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A DIY Regiment Idea


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(Note: I didn't know if this would be properly placed in Liber Astartes because, well, it says Astartes and the description didn't mention Militarum, so apologies if I was wrong, feel free to move it and the replies if necessary!)


I'm not going to go into a big story about myself, but let's just say recently I've been so much more into the Astra Militarum, and Necrons for that matter, than I ever thought I would have. Safe to say I want to pick up an Astra Militarum codex at some point soon! Although, Why didn't they just call it "Imperial Militarum"? I almost want to call them that just because...


Now for the idea! Bear with me because I'm almost completely basing my ideas and thoughts on Dawn of War and the WH40K Wiki and Lexicanum.


Designation: 1st Janovian Regiment

Chosen Sobriquet: 1st Janovian "War Pigs"

Homeworld: Janovia, Radaan System, Second Quadrant, Segementum Tempestus

Heraldry: Dark Gray, Red, Dark Red (Camo Color)

Insignia: (T.B.D)

Basic Uniform: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/igbeta2.php?b62c=@ho1oS_hadhc.hPsC2@iakk7@i8Tofi3mor_@@@@i3mor...___@.@_iakk7&grid=TRUE


Special Units: Scions, Abhuman Auxilia

Specialty: Population Suppression and crushing Insurrection/Rebellion


The Janovian War Pigs were born of the recently reconquered system of Radaan. Radaan Prime was renamed Janovia by the conquerors, the appointed Governor of the system's son. The Governor's son lead the Cadian 67'th to crush the system's Human and Orkish pirates who had set up bases on Radaan Prime, Secundus, and Tertius. The human population of Radaan Prime were mostly a mixture of crime lords ruling a beleaguered mass of civilians until that time when the 67th came like a hammer. In the aftermath however, the Governor's son did not set out liberating the human populous but rather conscripting every man, young lad, and even strong women into his fighting force. For his strength and heroism however, the Governor pulled some strings and awarded his son control of the system and naming his son Governor-Militant Janov Tullius. With his new position, title, and virgin territory for military growth, Governor-Militant Tullius of Janovia set out by establishing training centers, manufactoria, Arbites centers, and hundreds of other Imperial facilities. Within a decade, the young Governor-Militant was ready to begin a new campaign to the neighboring system which, for too long, languished under mercenary dominion and alien pirates.


The people learned through brutal and intense conditioning to volunteer and fight for the Imperium is the only choice for the strong, and unlike most conscripts, the first of the War Pigs learned not only to accept the soldier's life but embrace it. Each and everyone of the original conscripts has since died but each one's family name is remembered on a wall at the base of the Governor-Militant's fortress, engraved in obsidian, filled with ruby gemstone. This marking the glorious "Scions" who are descended from the conscripts...


Edit: Constructive comments, criticisms, and questions are appreciated.

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I suppose you could say that. It is a whole regiment, which is made up of between 2100 and 3500 individual soldiers. In my mind they are mostly mounted, (see cadian armored fist box on webstore) which is SOP for Imperial military ground forces. Then again, they do have enough resources to field tank companies and even superheavies like Baneblades but that's only on the direst occasions. Their primary function is to face down and defeat rebellions and insurrections so most often they employ infantry, heavy weapon teams, sentinels, and hellhounds. 


Also, in the face of such forces like Orks and Eldar, they will unleash their abhuman beastmen company on their enemy who are, essentially, expendable platoons of close combat fodder. Each unit is lead by a priest who sings of redemption and absolution for those who die for the Emperor, and retribution/damnation for those who betray him. They never enter battle mounted, but rather on foot, like hounds of war. They don't dare pit them against the forces of Chaos for the high risk of taint.


They employ a large company of sentinels because of their speed and value when intimidating enemy rebellions and ending lives.


Best of all of them is the Scions platoon. Each one worth 10 men, they are the regiment's elite and as I said before, they are descended from the first conscripts of the regiment.

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Sounds like a strong theme, troopers with Chimera, Sentinel and Hellhound support should do quite well. Plenty of numbers and fire power mixed with some mobility to win the day!


Have you thought about how the colour scheme will apply to your armour? When do we get to see a model? :D

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Cool fluff, very grimdark. One tyrant is replaced with another, but the people still believe they have been liberated, nice.

Colour scheme looks cool, as well - I used the same for some Kasrkin (minus the white stripe) and it looks great on the models.

Will Janov himself be represented in the force?

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Thanks for the great comments. I'm not sure how I'd go about making my character model. I like the Lord Commissar and Lord Castellan Creed models because the character's going to be chunky/bulky but they're such recognizable models that they'd be pointed out in a second.


If I could, I'd sculpt a new, slightly younger face on Creed, chop his right arm off and put a gloved pointing finger hand, grind out the sword scabbard and hilt behind him and fix the damage with greenstuff, then hack off his other arm, grind off the necessary parts and give him the Lord Commissar's sword arm. Impossible if you're me...


Basically, I like the chubbiness/bulk and clothing of Creed but I like the pose and accouterments of the Lord Commissar, such as the ornate carapace armor, sword, and gloved arms. I'm really in love with the look of the Governor-Militant of Dawn of War: Dark Crusade which is sort of a cross between those two models.

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That's going to be a steep hill unless you're really willing to get stuck in. Sculpting isn't as hard as you think if you just want to repair/patch up bits as you kit bash a model from parts. You can get Creed in resin which is a lot easier to work with when chopping, if you're willing to invest the time I think you can do it with some patience and care :)

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I'm certain it would come out looking like a turd no matter how much effort I put into it. The only kit bashing or sculpting I'd even try these days is on something I'm familiar with like Chaos + Loyalist marines and Orks. I'd have to have some practice before I'd really put too much coin into chopping and converting those pricey models.


And to answer a question before, the camo colors for vehicles I'm considering is an "Ion Storm" pattern for a change, reminiscent of the 3rd edition rulebook, in grey armor, and gradient gray-to-white ion patterns.

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I've been thinking about this regiment and perhaps it's a little too ambitious for an Imperial Militarum project, for me and my meager tactical and painting skills. Keeping with the original idea, and my love of the new Scions (Stormtroopers) models, perhaps I should START there and create an army of the finest soldiers short of Astartes. They are truly "War Pigs" by nature, being the best trained and most dogmatically loyal to the Imperium, Emperor, and Governor-militant of the system.


This way I can have a relatively small army of fine soldiers but enjoy painting them in the colors I enjoy. Big tank formations, platoons of infantry, an all round larger force can come later.


For now the 1st Regiment will be made up of the Scions of Janovia, who' family names are engraved in an obsidian wall as an example of the greatness one can achieve if one devotes oneself to the Imperium, the Emperor, and to Janov himself. :)

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