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Psykers and double tappin'


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Question the First


For the Stormtrooper Mission Elite formation, one of the special rules is:


"In any turn in which a unit of Storm Troopers from this formation disembarks from its Valkyrie, it may shoot, Run, and then shoot again. This second set of shooting attacks may be at a different target..."


If a psyker has joined that unit and has two different psychic shooting attacks, is it possible that he:


1. Uses the same power for both shooting attacks?

2. Uses one power during the first shot and the other power during the second shooting attack?

3. Uses one power during the first shot but must use his ranged weapon for the second shooting attack?


Why/why not?




Question the Second


Does Prescience affect Psychic Shooting attacks? I'm sure it's a yes, but wanted to be sure.

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1 - I see nothing that over-rules the "A psyker cannot attempt to manifest the same psychic power more than once each turn." on page 67 BRB, so I'd say no to using the same psychic shooting attack twice.

2 - So long as there are enough Warp Charges to do so, I'd think this would be OK.

3 - If there are insufficient Warp Charges for 2 psychic shooting attacks, then I'd say this holds true.  Although it would be equally possible to "fire" the psychic shooting attack as part of the second set, after firing a conventional weapon as part of the first set.


Prescience states the unit re-rolls all failed to-hit rolls, so that'd be a yes.

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The question is a "what if an independent character psyker joins a unit of storm troopers" based one.


The character is considered part of the unit for all purposes.


So would benefit from this tactic.

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If this formation is from the storm trooper codex, then there is no way a situation would arise where a psyker disembarks with the troopers. There aren't any psykers in that codex, and allies can't ride in another detachment's transport.


If the formation is for Apoc, then all rules are pretty much thrown out the window in order to have maximum amount of sillyness.

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First Question:


BRB P.69, "Even if a pysker has a special rule allowing him to manifest more than one psychic power per turn, he can manifest only one Witchfire power" It goes on to add:


"If he can shoot more than one ranged weapon per turn, he can use a different witchfire power in place of each"


You of course have to have the warp charges.  In your example.  1 you cannot do, 2 you can do provided you have 2 different Witchfires, so if you a Psychier ML2 and have Smite and Crush you can do one and then do the other.  3 you can also do.


Second Question:


I would say that you can re-roll the failed to-hits from a Psychic Shooting attack.  The power is manifested when you take your psychic test, not when you resolve the hits.  It also says in the BRB P68, under resolve Psychic Power: "Unless otherwise stated, the effects of multiple different psychic powers are cumulative"


Witchfires count as firing an assault weapon

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