezekiels (mostly on CMON) before deciding on the colors, and i liked the ones with warm colored swords. It's also intended to tie in with the demon on the banner, the book, and the purity seals, which would all have had to be muted down if the sword wasn't red as well. But it's always great to read someone else's opinion, i really appreciate it!


I should also point out that for the last few years i've been painting a somewhat realistic, very muted colored army (which i can't display here) with lots of dirty white, browns, and greys. So maybe i just felt an urge to paint something flashy for a change :)

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Welcome to B & C! Way to start off with a bang. That's some great work.


You asked for C&C, so I'll toss some in. This is probably personal preference and style more than anything, but the colors look a little on the chalky side to me. Have you considered using some glazes to pop them a little bit? 


I think the banner, robes and especially the blue armor might look much more vibrant with a quick glaze. The red's already great. 

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I decided to post all my miniatures on this thread. So here is a terminator librarian, painted a few months ago:



Again, C&C welcome.

If you'd like to see more of my stuff, here's a link to my CMON gallery (mostly Warmachine, but the librarian is there):


(I hope i'm not breaking any forum rules and/or etiquette by posting this link, if i am please tell me so and i'll remove it.)

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Wow, thanks again for the feedback! it's great to see such a positive community!

@ Gillyfish: i'm very happy with the Terminator Librarian, but I wouldn't say it's faultless. Which is why i put in about twice as many hours on Ezekiel :-)

@ Isiah: I don't have any more DA. In fact, these are the only two 40k miniatures i currently have that are painted to a good level.

I had a nice Blood Angels army (painted to tabletop level) back in 3rd and 4th edition, but i sold it a few years ago. Now i mostly just paint for fun. Almost all of my other painted models are Warmachine, which obviously i can't post here.

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