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                                                                  ++S[/size]ONS [/size]OF MEDUSA++[/size]                                                   




The staccato of gunfire split through corridors, pierced by screams and controlled explosions. Siege Sergeant Pollux turned his helm to bring his sensor arrays to bare on the advancing rebel element. He stood, proud against the back lit bunker entrance, humming combination bolter held at the ready. His broad emerald shoulders whirred as he studied the readout on his visor, adjusting his position idly. His squad, Vanguard One - Myrmidons, had breached the bunker complex that housed the ground-to-space defense guns and were in the process of clearing the inhabitants with maximum prejudice. He knew his brother sergeant, Castor, was assaulting an identical complex on the other side of the planet, readying the advance of the clans war fleet towards Badab Primaris. Rounds peppered his personal mantlet, a broad shield held close to his left side, protecting his torso from piercing shot. One said round flew past the shields rim and impacted the right hand side of his helm, shattering the visor lense and sending shards of razor shrapnel in all directions. His head snapped back and he stumbled from his elevated position. The sniper shot had rendered his helm all but useless, shutting down the tactical display. With a grunt he wrenched it from his head, the mechanical fingers discarded it upon the churned earth in front of him, he scooped up his personal mantlet once more before taking the earth wall before him. His bionic whirred as it sighted and with a tremendous whine, his plasma weapon discharged to incinerate a rebel guard in incadescant coruscating flame. 
++Brother Sergeant, Orsus, reporting all life signs terminated within DBC-34/D, planetary defense guns are now under our control.++
Pollux hopped down from the wall once more, eyeing the bunker entrance with his glittering eye gem as two of his sworn soldiers exited, huge breaching shields splattered with gore and gun fire, their broad muzzle bolters hissing with discharge steam. He was about to sub-vocalize when everything was strobed in brilliant white, dark shadows burning themselves into the retinas. Sound seemed to evaporate for scant seconds as Pollux turned his head, skin darkening in tone, eyes flickering with film lids. Those dim green orbs focused on the upper heavens where the blinding light resided. Then all the sound came rushing back at once, like the roar of a God, the crack of thunder was so deafening his suit administered pain stimulants for the damage to his ear drums. He felt the shock wave in his bionics, rattling them like his old bones. The heavens cleared and he could make out a newly created star, glimmering fiercely in the dark of space where faint lines of light stabbed back and forth. He pinged his Marines within the bunker complex for a sensor analysis of what had happened. 
++Brother Sergeant, Orsus, sensor analysis detected super massive detonation, linking with high orbit interceptors to confirm....recieved, confirmed, Strike Cruiser Warspite lost with all hands to lance broadside from Astartes designated Battle Barge....orbital assets incoming! Targeting lasers staggered pattern, drop pods, Executioners. Prepare to receive invaders.++
Pollux ground his teeth together so hard, two of them snapped and he ordered his squad to exit the bunker complex. The sudden taste of blood pierced his pragmatism and he turned his cold green eyes towards the heavens, one rimmed with white, one rimmed with cold hard steel. So, the Executioners had drawn their hand and initiated combat with the Sons of Medusa. Pollux blinked and re-calibrated his weapon, switching the chamber control over to the bolter mechanism. He was all too happy to receive them.
This will be the work in progress and intermittent showcase thread for my Sons of Medusa Siege Assault Vanguard army for an upcoming Badab War Campaign. This will be a project where I will push myself beyond my current ability. I will strive to heavily convert, kit-bash, weather, battle damage and highlight everything, I will try my hand at OSL and even work some green-stuff fu, it will be a journey of discovery that my Marines Malevolent project has prepared me for, I'd be honoured if you'd join me. 
Below is Siege Sergeant Pollux, Vanguard One - Myrmidons, Atropos Warclan sporting combination plasma-bolter, personal siege mantlet and teleport homer integrated servo skull. 
He'll be cleaned up, don't worry, his lines will be removed and barrels drilled. 
Below is the current work in progress force for Atropos. 
The Storm Talon is packing Sky Hammers and the 5 Assault Terminators have been liberated from my other project and will no longer be Excoriators. This army will be plasma and artillery heavy with Terminators and Ironclads providing melee support, it is to be used in conjunction with a friends Red Scorpion force. I hope to do these Sons of the Gorgon justice.
I am currently awaiting an order from Forge World, when that arrives I will start building Vaylund Cal, Iron Thane of the Atropos War Clan, High Artificer of the Sons of Medusa, Scion of the Moirae. 
Thank you for taking the time to share the start of what I hope will be a fulfilling project. 
+non omnis moriar+
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Always nice to see more Badab stuff, not too much of a fan of the glistening mud effect though. 


Thank you for stopping by Heinrich, the mud darkens as it drys properly but it'll be given a suitably dark tone for the earth, possibly brushed as ash. 

Off to a great start Brother Tyrax! I do think that the servo skull needs some more techno doodads to look the part of a teleport homer. Like the idea of the combat shield as a siege mantlet.  Forgeworld's mantlets seem a bit too chunky and dense for my taste (if I ever made any I'd use the boarding shields- the "middle ground" as it were)


Nice song choice too, Maynard's vocals are pretty consistent regardless of the band he's in, but I think between tool, perfect circle and puscifer, tool is where he truly shines. ;) 


Always nice to see more Badab stuff, not too much of a fan of the glistening mud effect though. 


Thank you for stopping by Heinrich, the mud darkens as it drys properly but it'll be given a suitably dark tone for the earth, possibly brushed as ash. 

Ah gotcha, regardless of what color you do, a matte varnish coat will fix any shiny-ness to the dirt. Also you may want to center the symbol at the top of you post, it appears to be hanging a little to the right lol.

Off to a great start Brother Tyrax! I do think that the servo skull needs some more techno doodads to look the part of a teleport homer. Like the idea of the combat shield as a siege mantlet. Forgeworld's mantlets seem a bit too chunky and dense for my taste (if I ever made any I'd use the boarding shields- the "middle ground" as it were)

Nice song choice too, Maynard's vocals are pretty consistent regardless of the band he's in, but I think between tool, perfect circle and puscifer, tool is where he truly shines. msn-wink.gif

I'm currently poking about my bitz box to make the little fella a bit more grand. I'm thinking of using the MaxiMini Hoplons for the Tactical mantlets, the FW breacher shields are very clunky.

Also, Tool is best Maynard but there's something about this song that gets me every time.

Always nice to see more Badab stuff, not too much of a fan of the glistening mud effect though.

Thank you for stopping by Heinrich, the mud darkens as it drys properly but it'll be given a suitably dark tone for the earth, possibly brushed as ash.

Ah gotcha, regardless of what color you do, a matte varnish coat will fix any shiny-ness to the dirt. Also you may want to center the symbol at the top of you post, it appears to be hanging a little to the right lol.

I'll chuck some matte onto my next paint order. The blasted photo has been irking me and it doesn't seem to want to centre so away with it for now.

I'll push you brother as I know your skill is needed on our ship smile.png

Thank you Jasp, that means a lot!

MMMMMMMMMMMM!!!! Reeses!!!ph34r.png

The missus is from San Fran so I get care packages sent every month or so of American goodies.


So, my order from Forgeworld turned up today (with a free Mechanicum cog skull badge) and I got cracking. So I got my conversion hat on today and decided that before I do any more elements of War Clan Atropos, they need their Iron Thane.

I present the work in progess of Vaylund Cal, Scion of the Moirae.

Choice of bits before I took him to the surgery table.


Post Op.

So he's packing his Thunder Hammer, Plasma Cutter and Flamer and attachments to count as the second Servo Arm, I figure if Vaylund Cal hits you with anything, it's going to do serious damage. The shield on his front is his personal force shield generator.






Base detail.



Scale shot, is he big enough?


Wound counters. Dead or dying Space Marines of the Executioners Chapter. The one on the left got his leg ripped off via Servo Clamp, the second got his chest caved in by Thunder Hammer and the third caught the full effect of the Plasma Cutter.



There is obviously still lots of clean up to do but I'm waiting on some Green-stuff to come through so I can add to the wound counters before I do anything else.

What do you guys think?

@Heinrich - Payback for the Warspite msn-wink.gif

I was chomping at the bit to get something else done for this force, but due to not having any orders in the pipeline it began to grate. So I started on my Siege Objective, the work in progress is below.

Brother Ascalaphus pulls his fellow Marine, Ialmenus, from the after math of a ferocious artillery bombardment. Their assignment was forward insertion to hold a central plaza under heavy enemy fire until reinforcements could be rerouted.




Needs more rubble, greenstuff, sandbags and some sand/grit to cover the bits I don't want to texture with the mud paint, which will be powered ash as I now have my FW weathering kit. I'll be raiding a friends hobby boxes for the things I need so it should keep me busy a while.

Thank you for stopping by.

Are they both wounded? I would think If he was dragging his buddy out it would be from a more stable standing position where he could gain the leverage necessary to pull his brother out.


Bingo, he won't be standing like that, more propped against a wall of sandbags, almost as if he's fallen back against it after taking three bolt rounds to the chest. Still needs a lot of work to get it to that stage though. I figure having them both wounded and in need of an evac is a good enough objective for the army. 

@Heinrich - All the negative space beneath his feet was going to be full of sand and grit, like he's pushing himself back to his feet but I could have a good old go at re-positioning the feet. 


@Ludovic - I'm going to be running with a thin greek theme to the Sons, lots of actual brothers wounded in battle together, so translating it over to model form is easy stuff! Thank you on the support, I can't wait to get my teeth into the paint scheme.


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