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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Space Wolves Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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  On 6/22/2014 at 6:52 AM, Kasper_Hawser said:

Why can't u fire CML and bolter at same time, but u can with storm bolter and CML?

Because that's what the rules for the CML say; check your codex for the entry.

  On 6/22/2014 at 1:58 AM, Valerian said:

Arez, it isn't allowed, but regardless it is a really, really, bad idea, because if both of your Terminator Heavy Weapons (in this case CML and Assault Cannon) are on the same model, then you have to chose which one you're going to fire in a given Shooting phase. This means that the other weapon is doing nothing, and being wasted. If you put them on separate models then they both get to fire every turn.

Since when cant you,it says you can fire your SB and CML and when you take an AC you replace your SB

  On 6/22/2014 at 4:30 AM, Captain Semper said:

@ Valerian: Your input is totally within the spirit of the ETL and your comments are very welcome... You should see what's going on in the Chaos thread! ohmy.png

What do you expect,its Chaos :P now i wanna go and see whats going on lol

  On 6/22/2014 at 11:54 AM, Valerian said:

  On 6/22/2014 at 6:52 AM, Kasper_Hawser said:

Why can't u fire CML and bolter at same time, but u can with storm bolter and CML?

Because that's what the rules for the CML say; check your codex for the entry.

Did,doesnt say nothing about not firing weapons that replace SB's

Update for my vow: little set back,accidentally dropped the board i had my vow on breaking a few pieces and taking off some paint that was specially mixed.

OK OK, Arez, Valerian, settle down. Frankly I don't give a damn about whether I can fire the bolter after the one shot anyway. I like my kitbashing of the combi flamer and that's the end of it. :)

Anyway, I'm proud to announce the completion of my second vow as well! Gentlemen, I give you, my rendition of Bjorn the Fellhanded armed with Plasma cannon! But first, my inspiration....


Now, I present Bjorn!


Honey? Where are my heads?




sigh, this is the least impressive part. In the end, I chickened out and printed the banner sent by Dantay on glossy paper, and then pasted on the banner. I didn't even try to paint myself as 1) lazy and tired after putting all the bling on Bjorn, and 2) no confidence in my personal drawing detail painting ability. For that, I hope all you forgive me on how fake the banner looks, even from afar.


Will have to decide what other vow to make later. Goodnight guys, doing Bjorn was the most fun part of my vow so far.

Im actually curious to see if i screwed up on the build of my guy and on my vow for the first ETL(since thats when my dual heavy was made). That Bjorn looks awesome,for the banner you could try using a little green stuff along the edges to make the paper seem as if its part of the plastic banner.In any instance it still looks good.

For the benefit of anyone still confused by this, the rules are quite clear on this matter.


Infantry models may only fire one ranged weapon, regardless of how many they are equipped with, IAW page 41 of The Rules "Unless otherwise stated, if a model has more than one shooting weapon, he must choose which one to shoot - he cannot fire both in the same Shooting phase."  There are a few exceptions to this general rule, but those exceptions are quite specific in how they are applied.  One example of an exception is with the Gunslinger rule, page 42 of The Rules "All models with two Pistols can fire both in the Shooting phase.  This follows the normal rules for shooting."


Likewise, a model equipped with a Cyclone Missile Launcher, is also advantaged by a very specific exemption to the normal prohibition against shooting more than one weapon in a Shooting phase, according to page 30 of our codex, "A Terminator can fire his cyclone missile launcher in addition to his storm bolter."  His storm bolter.  Storm bolter.  


You will notice, I hope, that it doesn't say anything about firing the CML along with whatever other alternate weapons a Wolf Guard Terminator might choose to select instead of a storm bolter, so no, you absolutely may not fire your CML at the same time as you fire your combi-weapon, because the rules don't say that you can.





I, Kasper Hawser, hereby pledge to paint a full Grey Hunter Squad as follows:


Pack Draca

10 man Grey Hunter pack

2 X Flamers

Mark of the Wulfen

Wolf Standard

Drop Pod


Total points: 210.


This I declare and commit for the glory of the Fang, failure to do so by 1st August will result in me wearing the badge of shame for the rest of the year.

  On 6/22/2014 at 8:30 AM, mactire said:

  On 6/21/2014 at 10:59 PM, rune priest sven said:

  On 6/21/2014 at 9:58 PM, mactire said:

Wolf Lord Erik Morkai

2 x Wolftail talismans ----- 10pts

His twin brother

2 x Wolftail talismans --- 10pts

Since when are we allowed to take dubble talisman on a single model?

Whoops, Capt you can knock 10pts off my total make it 360pts. I think I read that wrong, good spot Sven

Dantay - love the shields, the Celtic artwork is fantastic.

Thanks Kasper, think Its either the light or the tablet camera (new, not that used to it) but the colour is the Fang, no hignlightstongue.png . The shields are FW boarding set, six to a set, three sets for two nine man packs.

no problem, just don't want to look like we are cheating.

@ dantay: Those shields are beyond awesome! Both sides!!! The wood turned out absolutely great and the detail on the front? Forget about it! Total win!!!


@ mactire: Total points corrected! :tu:


@ Kasper: You're really keep going Wolf Lord! A fantastic Bjorn (excl. the banner :lol: ) and a third follow-up vow? wow!




Pack Draca is on the way. Another first for me, a flamer wielding marine!


This one I plan to be my wulfen. For me, my wulfen are always distinguished by the totems on their power packs.



Oh yeah, never realised how cool a flamer looks till now.


Pack Draka will be my anti horde/horde tarpit pack. With a Wulfen in the pack, at least I have a tiny chance of hurting big monsters. But mainly, this pack is for small griblies. Hopefully they last long enough for the Rhinos to drive up field or the second drop pod wave comes.


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