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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Space Wolves Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Hey Captain, 


I may have been confused by the big numbers or the mjod, but my vow's value is incorrectt. i originally typed 4350, but it should be 4450. I caught that screw up when I was readying the next wave of Wolf Guard to be primed earlier tonight.


I amended my post here and in my thread to correctly show the points and vowed models, but you may need to update your super secret point total.


thanks alot and sorry for the screw up!



Got him finished!! Maybe a third?????












@ WLK: Fixed! ;)


@ Tommie: :blink: That is beyond awesome... And done is such a short time too... I'm speechless... Please go for another one! :tu: (BTW I assigned 375pts to it - is it correct?)



Well, not quite there yet, to be honest.

The Wolfwhiz will help though Brother Arez, keep it comingmsn-wink.gif , skól!

Summer(laugh.png ), my family on holidays at home, the world championship in soccer and other less classifiable stuff have kept me so busy between them I wasn't able to finish my 1st vow yet.

Still hoping on finishing within the weekend maybe and then go for a small 2nd vow after that. Time only will tell.

Updating on my vow, 3rd and 4th Grey Hunters ready!



LOL, I was thinking of giving him some grey hairs, but decided that he looked so much like He-Man in my eyes, I think I'll leave it like this first.


And here's the second flamer dude in Pack Dracha!


fifth Grey Hunter along the way. Just need assembly and painting and its done!

I the Venerable CatSmasher answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 2x GH wilth Meltas, 2 Wolf Guard Packs with combi weapons (6x melta, 5x Plasma, 4x Flamer) and 1 TDA, with CML, s well as 3x Wolf Guard Battle Leaders, and 3x Wolf Lords from The Space Wolf codex of total value of 1268 points on or before August 1. Success will bring eternal joy to The Vlka Fenryka and failure will doom me bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

In addition if I fail this vow, I run naked through the Aett in the mid of winter

Sorry about the pic quality. I've had a ton of trouble getting pictures up here, and my last vow was lost in the warp.


Holy cow Catsmasher, that's a lot of points to do in just one month! What are you going to arm the Wolf Lords and Wolf Guard Battle leaders with though? I wish you luck. Looks like you already assembled and based most of them though, so I guess the challenge is just painting them. Assuming you can do two model per night, should have enough time.

Updating on my vow, half the pack is complete, 5 more to go plus the drop pod.


Sad to say, this wolf is assembled mostly from the Tactical Space Marine bitz box, save his helmet, pauldrons and the bolter. I just thought this suggested pose from the Tactical SM box looked cool, so I tried it with Vlka Fenryka colours plus some wolf decorations. Turned out pretty good I think.


another view from the side.


Yup, the more closely I look at it, the more I'm loving it. You gotta admit, the Tactical SM box is one of the best boxes out there for virtually ANY Space Marine force you want to assemble, even non codex ones. Just look at the detail of the legs and arms, just waiting to be filled with the magical nuln oil. Though I think I should paint the knee pads to make it look more SW.


And here's half the pack ready! Well, I consider them ready although I haven't based them yet. Basing is not something I enjoy and normally leave for last. Still, I promise to get to it before the month is up.

I took that picture about 2 weeks ago. I tried to post it then but it didn't seem to work. I based the points on a particular build for the wolf lords, but the arms will be interchangeable. I have a powerfist, blade, axe, on the right arms, SS, bolter, blade on the left

This is great momentum picking up guys - the SWs will sure make their presence felt! :TU:


@ CatSmasher: A brave vow indeed! Good luck sir!


@ Kasper: Coming along nicely - great poses! Look fwd for the bases too!


@ Tommie: I take it this is an official vow... Points total 375 again? 




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