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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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Looks great buddy! It's always awesome to do these kinds of 'community projects', so I'm happy to jump in. 


I'm not sure I can help you, with the above questions though, but that's because I don't understand what you mean with 


[...]  I keep to that or paint the ammo pack black to co in side with the top side being red?

Do you mean the top or the side of the cape?


In any case, the back pack has so many areas, I'm sure you can get away with doing parts black, yellow, and/or red. :tu: 

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If you're still taking votes I say mohawk and gladius sword.  I like the mohawk especially because its the least like Calgar.  Not that I have anything against Calgar, but just because you're using his rules doesn't mean you have to use his character, so to speak, and that head strikes me most as a Scythes head and I think fits best with the rest of your army.


The gladius I think is better as the Templar sword seems like it'd get in his way a bit when walking or swinging his fists around.  It fits as a back-up weapon if he couldn't use the fist, in which case it's my understanding that he'd take his normally armoured hand out of it rather than weild the sword in the power fist.  Lastly it's a little throwback to their Ultramarine lineage.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the model looks pretty damned amazing.


Have you tried the flexible ammo belts from Zinge for the under-slung bolt pistols?


Also, and I apologise for the size of the pics, darned photobucket, but what about these heads from the Space Wolves range?






Both give you a grizzled Mohawk look :)

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Thank you gents for the comments. Much appreciated


Well I know it's been a while since my last update (training and work is really taking over as with any time I have im sleeping lol) but here's a little update


I won't lie gentlemen I'm at a loss wth my Calgar count as....biohazard has suggested using cataphractii shoulder pads....and tbh.....they work......here's the work....




And I found some flexy ammo belts so I'd thought I'd dry fit them on and I tried two sizes






I'm also thinking of cutting away the torso and using Calgars torso.....maybe? I Duno thoughts?



But some painting has happened first up two extra devs I'm working on






And the start of another tactical squad








Hope you like the update everyone and please leave your comments and ideas.

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Look great! The cataphractii shoulder pad is the right path, but only if you remove the indomitus pattern pads first (which on the BA left arm, it's not (or is that the picture?)). Also, the ammo hoppers perhaps are more realistic if they come out the bottom of the backpack, not out of the side. 


The devs look stunning, as always.

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I think the biggest thing for me with "not Calgar is the limitations of indominatus pattern shoulder pads and the pose I'm trying to get, as the BA arm I used has that section on the top of the left pad essentially just cut away so the arm can come up and point.


With the cataphractii pads they just look like they have much more range of movement, I know in the BOC box set of termies there's a pointing left fist.


So I may try that I also thought about counting the fists as mini hammers like this (rough sketch)



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Thorcyra has become a beacon of hope within the scythes, his tactics against the tyranids has evolved faster then any other chapter or army could hope to given the nature of the great devourer, his fighting ability has raised ten fold and he carries two ancient relics from a long lost era of mankind, a matched pair of power fists that stem from the origin of the old legion with legend stating they was forged under the imperial palace them selves under the instruction of Guilliman him self to match his own. Fitted with special bolt rounds that can penetrate terminator armour and the toughest tyranid carapace.


Thorycras greatest target aside from the rebuilding of his chapter, is a monster of kraken, 'the beast of sotha' it is named by those who survived sotha and miral, a swarm Lord, a gigantic version of the feared hive tyrant species, Lord Calgar of the ultramarines was brought low by one that belonged to fleet behemoth.


Although Hive fleet kraken has been deemed beaten there are still elements left and rumours of a colossal beast armed with 4 bone swords that directs the flow of attacks and out smarts defences, Thorycra believes that this is indeed the beast of sotha and will not rest until his own fists are covered in its ichor and it is laying dead at his feet.


"We have been beaten to our knees, on the brink of annihilation, to be forgotten and just a memory in the vast imperial records, but we came back, from ashes of war, like the phenix of old ancient tales, we will not surrender, we will stand again, we will scour the heavens of this locust horde that threatens the galaxy we call home, come brothers....for mother sotha, for the ghosts of sotha"


I'm calling him done as I keep messing around with him and thinking of changing this and that and if I carry on I won't ever be happy with him or get him finished as a model.









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Awesomeness mate, he really does look like The Boss. Much betterer than the real Calgar, and not as much of a ....you know ;)


Fluff is all good too, dude, looking forward to seeing him with paint on as I think this will guy will even top your Abaddon conversion B)

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