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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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The best way to get a good amount of varied armour bits from FW. Most bits sites I know hardly have any and Im unsure about buying entire squads from FW.

In all honesty I just snipe bid on eBay, but I traded a TM MP7 airsoft gun for a mass load of FW parts from a mate of mine.


It'll all depend on what you want your marines to look like.


With the scythes they scavenge a lot of gear, when they board give ships they take armour parts no matter what chapter it's from.


Plus I love the mashed up armour look

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Thanks again guys


Nice work with Angeloi; great posing as ever mate, but that Termie is just w-o-w. On my list of 'to steal' for sure ;) Love the group shot, they are coming a long really well as an army now.

Wow thank you, from someone who's work has inspired me, that's great to hear. I'll be working on that termie in the next few weeks. And thank hit in the comment got the army shot

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To start off with, I've obviously changed my user name because of my Facebook and instergram followers knowing me by my nick name 'grizzly'.


Hey, how do you do the weathering on the yellow armour? I want my Golden Sons to look similary grim dark and worn :P

I'll smash up a small tutorial when I get on with some of my Termies if that's cool?


Thanks a lot though guys, really appeciate the comments.


Right a small-ish update...














And this guy....








Hope you like the update....as always....leave your comments and critiques...



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 thanks man


I'm feeling fussy so I'm gonna keep calling you Dorns_Fist. Just cos. :-p Have to say again though mate that this guy looks awesome. The roaring face is perfect. Just remember my idea for the next one ;-)


Always have to be the difficult one don't you? What's this idea then?


Terminator blowing the brains out of a genestealer = priceless.


I hope it's pleasing to view lol


Oooh, i never tire of seeing your updates. and not just because i love the scythes either! :D

  ha thanks you fella, there does seem to be a lot of hidden scythe love.


The painting of the standard bearers face is one of the best I have ever seen, and the termie reminds me of Hicks yelling "eat this!" during the apc escape in Aliens. Top draw stuff.

Thank you about the comment on the face, im really happy with the face my self, I just kept it simple and took my time.


And thanks on the Termie guy..... I kind of thought Samuel L jacksons part in pulp fiction..... "Say what again"

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Very cool work mate!


Standard is coming together really well, he is right 'grizzled' ;)


But that Termie - wow - proper 'nid hatred right there!! Very impressive conversion. Is that head from the new sternies?

Thanks big man. I knew I wanted a shouting face....just gutted I can't get a hold of the old shouting sgt face that was around in 3rd/4th ed....I belive it was where you could get a right pointing hand too?

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Re The pointing hand; Yeah that's it, I have got one of them (on an assault marine if all things!) after a chance encounter with my mistress eBay. They are very hard to come by though. The Space Wolves have some good shouty head too - once they have had a haircut!


Looking good though, going to be excellent when painted :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hail brothers, just a little update....added the arms and shoulder pads to the stealer and termie, along with some exit holes in the stealers head and a missing arm due to the storm bolter.









Came across this fellow in my bitz box.....may use him as my chief apothecary....or shall I just make my own as my per signature 'thing' that everyone knows me by.





Here's an update on my banner....








I am and not happy with the banner, but as a first attempt I am pleased.


So this guy...




..... Has to be a dev Sgt doesn't he?


Here he is with two devs I made....




He's power fist may be subject to change.....


I need to get a hold of the MKIII rapier back pack with the little targeting lense....but ebay isn't being nice and that part isn't on there at all.....


So hope you like the update....



As always......leave comments, ideas, opinions and crituqe

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