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Dark Angels 2000pts


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Evening Gentlemen,



I'm back here to discuss my Heresy Dark Angels list for 2000 points and your ideas and if I should change anything. As the DA lack any legion traits so far, nothing too special is focused around. There are some models that I am quite dead set on for my command squad using the mkIII command kit, but I've problems thinking about where to place them and how to get them into combat.



2000 pts plain jane list





Praetor - 160

+paragon blade, plasma pistol, digital lasers, combat shield


Command Squad (5) - 220

+3 power swords, 1 power axe, 1 power fist, 5 combat shields





Apothecary - 45

+joins command squad


Cataphractii Terminators (10) - 385

+1 w/Reaper & Lclaw, 1 w/2 Lclaw, 1 w/plasma blaster & power maul, 1 w/chainfist and combi bolter, 6 w/power axes and CBs


+Spartan assault tank - 320

- dedicated transport, flare shield


Contemptor Dreadnought - 185

+plasma cannon





Tactical Squad (10) - 170

+extra ccws


Tactical Squad (10) - 170

+extra ccws


Support Squad (8) - 180

+7 volkite calivers



Fast Attack


Sky hunter Jetbike Squad (3) - 165

+melta bombs, 1 w/plasma cannon




Alright, so my list functions by using most of these units in conjunction with the others. First of all, the support squad sits back on a home field objective preferably in cover and blasts the bejeebies out of anything they can with their S6 deflagrate guns and hopefully pin units.



Next, my spartan loaded with the 10 terminators plows up the middle unsubtle as possible and takes on the biggest threats to my scoring squads. They are complicated and loaded for bear in case of hitting other high toughness models and 2+ saves that seem prevalent in the heresy. The spartan tank blasts things with its lascannons.



My jetbike squad now benefits from their new 2+ saves according to the new rules update :) they nip around the flanks and either melta bomb other players Spartans and armor as well as target their weapons at terminators or other small count units to harass them.



Then my contemptor moves up with the tactical squads to try and provide a cc beast that can also take out tanks and terminators as a redundant threat taker.



The tacticals move up together as though they function as a 20 man squad and are ultimately flexible as to what I need them to do. They take objectives and use fury of the legions as they are intended.



Now my command squad is my biggest head scratcher as to where I want them to be. I need them to mulch other tactical squads and provide fearless to some of my units. Should I put them (they include my praetor and apothecary) backing up the 2 tac squads providing fearless and a counter attack element? Or should I run them behind my spartan to support the terminators?



I also worry about the tactical squads being small as most people run 20 man squads, but without special rules and enough points I'm trying to make do with them. This list brings 4 scoring squads to the table and possibly a 5th if fast attack choices count.




What do you guys think?

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it doesn't really look like you need to have the command squad. If you can't find a use then why take one? Maybe take some more jetbikes and add the praetor to it so he can get up close and chop people up with the bikes

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it doesn't really look like you need to have the command squad. If you can't find a use then why take one? Maybe take some more jetbikes and add the praetor to it so he can get up close and chop people up with the bikes


Thanks, it does sound like a good plan, however there aren't many cc oriented weapons for the sky hunters to have :( just the one power weapon on the Sergeant.


Should I switch the command squad out for a tooled up veteran squad with some power weapons and outflanking? That way I can attach the praetor to them still but get where I need to fast, and more bodies.

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I'd say put the command squad on jetbikes.  Drop the apothecary and Skyhunter squads to help pay for it.  That's if you want to keep the command squad.


Personally, my concern with this list is you have two big hammer units (the command squad and the terminators) while being really thin on your backup.  The big command squad, Praetor, Terminator Squad, and Spartan feel like they belong in 3k points, not 2k.

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I think the tactical squads look and feel weak for a 30k list.  I understand though that if you are waiting for the DA specific legion rules, you might not want to spend much on this unit - in which case, I beg the question if it's worth just waiting it out, or making a basic legion list but doing so in full.

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Should I replace the command squad with an outflanking veteran squad? They can still get power weapons and even special weapons but they are able to get in combat faster. They won't be as sturdy as the command squad but will have more bodies and be more flexible.



Other possible option is just to add some more Jetbikes and slap him in the squad. That way he can hop out and assault if needed, or use the squad to assault with him. He gets a toughness boost which is good and also gives him mobility.


Here's the new idea:





->Librarian (lvl 2 divination) - 170

+Force axe, jetbike, refractor field





->Terminators (10) 705

+above gear

+Spartan as above, DT


->Contemptor dreadnought - 185

+plasma cannon





->Tactical Squad (15) - 210

+1 power weapon


->Tactical Squad (15) - 200


->Tactical Support Squad (9) - 205

+9 volkite calivers



Fast Attack


->Skyhunter Jetbikes (6) - 325

+2 plasma cannons, melta bombs, Sergeant w/power sword



This is taking advantage of the supposed changes for the legion list (2+ armor for jetbikes, support sergeant gets weapon now, max level psyker is 2). The Librarian rolls with the big bike squad providing rerolls for the HBs and plasma cannons and the squad can even hit hard in cc on weakened squads. More troops in squads, so longer staying lives. But now more shooty and move-y



What do you think?

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Still caught up in list building :/ trying to figure out good balance and number of units


How about this instead:





Praetor - 190

+paragon blade, jetbike, digital lasers, refractor field


Master of signal - 85





Rapier Battery (2) - 110

+2 laser destroyers


Cataphractii Terminators (10) - 385

+1 w/Reaper & Lclaw, 1 w/2 Lclaw, 1 w/plasma blaster & power maul, 1 w/chainfist and combi bolter, 6 w/power axes and CBs

+Spartan assault tank - 320

- dedicated transport, flare shield


Contemptor Dreadnought - 185

+plasma cannon





Tactical Squad (15) - 200


Tactical Squad (15) - 200


Support Squad (8) - 185

+8 volkite calivers



Fast Attack


Sky hunter Jetbike Squad (3) - 165

+melta bombs, 1 w/plasma cannon



Normal squads are buffed, praetor hops on the d....bike lol, and master of signal will most likely go with the Rapier battery if not the volkites.


Do you guys think this is better? Should the MoS go with the volkites seeing as how the rapiers have twin linked all ready?

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I have no experience with bikes, but again, here's what I see from my limited knowledge.


Plasma is great and fluffy, but might not do much when someone shoves a Spartan down your front lines.  Whilst I can see that you do have a bit of anti-armour that would work very well, you would need to check your 'meta' to see if it's enough.  I would give that contemptor some magnets so I could change it around to have dual TLLC as an option if needed.


The terminators look like a nice hammer unit with the supporting bike praetor and unit.  He's darned expensive though.


I know not the rules for DA's, but the tacticals don't seem to be helping themselves stay alive much, lack of vexilla, apothecary, arti-armour and meltabombs at 2k - but your mileage may vary.  I am sure vanilla squad could work, but I wouldn't rely on them as much.


I like the Volk squad, the number of shots looks to be too good to pass up for anti-infantry, the MoS here could definitely help, but no one is helping the squad stay alive once again apart from the number of bodies.  No arti armour or apoth / hardened armour.


Can you proxy it to try ? :)

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