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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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Awesome work mate, I LOVE the power scythe. He is going to be your best yet, me thinks.


As for his bodyguard, I like the fact the all have no helms, each a character unto himself. I like the guy swinging the hammer, he is very good looking and handsome :) You are doing better than me btw, I painted a little on my DC's jump packs last night, but got fed up waiting for the nuln oil to dry and watched Game of Thrones........:rolleyes: :D

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He looks awesome



Thanks fella


Very nice mate. :tu:


Cheers old man lol



Your questions been answered lol

Thanks guys.

Midnight runner....where's you uodates etc?


Yeah....about that....Jump packs hopefully this weekend!! Hopefully :D

....... Waiting.....


Right here's the final update before full completion on my chapter master....so pictures away...














Ive got loads to do on the shield, leather straps, left shoulder pad, the base and General once overs etc


And I changed the LC fella in my master body guard...





Hope you like the update

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