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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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So last night before I hit my bed, I decided to do some painting on the ironclad that is also my ETL vow.


But before I left for gym and work today I thought id take a quick shot of the ETL dread and my last dread I completed together.








Hope you guys like this update, and as always drop me a comment and any critique.

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This is some gorgeous work Grizzly, thank you for messaging me recently. Looking forward to getting into some Scythes action shortly. Finally have all my hobby gear in one place after a big trip and international move.


Really enjoying your take on our fellow Sothans. The weathering on these dreadnaughts is great :)

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I don't know Grizzly. ...they look like crap...let's be honest here...those are not the right color..ultrasmurfs are blue not yellow :P



Looks great man...I'm gonna shoot you a pm in a few days. I may have some stuff you may want.

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Lookin' Great!

The weathering is as grand as always! ^_^


Thank you fella, I really do try and get the weathering as real as I can with these guys



This is some gorgeous work Grizzly, thank you for messaging me recently. Looking forward to getting into some Scythes action shortly. Finally have all my hobby gear in one place after a big trip and international move.


Really enjoying your take on our fellow Sothans. The weathering on these dreadnaughts is great :)


Glad you approve, and glad you got the email, thought it ended up a dead email for a while lol can't wait to see you back working up on the scythes too



Your thread never ceases to amaze me

thank you fella


Looking awesome buddy. I think you should paint those missile pods red. :tu:


That's cheating bro lol


I don't know Grizzly. ...they look like crap...let's be honest here...those are not the right color..ultrasmurfs are blue not yellow :P

Looks great man...I'm gonna shoot you a pm in a few days. I may have some stuff you may want.

Well that's not very nice is it lol and ok bro no worries. Thank you for the comment too though fella greatly appreciated (as are all the comments I receive of my work)


Right update time....just 3 pictures of my ETL vow, nothing major but ive done some work on the dreads helm and eye lenses









Hope you like the update

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  • 3 weeks later...

@BCK: thank you fella, that's a massive compliment for me so thank you


@pearson73: thank you mate


@Mr Lucifer: thank you also


@recon0321: thanks man hopefully you'll love his finished state.



Well....with work, training and life as a whole ending so hectic I've finally managed (on my day off) to get this bad boy done and as well complete my ETL vow.
















So there he is. All finished. I've unfortunately I've not had the chance to type up his back story but when I get on the captain (who's being painted) I'll incorporate both in another update.


Hope you like him and as always leave your comments.


Thanks for looking

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He looks superb! Man, your weathering is spot on. Love it.


One nitpick though: what's with all the ultramarine symbols on the banner? I know it's sculpted like that and I totally get that you went for that banner, but wasn't it possible to remove/replace them?

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