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Is the new "Attack Force" a good starting point?


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Kinda simple question here from a newbie - I've decided to start a Crimson Slaughter army and I'm not sure where to start.  My local meta is pretty casual (except for one powergamer) so I'm not looking for super competitive but a nice fluffy army that I can tweak as I go.  Is the Chaos Attack Force box a good buy for starting out?  It seems to have good variety and I like the Raptors and Fiend, but I'm iffy on the Terminators (they seem really expensive for what they do) and it only has one regular CSM squad.  I'm also tempted to pick up the Dark Vengeance figures if I can get them cheap off eBay, if only because I like how a lot of them look (and was thinking of using some of the Chosen models as unit champions)


Would it make sense to buy the Attack Force or pick things up piecemeal instead?  I'm looking at collecting 1,000 points or so to start off with so I can start playing some games (personally I wish that anything sub-1500 only required 1 Troop choice, not 2, but I digress...).  Theme-wise I was thinking of a small, rapid assault force meant to deliver a terror attack to some key objective, and then pull out to join the main force elsewhere which also is in tune with the Crimson Slaughter fluff of doing lightning strikes.

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Simple answer:


If you like and will use all of the models in the attack force, then yes, if not, then no.


The battleforce does give you an alternative, and is a bit cheaper.


If you will use most of the things in the attack force, then it may still be a good deal due to savings.


Are the models in the force the coolest ones?


The attack force has the advantage that you can make a legal from the outset (2x5 man squads with special weapons).


An alternative is combining dark vengeance with the chaos battleforce.

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I would actually say no - if you're looking to start at around 1,000 pts.


Because you'd probably want more regular CSM, Cultists, Possessed if you want to do Crimson. Maybe add a Spawn, Predator, some Oblits or a Drake for Heavy / Fast.


But the Raptors, Terminators and Fiend are probably too much for 1K.

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Id say start with the dark vengeance minis, there you have your 2 basic troop (and the 'characters' from the crimson slaughter dex) then get a box of possessed (if you want to stay true to the fluff) then funds permitting get the army box, that will give you a nice little army to start with. 

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I would actually strongly say yes to the CSM Attack Force as a starting point.  Unfortunately if you buy the DV stuff, you will pretty much just have cultists, nothing else is really going to be that good out of the kit.  While the chosen look great, they're totally useless, Helbrutes aren't much better and the chaos lord on foot with plasma pistol and power sword is an amazing model with no real world function.


If you are just starting off with chaos, the Attack force will give you a variety of units to use, for you to discover how you want to play.  If you prefer a fast combat army, then having a Maulerfiend and Raptors is not a bad way to go.  After this set, I would suggest scouring ebay for a couple squads of cultists.  That'll net you a good starting army.  As any starting army though, this is mostly the tools to play a fun game, not a 100% optimized army, which is something you'll discover for yourself as you progress through learning the army.

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I was all geared up to be negative about the attack force but honestly, it's not a bad place to start. You'll only ever want those possessed if you're running crimson slaughter, but the kit is full of great components for kitbashing if you're not, and since CS is a really solid supplement they're not the deadweight they would have been before its release. You don't get enough basic CSM, but that's relatively easy to fix. How useful the raptor are is up for all kinds of debate, but they're very nice minis and imho they're worth trying out on the tabletop, and the kit gives you a heap of lighning claws and some really cool helmets as well.

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Hmm good to know.  I have the DV contents (Kranon, Helbrute, Chosen that I'd likely use as champions because they look cool, and Cultists) on the way so it's just the next few purchases that I'm unsure of; I really like how the Forge/Maulerfiend looks, as well as the Heldrake but I don't think I'd field one in a 1,000 point starting army. 


There's a slim chance I might choose to play Red Corsairs instead of Crimson Slaughter because I like the Huron figure but it's looking most likely like Crimson Slaughter.

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I would actually strongly say yes to the CSM Attack Force as a starting point.  Unfortunately if you buy the DV stuff, you will pretty much just have cultists, nothing else is really going to be that good out of the kit.  While the chosen look great, they're totally useless, Helbrutes aren't much better and the chaos lord on foot with plasma pistol and power sword is an amazing model with no real world function.


If you are just starting off with chaos, the Attack force will give you a variety of units to use, for you to discover how you want to play.  If you prefer a fast combat army, then having a Maulerfiend and Raptors is not a bad way to go.  After this set, I would suggest scouring ebay for a couple squads of cultists.  That'll net you a good starting army.  As any starting army though, this is mostly the tools to play a fun game, not a 100% optimized army, which is something you'll discover for yourself as you progress through learning the army.


The chosen guys are trying to hard to be terminators.  To be sure, Chosen have a few advantages over Terminators (easier to hide, assault grenades, access to Full versions of Special weapons) the ones in the box got all power weapons.


They make excellent Aspiring champions, and the guy with the maul is a Dark Apostle or sorcerer if you so desire one.

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Get the SW one and a box of 10 man csm . Kitbash best deal for money for a chaos marine player and you will be using everything out of them [that is if you plan to use csm class models at all]. If not then the hellconvent is the next best thing . Cultists are the best troop choice we have and one dread while not good , does makescultists betterwhen the formation is taken. At all other times the chaos army is made out of single boxs .

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