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XVIII Legion - 07/01/15 Now with Vulkan


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Hi guys,


This is my first post in this forum, and I thought I'd show you my first three Pre-heresey Salamanders tactical marines.




So I've mixed in a few plastic pieces from the sternguard set, to give me a sergant and five marines from a single MKII set.  I've tried to add in a few ques from Massacre, including the circle behind the Legion logo, 'gold' trim on weapons, fire and clan markings.


http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/The%20XVIII%20Legion/5f60ea83-905c-49ac-b391-eaa192e488e1_zps4011461f.jpg     http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/The%20XVIII%20Legion/558dddcc-0dde-4d59-8664-ce699b0c509f_zpsa6352cda.jpg


I've also added a saturnine ram to one legionary, to mark him out as a terran survivor from the Legion's earliest missions.


http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/The%20XVIII%20Legion/e1be6779-8942-45e3-b09e-4c6ae989139e_zps859a29d5.jpg     http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/The%20XVIII%20Legion/a979911e-4ade-4890-8034-cd1c7eafab98_zpsc64e4535.jpg


The Legion troops are to tie into my existing 40K Salanders army, who are members of the third company. This means that my Salamanders legionaries will be members of the third realm, Epithemus.




The other three marines are in progress. It will likely take me a long time to finish them, but I'll post them when they're done.


I hope you like them. Comments and criticsim are more than welcome!



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Looks great!


I especially like the freehand markings. However, if you are looking for a cleaner solution, I think FW makes a dedicated Salamanders decal sheet. 


The only thing I'm not a fan of is the shade of green. I recall from my reading of Massacre that the Salamanders are of a darker green. Perhaps a layer of dark wash would rectify the problem? 

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Personally I think a lighter green for pre-Istvan Salamanders is appropriate as it symbolizes their hope for humanity and the future. The darker green seems more appropriate for a legion in mourning with a grimmer outlook on the future. Just my 2p worth.


However the best part for me is the attention to both fluff, plastic part and paint detail which is excellent. Looking forward to more.

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Thanks for the positive feedback guys - it's really encouraging.


I knew the green would be controversial! I think I've over exposed the photos a little, but it is bright. I know a lot of people prefer darker, or duller tones for their salamanders. I'm pretty much in agreement with Ratboy though. The brighter colour ties into their more hopeful outlook. I also feel that the brighter colour ties in nicely with their 'artisan' look, highlighting the care they put into their equipment. That's part of the reason I've avoided battle damage, and dirt on the armour too - these guys go to war with their kit in the best equipment.


I'm glad the ram and bolter marking have gone down well. I'm going to keep varying the markings on the armour to create a more individual look for each legionary, and the ram will return once I have a contemptor to paint up. My bolters will vary too, some will lack the gold trim, some will have flames, and a few will be painted in green. I'm hoping it will all work well.


@relict - how are the FW decals? I used to use the GW transfers, but I don't like the shiny finish. My freehand isn't perfect, but I generally prefer it, as it improves my painting in the long run.


As I said, it is going to be a really slow project, as I'm really busy with work and poor right now. I'll get the next 3 legionaries done, then buy myself a squad of pyroclasts :) I might post some of my 40k salamanders in amongst the heresy stuff, if people would like to see more green guys.

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@marshal seanisi - Thanks very much, that's a huge compliment. I think I have a bit of work to do on it still though. I need to get the painting a little smoother, and be more patient when painting my white Salamander emblems on a black field. They aren't really solid enough in colour (especially in the photos) or consistent enough in form yet.


@Ridcully - Its hard to give much advice to be honest. It took me three goes to get it right, and I'm still not totally happy with it. With all my freehand I try to paint an outline first in a very watered down paint, generally in a base colour. I think I used a VERY old snakebite leather for the base and outline on the ram, and then painted the yellow over this. The Rams horns are key really. They are large, and take up a huge amount of space, and if you get the proportions off it looks rubbish (my first two attempts suffered from this). Get the relative size of the face and the horns right, and you are halfway there. Sorry to not be more use.


Right I actually have time to paint for a couple of hours now, so I'm going to work on the base colours for my next three legionaries... I might try another ram on a shoulder guard, but I don't want to end up with too many of these - do you guys think its worth a go, or to keep it as a very rare symbol in my force?

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  • 8 months later...

So I've done a bit more work on this project, which has been shown in the 30K Hobby Challenge. I just finished Vulkan though, and I wanted to show him off here too.

Vulkan, Primarch of the Salamanders, the eighteenth son, Lord Protector of Nocturne.

http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/2a1bde6c-fbd7-42dd-b694-9b4ee5327eb4_zpsa718744f.jpg http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/503ceb0e-1464-4ed2-a861-4dee7712bc9e_zps5446956a.jpg

http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/3844bc50-0091-4bd0-ac42-b6a04c907a19_zpsecc6caec.jpg http://i939.photobucket.com/albums/ad231/KorVesh/3b013c52-fc20-4b77-b7f7-8fea99a50de9_zps5ce584a4.jpg


I hope you like him, but all C&C is welcome. Primarch painting is awesome smile.png

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Thanks man. You mean the engraving in the upper armour plate? Its actually cast into the model (one of many awesome details). I picked it out using a wash that apply to all of the green armour, then just used my normal edge highlighting around the contours. The pattern is cool though, so I might try to free hand some of it onto some large models like contemptors when i finally have them.

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