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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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As promised the photos of progress. All painted in a simple Tabletop standard.






Therefore I start a second vow to finish painting the following:

7 Scouts - 138
(Veteran Sergant, MeltaBomb, Missile Launcher, Sniper Rifles, Camo Cloaks)

5 Scouts - 78

(Heavy Bolter, Veteran Sergant)

5 Scouts - 93
(Heavy Bolter, Veteran Sergant, Power Weapon)

Interrogator Chaplain - 205
(Mace of Redemption, Bike, Plasma Pistol)

Librarian - 170
(lvl 2 psyker, Bike, Powerfield Generator , Digital Weapons)

Ravenwing Attack Squadron, 6man+1 - 261
(Veteran Sergant, Storm Bolter, Meltabomb, Meltagun, Plasmagun, Attackbike w Multimelta)


Total: 945 pts







(HQ link to pic before undercoat: http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk232/Frozac/Dark%20Angels/20140731_103056_zps3adf3d66.jpg )

I'm all out of Cola and my eyelids are sooooo heavy, I've even dropped my brush once or twice......but on a more positive note all that is left is red for 7 termies, all 20 eyes, Nuln wash and then bases with 2hrs 45min to go. Home stretch, I CAN do it... wallbash.gif

I have answered the call of my Primarch and Legion: I hereby declare my vow COMPLETE!




That's my ugliest but fastetpainted minis ever...

  On 8/1/2014 at 2:19 PM, Grotsmasha said:

I'm all out of Cola and my eyelids are sooooo heavy, I've even dropped my brush once or twice......but on a more positive note all that is left is red for 7 termies, all 20 eyes, Nuln wash and then bases with 2hrs 45min to go. Home stretch, I CAN do it... :wallbash:

Keep going Grot you can do it! Look at my end result and then understand that anything you produce will be better!



This is the official close of ETL III.

No more completions will be accepted beyond this point.

You are free to post comments, pictures or questions but no further completions will be accepted.



Congratulations to all participants - It has been a monumental event!

Now I will compile the results and update the first page in all Strategiums posting the usual "updated to this point" once finished. Feel free to visit the Strategiums and let me know if you spot an omission or a mistake so I can correct it.

I will prepare the Final Report that hopefully will be ready on Sunday, August 3rd (so people will have a good Sunday read).

Until then relax and enjoy your weekend!

My optimistic side sees lots of chaos players not fulfilling their last vows and therefore nullifying all their submissions... Allowing the sons of the Lions to take the 1st place :rolleyes:


Did I tell you that my optimistic side was VERY optimistic? <_<



Alright guys - first page is updated. Please check that you are correctly represented - I want to get everything right!


@ Radjen: sorry mate - that's the risk for going to the last minute... :(






As my eyes got bigger and I took more on (read: moron) I realized I got in over my head. I know my vows were nothing to brag about BUT I do feel like the comradery and anticipation as well as completion of models just sitting around made this event a ton of fun.


And as a bonus of my own completion, I am keeping my self awarded name:

Protilious-Maximus-Minimus-Projectus-Completeus  The First 


Just rolls of the tongue, doesn't it? ;)


In all seriousness I didn't want to be the guy who had stuff deleted from previous vows because I got in over my head. lol


Along the way some of you guys blew me away. Not just with great models but some of you turned into absolute machines. I almost think there should be a limit... like 6K or something since some of the chaos guys were basically completing Legions on their own. :)


I know some of you don't play often, or don't necessarily paint often, but it was a lot of fun doing this event with you and sharing the results.

Congratulations gentlemen (and ladies, I know there is at least one of you) on this excellent work, yet again I did not have the time to participate, but next year, I shall join. Again, congrats to all of you who have finished. And to all of you that could not, congrats for the attempt, sometimes life is our worst enemy.



Nice one, thanks for the event Cpt. Semper!

Overall nice performance by the DA, atleast we still live up to our reputation as the First Legion (as in, highest of the imperium forces biggrin.png ). Next year I'll also try to contribute more than just my single vow!

Very happy with second, some really inspiring stuff from our forum, we are after all -- a hobbyists army.


I will say though, not to be a stickler.. but I looked at those mega vows -- I didn't see any pictures posted of prior-unpainted models.  But in the end impressive armies nonetheles.  


Those BTs though! What a performance! I was hoping we'd get the highest completions but that's a great testament to their ZEAL.


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