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It has been a very, very long time since I first dreamt my first DIY chapter, the Emperor's Blood. I sit here and look at my chapter, revisited after so, soooo long and realise the name is a bit... guff. Sure, I could have them refer to themselves as such from time to time (perhaps some sentimental attachment is figuring into this, too) but as a name for a chapter? It's not good enough.

They are pragmatic sons of Dorn, not wishy washy Ecclesiarchal lackeys. With that in mind I figured I would rename them. But rename them to what? The knightly theme is strongly attractive, if somewhat over done. I'm partial to the eagle's head - similar to the Consul's iconography. So perhaps the name could be Imperial-centric? But then... that's overdone too. confused.gif

Eagles Adamant? Nah. Knights of Dorn? Not exactly original (already taken, in fact). Apotheosists? Er... I said no to the Ecclesiarchy rubbish, brain. Marines Defiant? Marines Valiant? I don't know about those. Honestly I don't.

So, here's my dilemma. I have an old chapter name I need to replace and I'm being indecisive about it. Any suggestions?

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Well, I named my knightly sons of dorn DIY chapter the "Sword Brethren". I never managed to do anything with it so if you like it feel free to take it.


EDIT: Well, actually sword brethren is the short way of calling them. The full name for the chapter I had thought of was "Order of the Brothers of the Sword". Its just very long, but inspired on the "Christ Knights" that fought alongside the teutonic order.

I read Emperor's Blood and thought blood=legacy, and then arrived at


That's a good one smile.png Especially if they are typical sons of Dorn happy.png

I am also kind of fond of the name Inheritors. It's got a nice feel to it.

Plus, you'll be able to give your Chapter Master the title of Hierarch. wink.png

Edit: If you don't want to go through with that name (in which case shame on you and your ancestry!and thank you because it'll let me use it for my Imperial Dragons), I'd be glad to try and throw other examples if you could provide a link to their article, or if they don't have one give us some more information on their character?

Inheritors. Inheritors. Hmm. Despite the strange connotations my brain is making between the name and Heritor Asphodel, it seems like a strong choice. That said, Ironbreakers is also strong, if a little caricaturish. 



As for an article on the chapter... they had a fairly rubbish one about ten years ago. They'll have to grace the halls of the Liber again at some point, I suppose. ^_^

Some suggestions of my own...


Guardian Eagles

Wardens of Dorn (Or, for lol-pun, Dawn Wardens)

Preceptors (For that Knightly twist to tie in with Warhammer FB if you so choose. <.<; )



What colours do they bear on their armour? Could help with further name suggestions along the line.

Ah. All of a sudden, I got the mental image of them going all, "Kali'mah!" on traitors, heretics, and aliens. xD


So, the Heart Takers!


Or the Bloodied Fists.


Bloody Fisting.


Bloody Fists.


Sanguine Guard


Crimson Heralds


Blood Eagles


Ebon Lancers

  • 3 weeks later...

Alright brothers, 'tis time: The decision has been made, it cannot be undone. The Emperor's Blood are no more! Long live the Inheritors! 


My thanks to the community for helping me with this conundrum - I doubt I would have come across Inheritors on my own. ^_^

Alright brothers, 'tis time: The decision has been made, it cannot be undone. The Emperor's Blood are no more! Long live the Inheritors!


My thanks to the community for helping me with this conundrum - I doubt I would have come across Inheritors on my own. ^_^



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