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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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I really like your updates, mate. You're taking us along in your entire painting process, which is always nice to see. The guys are wesome and I love the banner!


I'm looking forward to what you're going to do with the backpack I sent you :D


Thank you fella, can't wait to get te back pack either. Thank you



Great stuff. You make it so hard to toe the line between inspiration and replication :)


Really looking forward to seeing where that Chapter Master goes

Replication? But everything else you said, thank you.
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Great stuff. You make it so hard to toe the line between inspiration and replication :smile.:


Really looking forward to seeing where that Chapter Master goes

Replication? But everything else you said, thank you.



i think he means it's difficult to be inspired by your works without copying you:wink:

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Love your work so far Grizzly_bear! I agree with you that those chapters on the verge of being destroyed like the Scythes or Crimson Fists have the most character to bring to the minis especially since there are so few you can make each one stand out as a one man army against the darkness :). I say keep at it brother I will be watching with interest!

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Love your work so far Grizzly_bear! I agree with you that those chapters on the verge of being destroyed like the Scythes or Crimson Fists have the most character to bring to the minis especially since there are so few you can make each one stand out as a one man army against the darkness :). I say keep at it brother I will be watching with interest!

Thank you very much sir, updates may be small as my time is so stretched atm.


2 jobs, 5times a week training schedule, 3 dogs, a missues, warhammer and airsoft lol im training towards a competition in October.

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Thanks a lot gents.


@olis....just wait fella lol & @Ozdestro thank you very much....


Right quick few pictures of Augustus's model....






So quick brief on him....he's unstable....a trophy head hunter, one of the last Sothans left in tee chapter, only survivor of his company, at the Giants coffin A zenothorpe or whatever had him shrivelled in a mind lock but it was destroyed with an explosion at point of destruction it tried to invade his mind to survive anyway it could. The attempt failed but the scythe was wounded and his mind altered, that explosion ended te lives of his last men under his leadership as wel as left him as the sole survivor of his company.


You all like the pose?

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As I said in PM, he's awesome and I'm super excited and honoured to be immortalized like that. Also, his fluff and the enormous Tyranid head on his base make me scared of... myself? ;)


Awesome miniature, great pose, and a stellar kitbash overall. Now get some paint on him!! ;)

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Cheers fella, I would only be taking part of the credit for the feel of the model and the characters 'bio' as Augustus put the seeds there for me to use and make the character 'bloom' (wow cringe wording there)
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Beautiful stuff here, as usual.


Particularly like the Dev Sgt on the previous page, the fist and MK V look brutal together. Isn't he a Tac Sgt though, with the arrow on his right shoulder?


Maybe from a gaming viewpoint it'd be better to use the PF guy on a Tac squad and the Apologist bolter Sgt with the Devs? The fist is probably a better choice on a squad that is less static?

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Last couple of updates have been typically top-drawer. The pose on the Augustus model is very badass. If you're going to stare someone down, do it while perched on a Carnifex's head, it'll definitely make them consider what their next move is.

As good as the banner is I think you can make it even better by paying a bit more attention to the Tyranid's carapace, the crux on the end of the chain and the scythes on the skull.

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This is a fantastic, brutal looking army and the Assault sergeant is bloody brilliant! with the standard bearer where does his banner come from?

Thank you man, the banner is from the Khorne blood letters box set.


And for the banner advice, it's been taken on board thank you.



Right so a small update the chapter master and body guard that midnight runner challenged me too.





















And here is my chapter masters body guard




Hope you like the update

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