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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Vow complete.


Damn just noticed i'm gonna have to do their Company symbol knee pad.



For my final act I Polythemus vow to complete One Dark Angels Terminator command squad, with a banner of Deathwing (counts as Banner of Fortitude?) with a Champion wielding the sacred halberd, as well as other special weapons in the squad (CML, chainfist) (335pts), Co. Master with Jump pack power fist lightning claw, and displacer field, (190), and 5 Deathwing Knights (235) before Aug 1, or bring shame on my chapter. Total Points 770.





Oh and with this Landspeeder (which I finished first) I have now completed this...





An impressive collection there Polythemus! Is it the old metal assault marine I'm spying there? Cool! :tu:


Your completion and new are registered! Just make sure you finish - too much is at stake!



Hey guys, 


I have run into problems with my vow.  The original plan was to go into hospital on the 30th June, out the same day then while I was recovering I could complete the vow.  Unfortunately, my operation got cancelled twice so I didn't go in until the 14th July.  I had the op, then I had to stay in and wasn't released until last Thursday and the pain meds I'm on have given me the worst case of hand-wobble I have ever known!  Building up minis isn't a problem, but painting them is!


Whilst I want to complete my Vow, I have to be sensible.  The painting would be frustrating and far below my usual standard and I'm sorry guys, I'm not prepared to submit work of such poor quality (an example - the DA sign on Chaplain Seraphicus?  I cant even follow the edges of that without mistakes).


So, it is with a heavy heart that I write to you and say that, unless my wobble-hand improves literally over night, I am a failure to the Legion and will take myself off to penitence before donning the badge of shame.

And guess what?


There's a 5th vow remaining, and one of my favorite game is to make Semper thrilling to see last minute vows that may erase a 2000pts participation... :D


So why not playing again? :P


I, Master Avoghai, of the Dark Angels chapter, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux III, and pledge to paint a squad of 5 terminators with 3 TH/SS and one Heavy Flamer and Chainfist before August 1st for a total of 250pts.



  On 7/22/2014 at 10:58 AM, marvmoogy said:

Hey guys,

I have run into problems with my vow. The original plan was to go into hospital on the 30th June, out the same day then while I was recovering I could complete the vow. Unfortunately, my operation got cancelled twice so I didn't go in until the 14th July. I had the op, then I had to stay in and wasn't released until last Thursday and the pain meds I'm on have given me the worst case of hand-wobble I have ever known! Building up minis isn't a problem, but painting them is!

Whilst I want to complete my Vow, I have to be sensible. The painting would be frustrating and far below my usual standard and I'm sorry guys, I'm not prepared to submit work of such poor quality (an example - the DA sign on Chaplain Seraphicus? I cant even follow the edges of that without mistakes).

So, it is with a heavy heart that I write to you and say that, unless my wobble-hand improves literally over night, I am a failure to the Legion and will take myself off to penitence before donning the badge of shame.

I sure hope everything mends quickly and you're back to your normal self in no time! I also want to commend you on your decision not to lower your standards - the idea is to paint to the best of your ability. If this is compromised, the sensible thing to do is wait for next year.

Get well soon man! smile.png

  On 7/22/2014 at 6:05 PM, Master Avoghai said:

And guess what?

There's a 5th vow remaining, and one of my favorite game is to make Semper thrilling to see last minute vows that may erase a 2000pts participation... biggrin.png

So why not playing again? tongue.png

I, Master Avoghai, of the Dark Angels chapter, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux III, and pledge to paint a squad of 5 terminators with 3 TH/SS and one Heavy Flamer and Chainfist before August 1st for a total of 250pts.

*puts on the 10th Master's winged helmet*

Master Avoghai... You are taking a risk that may jeopardize the work of the Lion. Should you fail a fate of unimaginable suffering awaits you!

*takes helmet off*

Now please sign here, here and here. Have a nice day! smile.png

@ Liberame: well done! Another completion for the Sons of the Lion!


  On 5/14/2014 at 2:36 AM, Rajden said:

I, Lord Jimmy Rajden answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX III


I also swear a BLOOD OATH by the Rock to at least double these points before said date.


I actually finished the painting like a month ago, just didn't have the time to update because of job and moving to a new apartment among other things. I'll throw up photos as soon as I have unpacked the paint station once again.


Am I allowed to enter a Fortress of Redemption?


On a second note I also promised to double up on the vow total so I better live up to that statement. I'll let you decide on what to paint next, I have most marine kits in storage so the choise on what kind of support the Dark Angels need to gain first place in this ETC.


To make things more interesting:

I paint what you ask for if I have it.

No suggestions = no more painted models.

Single vow.

Limit = minimum 1215, maximum as much I estimate I can finish.

All or nothing!

Glory to the first!



To put you in the right mood fellow brethren:


@Rajden - how about you paint up what I vowed as I am gonna be a failure?  


My original vow: 1x Interrogator Chaplain on a Bike, with MoR 

1x Librarian, ML 2 who has just got back from serving time in the Deathwatch

3x Ravenwing Black Knights, with RWGL, PW & MBs

5x Scouts

5x Scouts with camo cloaks, sniper rifles, ML with flakk missiles 

1x RAS with 6 bikes (2x plasma guns), Attack bike with multi-melta and a Land speeder with Multi-melta & Assault Cannon

894 points...... 

  On 7/23/2014 at 10:58 AM, marvmoogy said:

@Rajden - how about you paint up what I vowed as I am gonna be a failure?

My original vow: 1x Interrogator Chaplain on a Bike, with MoR

1x Librarian, ML 2 who has just got back from serving time in the Deathwatch

3x Ravenwing Black Knights, with RWGL, PW & MBs

5x Scouts

5x Scouts with camo cloaks, sniper rifles, ML with flakk missiles

1x RAS with 6 bikes (2x plasma guns), Attack bike with multi-melta and a Land speeder with Multi-melta & Assault Cannon

894 points......

The RAS is diffiicult as I have no more attackbikes or speeders. I'll see what I can dig up.

I should be able to cover some of it at least to a certain extent of tweeking equipment. smile.png

Did I mention I have a week vacation? msn-wink.gif

Feed me more!

I have just picked up a space wolf commission and laid down the base coat before I realized I could be working on these guys for the ETL! So without further ado.

I, Liberame, of the Dark Angels chapter, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux III, and pledge to paint

190 Belial with axe of secrets (Logan Grimnar model)
190 Belial with TH/SS (Arjac Rockfist model)
145 Librarian in TDA, Shroud of Heroes (Njal Stormcaller model)
115 Librarian w/ Shroud of Heroes (old Njal Stormcaller model)
135 Venerable Dreadnought with Plasma Cannon
190 Devastators x5 w/ 2 Plasma Cannon, 2 Missile Launcher w/ Flakk, Veteran Sgt w/ Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon.
--------------(Missile guys have extra missiles on them for flakk)
165 Devastators x5 w/ 2 Heavy Bolters, 2 Lascannons, Veteran Sgt w/ Plasma Pistol, Power Fist.
260 Land Raider Crusader w/ Multi Melta

230 Command Squad x5 w/ Standard of Fortitude, Power Weapon x2, Plasma Pistol

165 Company Veterans Squad x5 w/ pair of Lightning Claws, Power Weapon x2, Multi-Melta, Flamer
120 Company Veterans Squad x5 w/ Power Fist, Storm Bolter
150 Company Master w/ Lightning Claw, Power Fist, Artificer Armor
210 Company Master w/ Power Fist, Monster Slayer of Caliban, Shroud of Heroes

For 2265 pts

Shroud of the Heroes will be wolf pelts

Not quite 2000% sorry.


/edit to add pictures





Right. You guys know you only have until next Friday, right? sweat.gif

@ Rajden: I have updated your status in the first page to "COMPLETE" on provision that you will supply pics. Please do so at your earliest convinience and edit them to your post above (since I have linked it to the first page). Please do so before you offiically make a second vow. You seem to have a tremendous momentum - you make the Inner Circle a Happy Circle! :lol:

@ Liberame: You know you only have until next Friday, right? RIGHT? :P


The thought of stopping at four vows was bugging me, so here is my fifth!




Deathwig Terminator Squad

+5 Terminators

TH/SS x3

Chainfist x2

Plasma Cannon

Cyclone Missile Launcher



Hvy Flamer




for a total of 665 points from codex: Dark Angels


One of the TH/SS Terminators is actually a DWK Knight Master that has been lounging about alone and unpainted. Is it permissible to submit him as an ordinary TH/SS?

I, Master Avoghai, kept faith in my Primarch and fulfilled my vow.




Now it's time to sit and watch the end of the game with a beer in the hand...


And concentrate on my tribute to Argos...

I, Elmo9141, the Lions loyal painting servitor hereby declare my vow ended and thus I retire from the ETLIII with wine in hand for a recharge before beginning the next project.












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