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Be'lakor the Dark Master a.k.a Mister Telepathy


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That's not what Jeske means, nor actually writes. He means that you'll be rolling on telepathy with sorcerers and/or Heralds, hoping to roll invisibility there, in which case Be'lakor is the 2nd source of invisiblity. In the case you don't roll invisibility he'll be the 1st and only source ^^

Ay. If someones not runing a death star or death star light tele is a lot less useful then demonology or even divination [in case of ally cs joined to demons].

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It's also worth mentioning that he has incredible utility in melee. S7 AP2 armourbane, fleshbane, mastercrafted. He carves up pretty much anything (MCs, tanks, Dreads, Lords of War) at initiative 8.


I love him & always try to include him (although mostly only at 2k and above).

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If your opponent isn't packing a bunch of cover-ignoring weaponry, then Belakor's free to spend his time gliding, relying on a 2+ cover save from jink to keep him whole.


That said, he's support and utility in melee, he's not typically going to wreck large units by himself.  He's not a bloodthirster or a mace prince.  Just not enough attacks for that, and even with a 4++ save, he's only T5.  If he gets caught on his own in melee, he's going to lose a battle of attrition.

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If your opponent isn't packing a bunch of cover-ignoring weaponry, then Belakor's free to spend his time gliding, relying on a 2+ cover save from jink to keep him whole.


That said, he's support and utility in melee, he's not typically going to wreck large units by himself.  He's not a bloodthirster or a mace prince.  Just not enough attacks for that, and even with a 4++ save, he's only T5.  If he gets caught on his own in melee, he's going to lose a battle of attrition.

That's one of the reasons why we have other fast units up there with him.


Also, remember he can cast invisibility on himself for extra survivability in melee too...

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Generally, though, you don't want to rely on that to keep him alive. Support with other fast units (mauler, bikes, spawn especially) is the ideal. That spawn or bikes are also probably our best go-to units for pseudo death-star invisibility targets is a happy coincidence.


I don't mean to say Belakor isn't good in assault - he's great in assault - just pointing out that he isn't quite the hammer that a mace prince or bloodthirster is.

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I'm starting to think that for the price of Be'lakor I can get 3 Level 3 Sorcerers. What do people think?


Well, a L3 Sorcerer and then multiple allied Heralds of Tzeench is the cheapest way. But as already pointed out, Belakor brings more than just Telepathy and ML3. It all depends on your army & what you want to do.

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