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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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Love the update, but i must confess i have to add one criticism with how the killing-the-stealer is going, in that i do not like when parts of a miniature dip below the ground-line of a base, and one of the Genestealers elbows does that with where they are at the moment.

I personally prefer to just have one set of rending claws on a stealer but that ones much more about personal preference.

Other than that one criticism which i'm sure shouldn't be too big a deal anyway it's great stuff!

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Thanks guys.


Love the update, but i must confess i have to add one criticism with how the killing-the-stealer is going, in that i do not like when parts of a miniature dip below the ground-line of a base, and one of the Genestealers elbows does that with where they are at the moment.


I personally prefer to just have one set of rending claws on a stealer but that ones much more about personal preference.


Other than that one criticism which i'm sure shouldn't be too big a deal anyway it's great stuff!

Nope I completely see where you're coming from. What I may do I cut the arm at the elbow joint and position it to look limp laying under neath him (stealer)

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Hail brothers, just a little update....added the arms and shoulder pads to the stealer and termie, along with some exit holes in the stealers head and a missing arm due to the storm bolter.

I need to get a hold of the MKIII rapier back pack with the little targeting lense....but ebay isn't being nice and that part isn't on there at all.....

Looking awesome mate. This is totally redundant but I have to say: please please please remember to drill out the gun barrels and mind the mold lines. 


PM me your address and I'll send you the backpack.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good morning everyone, how are we all? Right....so update time.


Made this guy....he is Apologist, as a thank you for offering a MKIII rapier back pack as Augustus b'raass kindly got in their first and Is sending one my way....so here's Apologist as a tactical sargent.








And here's my banner all complete













Now....the next guy....not sure if he should be a Scythe captain or apart of my upcoming ore heresy Imperial fist army?








Here's my chapter masters progress












Hope you like the update

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So, is it too sunny for Apologist Sarge, or his he on Ricki "talk to the hand" Lake ?  :laugh.:


The standard bearer is awesome, and the cloaked fella is a bit too "clean" to be a Scythe I feel. Could be the cloak adding a flamboyant style lacking from the battered ruggedness of the rest.


Looking forward to seeing the CM tooled up though !

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@grizzly_bear I was just saying that he looks like such a badass that he could easily be a special character like a captain or something, with a bit more decoration


Btw, that freehand is really good, the banner looks very striking

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holy :censored: i'm waaay late to this party...


those are some nice looking scythes of the emperor mate, the chapter master concept is fantastic :thumbsup:


hadn't time to read all the posts  so not much c&c from me yet.


i found one thing though :wink.:

the crux terminatus hanging from the chain on the banner front looks strange, i think it should hang straight on it's chain, but is kinda hanging on the side at the end of the chain(hope i'm making sense here)

i know i'm probably too late to change that detail, but i really bugged me:tongue.:

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Awesome awesome stuff, brother. The banner looks really great.


BUT, there is something about the charging marine with the cape that bugging me. While he is running forward it looks like the cape is being blown to the side, which seems... odd.

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Thanks a lot gents.


Concerning the chain, yes it is falling a little off on the end, that was an error I may with leaving the super glue too long.


Also with that tac Sgt I wanted him to be in mid 'order' so a 'hold' hand signal as apologist asked for a calm calculated marine


Again thank you for the comments and crituqe gents really helps

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