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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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These guys are really cool! Especially the LotD. Where are the skulls from?

Thank you mate, I got the skulls from a seller on eBay that no longer sells them which is why I opted to test then other ones that I haven't used for the LOTD, or did you mean them ones?

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It's not anvil industries, these skulls look meaner, they lack the air scoop on top, and aren't squat.


@dorns fist- That's a damn shame! It's hard to find mean looking skulls, most sellers sell skulls that are too comical looking or just aren't menacing enough. The new skulls you have are a close second though. Where are those from?

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It's not anvil industries, these skulls look meaner, they lack the air scoop on top, and aren't squat.

@dorns fist- That's a damn shame! It's hard to find mean looking skulls, most sellers sell skulls that are too comical looking or just aren't menacing enough. The new skulls you have are a close second though. Where are those from?

I did not directly say they were anvil industries I said anvil industries had some similar looking ones.

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Ah, my mistake Cain. I have to admit I was pretty annoyed at the time as I had scoured the Internet looking for skulls, and couldn't find anything cool. Thanks again dorns fist for the link!
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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you brothers for the kind words.


Right first off...happy new year to you all ... Secondly .... Update time



So the heavy flamer terminator that is on the last page....I kind of updated him






What do you fine people think?


I've also took a few shots of all that ive painted so far ....






Next up to show you is the start and progression of my company banner/chapter banner bearer...
















So the design I'll be attempting is this....




Wish me luck lol


Ok so my eyes are set on making another 5 man combat tac squad....here's the sgt with some back ground on him...


During his time in the Deathwatch, Angeloi fought many battles against the Tyranids. He was in command of a successful mission to purge the forested planet of Phirus, and saved one of his men from a Lictor during an ill-advised ritualised hunt. This was to be his last posting within the Deathwatch.

Angeloi carries a boltgun equipped with Stalker-pattern ammunition, and is a trained marksman.








So there's ny update for 2015.


As always leave your comments and critism, its greatly appreciated and walkways welcomed


Happy 2015 to you all again

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Angeloi looks great, brilliant use of the seeker boltgun and recon marines backpack


That banners gonna be a doozy, good luck with it and oh!! Happy New Year, have a happy & prosperous 2015

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Thanks guys. Really appreciate the comments and support.




I love the mix of forgeworld bits youve added, it must have cost a fortune to get so many diverse kits. I really want to do something similar for my DIY chapter, any suggestions?

What kind of suggestions are you looking for fella?

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