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Freddy Kueger PF/LC combo on bike help

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I'm trying to find inspiration into modeling my Nurgle Biker Lord, but for the life of me I can't fathom how I want it to look, as I personally think dual-wielding power hands on a bike unit looks...well clumsy.  Which is befitting, but still sad.  I don't like the way it looks to grip the handlebars to drive. 


What I was planning was taking a Raptor/Warp Talon LC and using the OOP Warsmith servo arm/pf (that's what I think it is).  However getting a hold of one of those arms is becoming a royal pain in the ass. 


I happen to also have the old Night Lord and the basic Lord with the pf holding a marine head.  I was thinking of attaching that hand to a posed and making it look like the Biker decapitated some poor schmuck and drove off. 

Another idea would be to just mount something in the shape of a battering ram using some parts from my defiler I never built.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. 

Could always do one arm with a weapon, one holding steering the bike and fit him with a backpack mounted weapon? Something like a techmarine's servo arm or the Chirugeon backpack (would obviously need some conversion to chaos it up.)

An alternative would be to model some tentacles or something around the handle bars and go two weapons?


Edit- Just had an idea, try and model a mini Nurgling steering the bike!!

Could always do one arm with a weapon, one holding steering the bike and fit him with a backpack mounted weapon? Something like a techmarine's servo arm or the Chirugeon backpack (would obviously need some conversion to chaos it up.)


An alternative would be to model some tentacles or something around the handle bars and go two weapons?


Edit- Just had an idea, try and model a mini Nurgling steering the bike!!


...My Chaos Lord can surf the bike, with the nurgling driving!  Better, a second nurgling can mount the bolters!


On a sadder and more serious note, I forgot I can use the Backpack with servo arm from the Warsmith, as I can find one without much hassle. 

I don't think the Warsmith is OOP. But yeah, a servo arm usually counts as Powerfist so attaching one to the bike would solve the problem of the big hands, I think. There are also aftermarket products for that, so you wouldn't have to buy a whole mini.


Don't know how that would mesh with your fluff/theme though. Somebody  already mentioned Nurglings to steer the bike, how about a Nurgling sitting on your Lord's shoulder with a crossbow/blunderbuss? Kind of the Chaos version of an Attack Squig or Gnoblar helpers.


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