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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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What a wave of completions!

Politix, much respect for persevering with a cast on. You're displaying the true Unforgiven spirit! thumbsup.gif

  On 6/26/2014 at 10:52 PM, Kilofix said:

Congrats DA - just watch that Rear AV now.

No worries, land raiders are AV14 all round. tongue.png

Politix, Kilofix... I feel like I'm in an Asterix book!

Okay it's official my Chaos Project is on hold:

I Protilious-Maximus-Minimus-Projectus-Completeus The First: answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete (vow 3):

Deathwing Terminator Squad 245 Pts

Dark Angel Veteran Squad: 190 Pts

435 Pts total.



@ Captain Semper. in the last 3 years, 95% of the 40k minis i painted were for the ETL 2013, Path of Redemption and now ETL 2014. so i pretty much save my painting tolerance all year long to support my DA brethren here in the forum biggrin.png.

i don't even play 40k anymore. 0 games in 7th and a couple in early 6th. what little else i paint is the ocasional cryx model (warmachine), mechs for battletech and my small PHR army for dropzone commander.

@ BrotherSamael. the poor picture quality makes them look better than they really are whistlingW.gif

Well, file this under sucks...


I managed to break one of the mounts for my Las Cannons on my Land Raider.  The peg that the weapon is supposed to pivot on.  Trying to figure out how to fix it, as it was lodged in the hole and had to be destroyed to get it out.  


Will try to figure this out.  Oh well.  Other than that we're on track to complete before the Holiday.



  On 6/29/2014 at 5:28 AM, JeffJedi said:

Maybe drill it our and use a metal rod of the right size? It wouldn't break as easily.


I looked into this, but the mount is an odd size, and doesn't translate to Metric or SAE normal sizes.  I put it on the Caliper to check.  I ended up filling the gun side with Greenstuff and letting it cure over night, then drilled a new hole for a steel pin and mounted it through to the other side.  you can tell that it's a *little* off, but it's holding up okay for now.  Mainly it's in changing the yaw, pitch works just fine.  


Today, I will prime something for my next vow, just not sure what.



With this post, I strike a blow into the heart of the Enemy, and declare my 3rd vow complete. Tally another 1,515 points for the cause of the Lion and the first legion!


I have primed a couple of things, but as I am going out of town for the upcoming (American) holiday, I will not make that vow until I have returned and have a solid gauge on my time.

I plan on taking a step back from painting while I am out of town, but I am bringing something to assemble with me. Sadly, I cannot vow it for the ETL III, but it will be added to my Dark Angels army smile.png by modification and paint scheme.

As it sits now, my next vow will entail contemptors and characters in TDA. We will see how it goes.


@ Prot: As I usually say, you can get out of the Rock but you cannot get the Rock out of you! biggrin.png Good luck!

@ Aradiel: To me the hobby has three distinct sections (background, painting/modelling and gaming). One can enjoy all three or any one in particular and still be very much in the hobby. For the fact that you do not play much I can only say one thing: welcome to the club! smile.png And if what keeps you involved is our events here in B&C I can only feel proud!

@ Paul: A decisive blow! Up to this point the DAs are firmly in second position and with some hefty reinforcements yet to make an appearance! Bravo!


I Galthan Ironsturm answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Deathwing Terminator Squad with Chainfist and Assault canon, 1 Archivist in terminator armor and 1 Land Raider Crusader, from Codex Dark Angels of total value of 630 points on or before August 1st.





Unfortunately Galthan the doors of ETL have closed to new entrants on June 1st...


The ETL is all about offering motivation to the frater and I'm not about to deny anybody that. As such let me recommend the following:

You may enter your vow as an "out-of-competition" entry. That means that you will be more than welcome to play along, post your progress and your completed vows in the ETL threads, use the ETL deadlines and be awarded the "Custos Fidei" if you complete all your vows by August 1st (or the "Primus Inter Pares" if DAs win). The only catch is, your points will not be counted towards the total of the DA faction...

I added your vow as an out-of-competition entry in the first page and I will record your progress as you post it.

We want to see your work! :tu:


I'm sorry Brothers for this failure....

I added your vow as an out-of-competition entry in the first page and I will record your progress as you post it.

Ok Captain, i work hard !!!!

Come on guys, we're down under the 30 day mark.  If you've been procrastinating, now's the time to knock that crap off.  


We need some DO IT NOW mentality to get past this hump.  Remember that when August 1st rolls around, all you've got time left to do is regret.  I understand that most people who play this game do not enjoy the painting aspect, I used to be that way.  Painting was something that just took time away from my playing, but let me tell you that moving to a painted army was one of the best decisions that I ever made.  My ability to put down multiple options for my Deathwing at many point values, with all of them fully painted draws a lot of comment.  I'm not the best painter, anyone can see that.  The little detail I can do I do, but my hands shake so bad most days that I can't paint eyeballs, lenses, or most other details, and it hurts, but I do it.


If you are stuck, take a picture, ask a question, but the worst thing you can do is actively choose failure over an attempt at success.  


For the Lion and the First Legion!



I, Ancient Cerroneth, Venerable Dreadnought of painting, announce the completion of my third vow.


I will now march on to my fourth vow, to paint, base and assemble a Land Speeder Vengeance for 140 points.

A Tech-marine with servo-harness, auspex, and power field generator for125 points

And a Company Master with terminator armor, power sword, and storm bolter. for 130 points

for a total of 395 points.




Well done Cerroneth - and a new vow nonetheless! Wow!


C'mon guys - time to see some of the larger vows being completed now... there is only one month to go!



  On 7/2/2014 at 3:28 PM, Pbenner said:

Come on guys, we're down under the 30 day mark. If you've been procrastinating, now's the time to knock that crap off.

We need some DO IT NOW mentality to get past this hump. Remember that when August 1st rolls around, all you've got time left to do is regret. I understand that most people who play this game do not enjoy the painting aspect, I used to be that way. Painting was something that just took time away from my playing, but let me tell you that moving to a painted army was one of the best decisions that I ever made. My ability to put down multiple options for my Deathwing at many point values, with all of them fully painted draws a lot of comment. I'm not the best painter, anyone can see that. The little detail I can do I do, but my hands shake so bad most days that I can't paint eyeballs, lenses, or most other details, and it hurts, but I do it.

If you are stuck, take a picture, ask a question, but the worst thing you can do is actively choose failure over an attempt at success.

For the Lion and the First Legion!


Wow that is actually a really motivating speech. I'm being totally honest here and say that I wish you guys luck and painting speed. Thanks Paul! thumbsup.gif I have to say were I not illumiated by the truth that is Chaos I would be a DA player. May the Dark Angels finish second this year.

Vow complete!

Master Ariel of the 8th Company (Reserve Assault Company)

Normally armed with dual swords, Ariel was gifted with the Monster Slayer of Caliban at the siege of the Ivory Tower, during the Pacification of Portaelvcis.

Master Balsur of the 9th Company (Reserve Devastator Company)

The Master of the Ninth is exceedingly young to his position, nonetheless his newfound peers see great portent in him.

Well done to all completions! I haven't been here for a while but feel proud to be a fellow Dark Angel thumbsup.gif


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