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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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1st vow complete!


2 of the models were painted in another color scheme but according to the rules it should be ok, the unit is still a legal entry from the codex. I was trying out different schemes and didnt want to strip and repaint them.

....and....time for a second vow!

I Bmseifer answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete:

Deathwing Knights x5 @235pts

Deathwing Command Squad x5 (Apothecary, champion, DW company banner and CML) @325pts


from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 560 pts on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the unforgiven and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Hopefully this vow will be done quickly, I still have alot of models paint smile.png

Totally legal on the painting.  There are no rules about painting, just that it must be to your standard.  I think if you put no time or effort into it, you'd be called, but hell, you can vow a 7 man marine squad, and paint one each a different color and call them the Rainbow Guard for all it matters, make them worship tzeench and you're good, right?  lulz.



  On 6/11/2014 at 7:04 PM, FerociousBeast said:

Aradiel, do my eyes deceive me? In your pics a few posts up, is that a Fallout power armored figure in the background on the shelf?

indeed it is cool.png a vault dweler and a couple BoS paladins in T45-d power armor. of all my random miniature aquisitions, these rank top of my favourit list

so as not to hijack the thread (much) i'll just link my fotobucket galllery . there are several images scatered up to the 5th page give or take


Congratulations Bmseifer - a much needed completion!

C'mon guys - we're half way there - the BTs are a really gaining momentum, and so are the AoD and Chaos! Let's not stay behind!


I finally finished my basecoats on my command squad! Hopefully first vow done by next week! I'm at least 3 weeks behind :( I've even forgone a couple of 7th ed challenges to paint! Why won't life let me play with my little plastic men....

As of 1500BST tomorrow I will gladly be on vacation for a whole week, and i've made clear to the better half I will be splitting the time down the gym burning flab, or at the painting table starting and finishing that first vow.


Give me one week and i'll be adding 1470pts to that total.

I, Ancient Cerroneth, Venerable Dreadnought of Painting, Declare that my first vow is complete.


I now call for a second vow, to paint, base and assemble two Terminator Librarians with Force Axes, and one with the Mace of Redemption, for a total of 315 points


Vow Completed


My Brothers!  I heard the good Cap'n Semper call for REINFORCEMENTS. DID YOU NOT HEAR HIS CALL?


In the name of the Lion, El'Johnson, the First Company, and of the ETL III Competition, I, Pbenner, of the Dark Angels forum put forth my solemn vow to complete the following models on or before August 1st.  Should I fail, I accept whatever penance that my Captain demands of me.


(1) Contemptor Dreadnought with Dual CCW and a Cyclone Missile Launcher

(1) Venerable Dreadnought with Dual TL Auto Cannons

(2) Land Raider Phoebos (Mars Pattern/Godhammer) w/Deathwing Vehicle

(2) Land Raider Terminus Ultra






The one TU is Based, and the weapons need a full repaint as they're the wrong base color - Don't starting painting while drunk, kids...  


For a Grand Total of 1,515 points.  


My First vow was 2,215 points


My Second Vow was 335 points

My Third will bring my total to 1,850 points.  I need to come up with another 400 points do double my initial vow, If it is at all possible vow 4 will do this.


My Brothers, my Comrades, I implore you, DIG DEEP, FEEL THE NEED, THE URGE, we will WIN THIS FIGHT, but we must not lose heart.  


If you need encouragement, help, advice, ANY of it, ask.  Remember that even a 100 point character, or a cheap squad of Scouts doesn't seem like a lot, but it is!  EVERY VOW COUNTS.  









I Larhendiel proudly present another vow completed:




And I once again vow to honour Lion and answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux with Company Master in artificer armour with combi plasma and power sword, Chaplain of the Dark Angels with plasma pistol and 2nd mastery level Librarius protected by Displacer Field as well as Land Raider Crusader, venerable Deathwing vehicle armed with additional multi-melta. Total worth of 655 points.


This is a very special vow for me. These four models have changed my view, from pure resentment to 40k to admiration of how spectacular these miniatures can be. When DV came out I knew I have to have them and try to paint them. I will imitate genius that inspired me to come into Rock. Or just try to.......

A great comeback! Congratulations for your completions guys - and for your bravery to re-vow! Building up momentum is very important at this stage.


@ Cerroneth: A great completion - and a follow-up! Excellent! :devil:


@ Paul: This is a very large vow mate! very impressive stuff! Good luck! :)


@ Larhendiel: Good to see the DV trio backed by a Land Raider!



Cap'n - Who needs luck when you've got raw determination?  Besides, once that pile is done, I'm pretty sure I'm down to (2) more dreadnoughts, (2) Storm Eagles, and three drop pods and I'm done with all the models I currently own for my First Company (What a shame).



That's the spirit Brother! 


Now as a reminder, the AoDs are at 23.5k pts, the BTs are at 20.1k and we are third at 16.6k. Chaos is close behind with 16k. So we need to have a productive weekend here... 

I can start next weekend with a bit of luck......I'll blast out Vow 1.........and I WILL complete the troops that make up the whole third battle company as a second vow!


Out of interest, I'm building up a Deathwatch army.  As I am a son of the Lion at heart, can I paint them up but cost them from the DA codex?

I'm guessing I am not too late for this? if not will be pledging my 1st vow this evening. Need to get painting and this looks like the perfect motivation. does it matter what level the models are built to at the start of the vow? as I have some assembled and some baecoated? thanks in advance.




PS I've only been painting a short while so you may have to bare with me.

You are indeed!


Unfortunately Vich the doors of ETL have closed to new entrants on June 1st...




The ETL is all about offering motivation to the frater and I'm not about to deny anybody that. As such let me recommend the following:


You may enter your vow as an "out-of-competition" entry. That means that you will be more than welcome to play along, post your progress and your completed vows in the ETL threads, use the ETL deadlines and be awarded the Custos Fidei if you complete all your vows by August 1st (or the Primus Inter Pares if DAs win). The only catch is, your points will not be counted towards the total of the DA faction...


I will add your vow as an out-of-competition entry in the first page and I will record your progress as you post it.


We want to see your work! :)

To show I haven't been completely idle here's a WIP photo. The white armour is done and I'm at least half way through the detailing. Why did I pick five models with fancy detailed shoulder pads? wallbash.gif


  On 6/14/2014 at 10:49 AM, Captain Semper said:

You are indeed!

Unfortunately Vich the doors of ETL have closed to new entrants on June 1st...


The ETL is all about offering motivation to the frater and I'm not about to deny anybody that. As such let me recommend the following:

You may enter your vow as an "out-of-competition" entry. That means that you will be more than welcome to play along, post your progress and your completed vows in the ETL threads, use the ETL deadlines and be awarded the Custos Fidei if you complete all your vows by August 1st (or the Primus Inter Pares if DAs win). The only catch is, your points will not be counted towards the total of the DA faction...

I will add your vow as an out-of-competition entry in the first page and I will record your progress as you post it.

We want to see your work! smile.png

But if you paint something TDA or Artificer armpour you can participate on the concurrent contest between the DA and SW... Titanas Belli msn-wink.gif


  On 6/14/2014 at 8:34 PM, Cactus said:

To show I haven't been completely idle here's a WIP photo. The white armour is done and I'm at least half way through the detailing. Why did I pick five models with fancy detailed shoulder pads? wallbash.gif


They look great mate - love the poses! Do the final push and complete them - detailing or not! thumbsup.gif

  On 6/14/2014 at 11:12 PM, The Shadow Guard said:

  On 6/14/2014 at 10:49 AM, Captain Semper said:

You are indeed!

Unfortunately Vich the doors of ETL have closed to new entrants on June 1st...


The ETL is all about offering motivation to the frater and I'm not about to deny anybody that. As such let me recommend the following:

You may enter your vow as an "out-of-competition" entry. That means that you will be more than welcome to play along, post your progress and your completed vows in the ETL threads, use the ETL deadlines and be awarded the Custos Fidei if you complete all your vows by August 1st (or the Primus Inter Pares if DAs win). The only catch is, your points will not be counted towards the total of the DA faction...

I will add your vow as an out-of-competition entry in the first page and I will record your progress as you post it.

We want to see your work! smile.png

But if you paint something TDA or Artificer armpour you can participate on the concurrent contest between the DA and SW... Titanas Belli msn-wink.gif


EXACTLY! The Titanas Belli is ongoing and although it can work in combination with the ETL, it's a standalone event in which you can certainly participate! Seriously consider it if you plan to do termies or any artificer armored Characters!



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