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Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnoughts - How to equip them?


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Hi all!


I've had a look at the rules for Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought in the IA2 book from Forge World and they look like a very attractive anti-air unit. Now, I'm not really here to discuss the merits of the CM Dreadnought, as I am much interested in figuring out how to equip one to deal efficiently with flyers.

I've heard many people praise the dual Kheres pattern and while it does look pretty attractive with Heavy 6 and Rending, Strength 6 seems a bit low to properly deal with flyers. Are they still worth it due to the sheer number of shots they can throw out, or is another option more attractive?





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Quick (average based) mathhammer results in...




2 Twin-linked Heavy Bolters

- Only 6 twin-linked S5 shots

- Average of 5.33 hits per shooting attack

- no effect on AV12

- AV11 - Average of 0.88 glances per shooting attack

- AV10 - Average of 0.88 penetrating plus 0.88 glancing


2 Multi-meltas

- Only 2 S8 AP1 shots, short range and most effective within 12" (which can easily be avoided by flyers).

- Average of 1.33 hits per shooting attack

At long range/against Ceramite Plating:

- AV12 - Average of 0.44 penetrating hits plus 0.22 glancing hits

- AV11 - Average of 0.66 penetrating hits plus 0.22 glancing hits

- AV10 - Average of 0.89 penetrating hits plus 0.22 glancing hits

At short range, no Ceramite Plating:

- AV12 - 1.11 penetrating hits plus 0.11 glancing hits

- AV11 - 1.22 penetrating hits plus 0.07 glancing hits

- AV10 - 1.29 penetrating hits plus 0.04 glancing hits


2 Twin-linked Autocannon

- Essentially a Quad Gun, a good all rounder with 4 twin-linked S7 shots

- Average of 3.55 hits per shooting attack

- AV12 - Average of 0.59 penetrating hits plus 0.59 glancing hits

- AV11 - Average of 1.18 penetrating hits plus 0.59 glancing hits

- AV10 - Average of 1.78 penetrating hits plus 0.59 glancing hits


2 Kheres Assault Cannons

- 12 S6 Shots with Rending.

- Average of 8 hits per shooting attack

- AV12 - Average of 1.33 penetrating hits plus 0 glancing hits (Rending)

- AV11 - Average of 1.33 penetrating hits plus 1.33 glancing hits

- AV10 - Average of 2.66 penetrating hits plus 1.33 glancing hits


2 Twin-linked Lascannons

- 2 S9 Shots with AP2

- Average of 1.78 hits per shooting attack

- AV12 - Average of 0.89 penetrating hits plus 0.30 glancing hits

- AV11 - Average of 1.18 penetrating hits plus 0.30 glancing hits

- AV10 - Average of 1.48 penetrating hits plus 0.30 glancing hits


Against pretty much everything, the Kheres wins hands down., it's only weakness is a 24" range. But parked in the middle of the table - it'll provide great area denial, as few flyers will risk it (unless they're coming in large numbers. ie Night Scythes).

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Considering you could get a quad gun for much cheaper,  (The main reason not to take the autocannons) it would seem to be that the Kheres is the best overall choice, regardless of range limitations.  

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