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Looking for Daemon Allies

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Ok. Here's a fast breakdown for good units.



Fateweaver - rerolls a D6 each player turn, FMC, knows/rolls a lot of powers

LoC - Can become a CC beast.

Great Unclean One - Can be tough, really slow moving.

Heralds - Unlocks special rules from units they are attached. Nurgle - Fn. If keeping with Nurgle, this guy would be cheaper than the greater daemons. If not keeping with Nurgle, then Tzeentch can get you rolls on divination. Khorne put on pressure when attached to hounds.

Daemon Prince - A lot of options here. (Greater daemons unlock DP as Heavy Support)

Artefacts -

Portalglyph has a chance to spawn troops.

Grimore can increase invulnsave of daemoms.


Elites - Not a lot of good here. I would spend points elsewhere.


Troops -

Nurglings - cheapest option. Are swarms.

Plaguebearers - Shrouded, Poisoned blade that can glance on a set # to wound

Pink Horrors - Brotherhood of psykers, has a power that is a heavy bolter thats 2D6-4D6 depending on unit size, rerolls saves of 1.

Daemonettes - Rending, extra run distance


Fast Attack -

Hounds - Scout Move, Beasts, and best wounds per points in the codex.

Screamers - Jetbikes, each can make a single armorbane attack, and a special vector strike attack.


Heavy Support -

Daemon Princes - FMC, access to artefacts and psyker

Soulgrinder - Walker that is better than Defiler. Nurgle one gets shrouded, Slaanesh one can run further. Has skyfire weapon, can take shorter range battlecannon or torrent flamer.


Hope that helps a little.

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How about:


-Great Unclean One

-10+ Plaguebearers

-3+ Beasts

-Daemon Prince of Nurgle




-Herald of Nurgle

-15+ Plaguebearers x 2

-3+ Beasts

-Soul Grinder of Nurgle


I wish Heralds of Nurgle could take Plague Drones. Drones by themselves are a bit cruddy in my opinion.

FW Blight Drones may be another thing you want to look at

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I like the second list the best. I've been thinking of including 2 Blight Drones into my army with some Plague Marines, but I could also add them to the Daemon's ally list.


Also, in the case of the Soul Grinder, what's the point of taking a Warpsword? It's just a power sword with a re-roll and it seems way over priced since the his DCCW is AP2 and doubles his strength. Instead of the Soul Grinder of Nurgle, would you recommend a Plague Hulk of Nurgle?


What upgrades would you suggest I give my Herald? Should I get Epidemus instead of a standard Herald?

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XXV points to get an extra rerolled attack isn't great, I prefer the Baleful torrent for cheaper.

For Nurgle Grinder maybe Phlegm Bombardment? Would especially work well with some Drones if you end up getting them.


Probably just a herald, I think the rolls on biomancy will be generally more helpful than Epidemus as a single HQ and just take the FNP locus, also I think an instrument and an icon for the herald squad would be a good choice. Maybe take the portal glyph if you're looking to spend points.


On the other hand if you think that you'll be able to run the bulk of your daemons near Epidemus he may be a worth while option too.

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When I ally my Nurgle daemons to either my CSM or Traitor Guard I do as follows


ADL with ILC

1 herald of nurgle vanilla to man the gun with his BS5

1 or 2 10x plaguebearers for more scoring units getting 2+ behind ADL from shrouded

1 nurgle soulgrinder hiding in a ruin with either baleful torret or phlegm bombardment depending on who I'm fighting

as many beasts of nurgle as I can fit in. 1-3 the unit is a redirector/harasser and 5-7 they become a great tarpit that is great at murdering things like blobguard etc (BTW always charge from cover or within 8 inches if possible so the overwatch hits you with less pewpew)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Beasts of nurgle, in groups of 2 or 3 are actually very decent at threatening most things, and with 4 wounds T5 a pop, and their ability to charge into enemy charges, they're pretty useful. I use a pair, deepstrike them next to my assault troops, that way if someone wants to be cheeky and assault my assaulters, my beasts charge them!


Even better with daemonology for buffed out inv save against things that ignore cover... nice fire magnets overall.

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Everyone is ignoring plague drones! They are beastly, durable, and INSANELY fast for nurgle.


Beasts of nurgle are just like them, except they don't fly. I would take 6 of each as allies if I had the points.


Fill in the rest with Nurglings. They are scoring, AND have Objective Secured! (if you're Battleforged).

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