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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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A great big thanks.gif to all involved especially our very own Master of Recruits for all the hard work he put in to it.

1st would have been better but second is not bad either.

I only have tacticals/RW left over and definitely WILL NOT be buying any more until my painting queue has significantly shrunk. The cupboard is nearly full ;)

Thank you for organizing this event, Captain Semper! It's because of people like you that the number of grey plastic miniatures are replaced with painted ones. For your efforts, and all those who work tirelessly behind the scenes on this website, I thank you!


...now, about that "chaos is wonderful" statement you made...

Congrats to all the DAs on making second place. Whatever you guys' result, you'll always have the honour of having your chapter badge in the back of all the ETL badges. :tu:

Thanks for making this a great event and see you next year. Now, on the Call of Chaos! It's never to late to admit it.... msn-wink.gif tongue.png

I will say though, not to be a stickler.. but I looked at those mega vows -- I didn't see any pictures posted of prior-unpainted models. But in the end impressive armies nonetheles.

No worrries there mate - Chaeron, Kilofix and Steve all had very active WIP threads wherein they posted all models -one post for the whole army and then consequtive posts for all finished models. Steve usually posted about four tanks per day. And we've all pushed Kilofix for more colours on his last Knight - which he did with proof. ;)

Well next year I am painting with you boys!! My penance vow if our BT forum lost to yours :) so much for redemption!


Penance Vow:

I will be painting and customizing a special Captain Semper model as well as a full company of deathwing termies and supporting cast!!


So with that said, how many termies am I buying since it is unclear from the dex. Do I shoot for 100? The apoc formation listed? Any suggestions would be great!! Is a mixture of assault and shooty ok. This will be the biggest termie force I have ever put together.


I need to spread out the purchases over the next 9 months so the wife doesn't kill me!! LOL

DW can technically be as much as you want since it's undisclosed.  Technically Deathwing draw from all of the successor chapters as well.


As far as Apoc goes.  It's 6 units of DWT and 4 units of DWK with Belial.  So if you max everything out that's 100.  Would be rather magnificent to see.  Get the airbrush ready!  I hate painting bone now :(

Thanks guys!! That is what I was figuring. That magical number of a 100 :)


I have never used an airbrush but I think now is time to learn!! I also hate painting bone sooooo much!!


I am planning a couple of LRs various patterns and a few dreads for good measure. My DA army has never had much termie focus so I am excited to start the process of tracking all of this down.


I am very excited to paint with this forum next year. You guys do amazing work. The bar has been set and I am eager to try and meet it!!

Hahaha the temptation would be too great to add a white shoulder pad and make them Templars!! Hahaha


I had thought about doing something different, but I haven't seen a full blown death wing in years and it was with old school termies. I think it might be fun to try and do it up right!!


The point of a penance vow is for it to hurt and be painful!!! It's the templar in me :)

I've literally used most of my stockpile, I've no idea what I'm gunna do next year....I've have to continue the trend of painting more each year which means I'm looking at around 5000pts or so.....

See if all the legions were released for 30k, would we still haven HH faction for ETL, or would each legion count for the Chapter/Legion forum?


By this time next year I can see me having nothing more to paint for my 40k DA, but would feel like a traitor competing for a different forum group.



Perhaps for now, but next year....things will be different! Ultimately, what i manage to vow will depend on if the HH releases our army in that time. My 1st Legion fund that i started as soon as I heard about the HH should make for a solid contribution, even with the mini's priced according to our codex. I've spent the time since the ETL closed to count up the points value of my army, and with a few gallons of simple green...well...that would also let me shatter my own contributions this year. For now, I'll simply work to improve my skill so that I not only field a massive vow, but one of the highest quality as well! ( /proceeds to use my new pin vice to start drilling over a thousand barrels...1....2.....3....)

Hey Tanyr, Well done mate!!! well done indeed.


Thanks for all the efforts that have given us the FIRST placing of the Loyal Legions, we are truly the most loyal to the Emprah after all :P

Well I'm very happy with how things turned out, even though we didn't win we proved our might. Our vows inspired each of us to keep fighting. I had considered myself finished two weeks ago but I had to throw in some more points near the end. Thanks to the ETL I have many more models painted.


I'm so impressed by the painting and modeling I've seen in our thread.


To Semper: Thanks to you I have about 5,000 points painted to completion, what more can I say?

The DAs had a stunning performance! 


We beat last year's score (which made them Primus Inter Pares btw) and if it were not for the frenzy of the Arch Heretics steve shields and Fasha the Dog, we'd have won this year too!  Also we had the highest completion rate (if marginally so) at 77.6% - this is amazing given the sheer number of points and participants! :tu:


Congratulations to all, now take some rest from the brush and start planning ahead for next year - ETL IV will be upon us in 9 months time!




So, it took the entirety of the Traitor Legions to beat the Dark Angels. Sounds about right. laugh.png They're lucky it wasn't Loyalists vs. Triators, or the Eye of Terror might have disappeared. tongue.png

Considering the lack of plastic model support for so many of their untis (which would HUGELY garner more interest/excitement), the Traitors did rather well. So much productivity, on the part of everyone, receives nothing but praise from me. May the armies of grey continue to fade away. cool.png

**** A shrouded siloutte stumbles into the room, leaning onto a pillar, dragging his feet ***


Brothers, I have failed you.


Lost in the Empyrian, I was sucked in by forces beyond my strength and control.


However, and although I cannot make up for letting you down, I will do the best I can to finish my original vow before the end of the year.


Congratulations to all the impresive efforts and it's always a matter of pride to belong to this, the one and truly


First Legion


PS. Oh yeah, congrats to the ETL winners too ;)

Just wanted to give a shout out to Tanyr. Brother well done. Chaos may hold up their Champions, but we hold up you. Your dedication was truly inspriational, and was achieved throughout the competition, unlike some who rushed their paint jobs at the end. May the Inner circle present you with the Halberd of Caliban til the next ETL. (that being said, you need a new camera bro.)  :)

Aye, cellphones are somewhat lacking when you let the lens get all scratched up. I've already decided my next warhammer 40k investment will be something to take pictures of the miniatures! Anyone else having difficulty picking up a brush since the end of the ETL? The desire is there...but something is just keeping me from getting into it. 


As an aside, I've tallied up my collection so far, and it comes to 22,898 points. Could have sworn i had more, and the thought that two vows from a single player shattered my own collection is daunting. 

Exceptional work and dedication by all those who participated. The Dark Angels have indeed proven to be First Amongst Equals amongst the Emperor's loyal sons with 60,000+ points completed and a 70%+ completion rate. Sadly I was not one amongst them. However, I was indeed glad to see the forum full of such heroes who took the battle to the minions of Chaos.


I have to specifically congratulate the Master of Recruits who has gained an enormous and complex achievement in running this ever successful and expanding series of E Tenebrae Lux, each one bigger and better than the other. His involvement in the previous "Call of Chaos" event no doubt contributed to the rejuvenation of that forum and the surging ahead of the unspeakable ones to their Dark Glory of nearly 100,000 completed points.


Now we prepare, for the future of mankind, for the Emperor and for the Lion... think, plan, recruit and prepare for the coming onslaught.


Well done too in laying low the Sons of Russ in the Bellum Aeternus: Titanas Belli and for the exemplary documentation of successor chapters in Brotherhood of Angels. We are truly the First amongst the Loyal Best!






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