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Deathwing W.I.P - 3d modelling / printing


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Long time lurker, first time poster. So I'm waiting to start a new job and decided to brush up on my 3d modelling skills as I've let them go a bit rusty. I fancied a helmeted DW libby and this is where I've got to so far. Modelled and rigged in Blender. Still adding details and tweaking him before I start prepping him to print. Any suggestions?




Cheers guys. Thinking of adding hussar wings to make him fit in with my DW sergeants who all have them. Bit undecided. I nicked the idea for the shoulder pads off a conversion I saw on here yonks ago. Text says roughly in pig latin "Those who write in the margins shall fear the emperors's wrath". Well he is a librarian...



hmmm... that was my other possibility, a DW chaplain / interrogator chaplain. I'm just neatening up the base mesh at the moment and rerigging a couple of bits to prevent print issues in future. Gives me an opportunity to do a cool helmet.

So I finished rejigging the base mesh and rigging to make it a bit more manageable and made a start on a chaplain head. The hood is rubbish at the moment but the head is getting there. Going to redo the shoulder pads next. I'll keep the same style, but change it around some.


FInished messing about with his armour. I've made it a little more angular on the breastplate, legs and arms to give him a slightly different look. Blocked in the cloth bits which'll all be redraped once I pose him and started adding in where I want the detail to be. Think I'll do his weapons next and start working on a pose so I know where I need to detail.




Blender's fab! It's stupidly powerful once you get used to it and I do most stuff in it now over 3d studio (and its free!). Only exceptions are zbrush for if I need to do mega detailed organic stuff and sometimes 3d coat for when I just can't boolean something together in Blender. From past experience the print should come out o.k, though there'll be a bit of finishing to do and some inevitable loss of detail.
Shapeways for this. Commercial print services are still too expensive for something that's just for fun (for me anyway), if I was making masters rather than a one off I'd probably use a jewellery wax printing service like Niagara falls (I've used them for jewellery making) or find a service with a perfactory.

I'll be really interested to see the output from Shapeways as I've yet to find a decent thread where people have provided pictures of the original 3D models and then decent photos of the resultant miniatures.

I've seen various threads where people have complained that the quality of Shapeways Frosted Ultra Detail had dropped and was no longer suitable for 28mm scale. (I'd assumed this might be a drop in process quality to increase speed due to demand outstripping their ability to print) - I'm hoping you can prove me wrong!


I'm building a UV resin based printer, with hopefully a 10 micron resolution X Y Z (see www.buildyourownsla.com).


Really interested in this topic!

I've not noticed a drop in quality, my last print from them was a complex ring prototype and came out fine despite pushing the design limits pretty hard. One thing I've noticed though is that hollowing out models which people do on shape ways to reduce the price can have a pretty bad effect on quality because of the resin / support material interface, which is why I've printed this one solid. Also printing in pieces rather than as a solid model generally helps and getting a smooth transition between areas of high and low resolution when decimating. All that said, we'll see when it comes back.

Was just reading that DIY SLA forum. Wish I had the hardware chops for something like that. Anyway, todays progress. Started to bling the armour up and added a bionic arm. Shoulder pads and bionic arm based on the Inquisitor Drogan character from the Space marine game. Also got the cloth draping in roughly the way I want it to. 




Pretty much done. Going to wait for the Libby to come back from the printers to check on level of detail on the embossing etc. before I fuse this one together, but pretty happy at the moment. One or two areas that need finishing off like breather tubes for his helmet and will probably add a few rivets. What do you think?




Very much liking the finished Chaplain. My single criticism would be the seam along the top of the armour where it has been mirrored.


Do you have any examples of previous miniatures that you've had printed by Shapeways.


With regards to the home made SLA, if I manage to get decent results I'll happily open it up as a bureau service for B&C members. I'm slowly acquiring materials as my budget allows, but hoping to have it working by July/August.

Yeah that seam's annoying. Can't get rid of it until I apply the mirror modifier right at the end (I've tried, it resists, grrr). Not got any minis to show at the moment as I'm terrible at remembering to take photos and most of my stuff is in storage, however the Libby should be despatched today, so will have him by the middle of the week. Would definitely be interested in using you as a bureau if you can get up and running. Can't wait to see what you can come up with.

This just arrived from the printers smile.png A quick sneak peak before I undercoat him (when it stops raining). Pretty happy and will take a decent photo once he's undercoated and its actually photgraphable (I faill at taking photos of tiny transparent objects)



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