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Imperial Knights Reaper Chainsword. Help!

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Hey there,


I have looked but not find the answer to my question.


I have scoured the Knights Codex and the 40k Rule book.


Why does the Imperial Knights Reaper Chain Sword have an A.P. value if D Weapons allow no saves at all?


I did find that A.P. 2 weapons get to plus one on the Vehicle damage table if they score a penetrating hit, but Knights Reaper Chain Sword has its own damage table.


Any one know what the A.P. value is for?

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Yep, that's pretty much it, at the moment.


There is also the potential for the rules in a later edition to change how AP and/or D Strength work, as we have seen over the past few editions. GW does occasionally use foresight when crafting rules, allowing 3rd, 4th, and 5th edition units to still function in 6th. Pre 6th, melee weapons didn't have AP values; who knows what 7th or 8th edition might do!



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It's the Destroyer Weapon Attack table.


You'll find it in the Apocalypse Rulebook, Escalation Supplement and the Imperial Knight Codex.


Rolling a 1 against a vehicle causes the "Clipped" result, which is still a Penetrating Hit (roll on the standard vehicle damage chart).

- At which point the AP2 gives +1 to the result.

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