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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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Lords of Chaos, Daemon Princes of the Eye!

Now is the time to lash out! The Eye will vomit the wrath of the Chaos deities eclipsing even the 13th Black Crusade! New Champions will catch the attention of the Dark Gods and rise to new heights of glory while the weak will be left to rot as forsaken Chaos spawns… So come aspiring champions, lift your tainted weapons and show the lapdogs of the Emperor what fighting the Long War truly means!







Welcome to ETL III and the Realm of Chaos Strategium! Here is the home for those who want to participate in the ETL putting their weight behind the Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Daemons! The recent Call of Chaos VI has shown the vast capacity of the Chaos faction – if similar performance is exhibited in this year’s ETL, the Chaos Faction will certainly bid for the top position!

Similarly to last year, I will record the patron God for each vow (or Chaos Undivided if that is the case). So don’t forget to declare your allegiance in your vow along with all the other details. This has no impact on the mechanics of the ETL but it will be cool to know which God (or Chaos Undivided) is the strongest within the B&C community. Note that supporting a God does not mean that the vow itself should consist of God-specific units – nor they should be modeled as such. Furthermore, given the fickle nature of Chaos, participants are allowed to pledge each of their vows to different Gods if they so desire (but cannot split a vow between Gods)!

The rules of ETL III can be found below:




So what purpose does the Strategium serve? Well, its official function includes the following:

  • Post vows & declare completions. This is very important as placing the vows elsewhere will create unnecessary confusion and lead to mistakes. Also if you do not report the completion here, your status will not be updated.
  • Participation tables. Here I will be updating the rosters of participation so make sure you see your name is listed and that your status is correct - and if not, notify me. Furthermore, given the diversity of the Angels of Death faction, I will group all participants according to the forum of origination.
  • Post your pictures. Remember, we need at least two – one “before” and one “after” but feel free to post as many WIP pictures as you like!
  • Weekly updates. This is where I’ll be posting every week an update of the event in general so the frater can keep track of what is going on in the wider picture.
  • You are also welcome to use this thread to encourage each other, devise strategies, discuss the developments of the ETL and of course ask questions. For the latter you can also PM me.



Before we kick off I’d like to bring your attention to the fact that his year, apart from the Codex: Chaos Space Marines & Codex: Chaos Daemons you may choose one of the following FW lists for your vows if you so wish:

Additional army lists:

* Renegades and Heretics – The Defenders of Vraks from Imperial Armour Volume 5: The Siege of Vraks – Part 1
* Renegades and Heretics – Servants of Slaughter from Imperial Armour Volume 6: The Siege of Vraks – Part 2
* Renegades and Heretics – Servants of Decay from Imperial Armour Volume 7: The Siege of Vraks – Part 3
* The Tyrant’s Legion from Imperial Armour Volume 9: The Badab War – Part 1

So with no further ado, let’s begin!

Participants are grouped as per patron God. The lists are alphabetical.
Chaos Undivided
200plus | Vow 1 [1,279]
A Kvit Ghost | Vow 1 (155)
Angelus Encarmine | Vow 1 (720) COMPLETE
Augustus b'Raass | Vow 1 (1,458) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (362) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (540) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (300) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (875) COMPLETE
Blackheart1223 | Vow 1 (770) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (810)
Brother Heinrich | Vow 1 [997]
Capitano | Vow 1 (380) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (315) COMPLETE | Vow 3  (1,411) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (2,156) COMPLETE
Dragonlover | Vow 1 (268) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (522) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (340) COMPLETE
FashaTheDog | Vow 1 (10,341) COMPLETE
greg0985 | Vow 1 [2,324]
Hellrender | Vow 1 [165]
HsojVvad | Vow 1 [490]
Iron Skull Mask | Vow 1 (265) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (140) COMPLETE
iWarsaw | Vow 1 [1,400]
jiron | Vow 1 (150) COMPLETE
Kilofix | Vow 1 [4,115] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [1,765] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [1,873] COMPLETE | Vow 4 (2,211) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (700) COMPLETE
Kol Saresk | Vow 1 (80) COMPLETE
Kythnos | Vow 1 (595) COMPLETE
leinmann | Vow 1 [717]
Lord Rust | Vow 1 [807]
Malisteen | Vow 1 (200) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,080) COMPLETE
-Max- | Vow 1 [1,347]
Noctus Cornix | Vow 1 [2,025]
NoLifeKing | Vow 1 [363]
Rayray | Vow 1 (130) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,334) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (1,417)
Reayonix | Vow 1 (1,233) COMPLETE
Scribe of Khorne | Vow 1 (896) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,817)
Sith'ari | Vow 1 [905]
Teetengee | Vow 1 (170) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (770) Khorne COMPLETE | Vow 3 (155) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (135) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (30) COMPLETE
steve shields | Vow 1 (17,086) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (10,101) COMPLETE
Thamier | Vow 1 (2,254) COMPLETE
Totgeboren | Vow 1 (411) COMPLETE
Yogi | Vow 1 (2,066) COMPLETE
 zyl- | Vow 1 [1,782]
B E N | Vow 1 [1,240] COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,090) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (1,026) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (110) COMPLETE
Drii_Jokker | Vow 1 (583) COMPLETE
Kaela_Mensha | Vow 1 [1,080]
Little lano | Vow 1 [399]
Namia | Vow 1 (120)
Uprising | Vow 1 [3,332]
Vesper | Vow 1 (145) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (140) COMPLETE
Castellan Cato | Vow 1 (50) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (160) COMPLETE
Chaeron | Vow 1 (1,015) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (1,045) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (4,521) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (270) COMPLETE | Vow 5 (495) COMPLETE
Faelchu | Vow 1 (575) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (380) COMPLETE
Gubnutz Da Grim  | Vow 1 (725) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (714) COMPLETEVow 3 (548) COMPLETE
Razblood | Vow 1 (200) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (259) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (190) Slaanesh COMPLETE | Vow 4 (185) Slaanesh COMPLETE | Vow 5 (1,065) COMPLETE
Scag | Vow 1 [166]
SlaveToDarkness | Vow 1 [1,909] COMPLETE | Vow 2 (4,208) Slaanesh COMPLETE | Vow 3 (130) COMPLETE
Maggot Thrasher | Vow 1 [522]
TheDevourer | Vow 1 (456) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (285) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (172) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (70) COMPLETE

Akylas | Vow 1 (230) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (335) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (135) COMPLETE
Aridene | Vow 1 (680)
Aquilanus | Vow 1 (468) COMPLETE
Excessus | Vow 1 [564]
JasonX | Vow 1 [537]
MyDaemonCallista | Vow 1 (940) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (620) COMPLETE
daemonclaw | Vow 1 (497) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (612) COMPLETE | Vow 3 (270) COMPLETE | Vow 4 (666) COMPLETE
Forte | Vow 1 (430) COMPLETE | Vow 2 (695) COMPLETE
Fortis | Vow 1 [418]
Guts | Vow 1 [755]
noisemarine | Vow 1 (1,711)
TJWyrm | Vow 1 [379]
Arizonajirt | Vow 1 (1,013) COMPLETE
Clone | Vow 1 (375) COMPLETE
Sheesh Mode | Vow 1 (2,000) 
Kilofix | Vow 1 (tbc)


(List is alphabetical)
200plus: If I fail my original vow I will paint and give away (locally) an Ultrasmurf (marines) army of at least 1500 points during my penitent period with updates posted to my WiP thread.
Augustus b'Raass: IF: 

  • Chaos does NOT win the ETL III competition; AND
  • TanHausen has send me a terminator to be used as a casualty on my titan base,

that I will construct and paint a power armoured casualty from my own company and send it to TanHausen to be used on one of his walker bases. TanHausen has the right to give me leading dimensions concerning the surface this casualty shall lay on, as well as on the extent of the damage the Night Lord marine has suffered. I will write a back-story for this victim, and consult TanHausen about possible tie-ins with his fluff. I swear this by my pride and that of my brothers.
Forte: If Chaos are beaten by the Black Templars faction, I will paint an Emperor's Champion to my usual painting standard
Gubnutz Da Grim:  if I do not complete the last elements of my second ETL vow by 7/7/14 and have them posted up here, then my vow III will have to include another 9 man Thousand Son Squad.
Noctus Cornix: For each Lord of Chaos who chooses to fight under my banner and dedicate their vow to my cause, I vow to you my brothers that I will pledge an additional unit to my following pledge and personally oversee each of your progress to ensure our ultimate victory! If this interests you, send me a PM and we shall stand together and bring ruin to the Imperium of Man!  Call of the Abyss: The Crusade of Cynder and Ash.
Uprising: If the Angels of Death (minus the Templars) finish lower in the final ETL Rankings, "The Yak" will paint a Chaos Raptor Lord! If the AoD finish higher than Chaos, I will paint an loyalist HQ (my choice). [accepted by The Yak]
SlaveToDarkness: vow to Double the points of my first vow when I make my second. I vow to paint more points of Slaanesh minis than Forte, If I fail I will redeem myself by undertaking a vow chosen for me by Forte himself.
Kilofix: I vow to paint 6 Sisters Repentia to the best of my ability if total points pledged and completed for Realm of Chaos is not at least double that pledged of Forces of the Imperium, at the end of ETL III.
Also if Chaos wins ETL III, I'll paint the following between Sep - Nov '14:
5 Word Bearer Chaos Lords, all w/FW Ashen Circle bodies / heads; that I will MAIL (if they desire) to the top 5 folks of Chaos Undivided with the highest total score across all Vows within the Undivided group; with THEIR choice of 40K Chaos Lord legal loadout (i.e. choice from Chaos Codex Ranged / Melee list - combi-weapon etc.).
4 Chaos Lords in TDA, all w/FW Cataphractii bodies / heads; that I will MAIL (if they desire) to the top single Slaanesh, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne participant with the highest total score across all Vows within their respective group; in respective Slaanesh, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Khorne colors; with THEIR choice of 40K Chaos Lord in TDA legal loadout (i.e. choice from Chaos Codex TDA weapon list - TDA combi-weapon etc.).
Malisteen: I swear, on the honor of the Black Legion, that I shall contribute more points to the chaos faction in this ETL than Forte.  If I fail, I vow to paint one Slaaneshi Chaos HQ in the colors of Forte's warband, to take over as warlord of my army in at least one battle as documented in a battle report with pictures.
steve shields: if Chaos does not win ETL 3 I will paint 3 warhounds and a reaver before ETL 4 and that they may not be used in a game until they are painted
Teetengee: for every faction that defeats the glory of chaos, I shall paint one force org of ultrasmurfs, although that may have to wait until next ETL. ALSO If the combined forces of the Black Templars, Angels of Death, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, and Space Wolves exceed the contributions of chaos, I will model and paint a casualty of my warband being defeated by the forces of the corpse god!
Tenebris: If team Chaos loses this year in ETL or should I fail to uphold any of my vows for the competition, I will paint a Space Marine Scout Squad with Sniper Rifles in the livery of the Ultramarines. I will give away the squad to a fellow local player who plays Ultramarines and due to a grave case of diabetes is in constant tremors which prevent him to paint any models.
I offer my soul to the Gods of Chaos right now! By the time the E Tenebrae Lux challenge ends on August 1st I will double the points I have pledged in my first oath and crush the dogs of the Imperium!
(List is alphabetical) 
Angelus Encarmine
Augustus b' Raass
B E N 
Forte (Sorcerer Supreme - Invoker of the Soul Vow - Most Debased among the Damned)
Gubnutz Da Grim
Noctus Cornix
Scribe of Khorne

(List is alphabetical) 
Castellan Cato
Penance Corruption & Soul Vows are unofficial - there will be no penalty if you fail to fulfil them.

I, TheDevourer, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Codex: Chaos Daemons: 3 Plague Drones, 5 Chosen (Power Mace, Power Fist, Twin Lightning claws, Mark of Nurgle), 1 Chaos Lord (Blade of Relentless, Slaughterer's Horns, Daemonheart, Mark of Nurgle) of total value 456 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to Grandfather Nurgle and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

As an extra I vow to complete some started off squads aswell. 5 Horrors and 3 Plague Bearers will also be completed in the name of the plagued one!

Now to wait for the 1st so I can begin smile.png

I, Chaeron, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Codex: Chaos Daemons: a Lord of Skulls with a Daemongore and Skullhurler, of total value 1015 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to Grandfather Nurgle and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


(Edited points total!)

Did someone say Traitor Guard (and yes, I've just been through the Vraks books and book 3 mentions a few Super Heavy tanks). This opens up options.


How do Knights fit into this though? IIRC those are not listed in any of those books at all.

I Aquilanus answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete Lord Rai Lurweiss, ONE (1) Helbrute (Codex default), TWO (2) Cultist Squads, from Codex: Chaos Space Marine (Tzeentch sub division) of total value 468 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Bahltimyr Reavers Warband, cursed sons of Corvus Corax and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Now, let us see how things develop...


Edit: Post and vow changed to reflect on a few things.

  On 4/30/2014 at 1:26 PM, Chaeron said:

Keep the pledges coming all... I have a lot more I can vow, but probably best to dispense with this badboy first!

I kept my first vow low, as I need to work out a few things further into the competition. Hopefully I can make a bigger second vow smile.png
  On 4/30/2014 at 1:27 PM, Aquilanus said:

  On 4/30/2014 at 1:26 PM, Chaeron said:

Keep the pledges coming all... I have a lot more I can vow, but probably best to dispense with this badboy first!

I kept my first vow low, as I need to work out a few things further into the competition. Hopefully I can make a bigger second vow smile.png

Better to be sensible brother: nothing worse than being unable to complete a vow! Manageable chunks over time is far more realistic too. Even 50pts here or there just adds to it.

I Lord Rust answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Greater Brass Scorpion and a light snack of 20 rifle and flamer armed cultists from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, of total value 807 points, on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to The Sons of Rust, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame, and dress like a Dark Angel, until the year-end

I, Deus Ex Ferrum, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines Commander Occam of Omicron (counts-as Huron Blackheart) and a five man squad of Chosen (with two lightning claws, four power weapons, the Mark of Slaanesh, an Icon of Excess, and Veterans of the Long War) of total value 395 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Alpha Legion and Chaos Undivided and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

I, Scribe of Khorne, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines and Codex: Chaos Daemons: a Sorcerer, Helbrute (AC/Scourge), Heldrake, Lord of Change, and 2 Plaguebearer units with upgrades, of total value 896 points on or before August 1st.


Success will bring eternal glory to the Urizen and the Undivided Pantheon while failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end. 


Vow 1 Shot




The Plaguebearers

Vow1 PB


This is the level I am aiming for.

Clean Dread

  On 4/30/2014 at 4:22 PM, forte said:


  On 4/30/2014 at 4:02 PM, -Max- said:



In any of our options do we have access to Stormlords or variants?

Yes. Siege of Vraks vol3 or the Badab War Tyrants army list.

I read the new rules, but I 'm confused about how the vows are restricted. Do you have to stick to a single army list, or can you pledge units from any army list if they are from the same faction? For instance, can I do normal CSM pledges with a Storm Sword from Badab War since they're both Realm of Chaos? Or do I have to choose between Badab War or C:CSM for the entire ETL?


Apologies if this has already been asked, but I'm at work on my phone and it's hard to search through all the ETL posts...

  On 4/30/2014 at 4:38 PM, -Max- said:


  On 4/30/2014 at 4:22 PM, forte said:


  On 4/30/2014 at 4:02 PM, -Max- said:




In any of our options do we have access to Stormlords or variants?

Yes. Siege of Vraks vol3 or the Badab War Tyrants army list.
I read the new rules, but I 'm confused about how the vows are restricted. Do you have to stick to a single army list, or can you pledge units from any army list if they are from the same faction? For instance, can I do normal CSM pledges with a Storm Sword from Badab War since they're both Realm of Chaos? Or do I have to choose between Badab War or C:CSM for the entire ETL?


Apologies if this has already been asked, but I'm at work on my phone and it's hard to search through all the ETL posts...

I believe you can go Chaos Marines (guess this includes suppliment lists too), Chaos Daemons, and stuff from one of the four FW books listed (you have to specify which).

I, forte, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines: 1 Sorcerer (counts as Ahriman) and 1 Forgefiend with Ectoplasma head upgrade, for a total value of 430 points on or before August 1st.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Divine Flayers and Slaanesh while failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Here's the first pic for this vow.


I, Slave To Darkness, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines: Chaos Sorcerer - Plasma Pistol, MoN, Blight Grenades and Palanquin. Dark Apostle - MoN and Blight Grenades. Chaos Lord - MoN, Black Mace and Blight Grenades. 10 Plague Marines - Power Fist, 2 Meltas and Icon of Despair. 10 Plague Marines - Power Sword, 2 Plasma Guns and Icon of Despair. 5 Havocs - MoN, Power Sword and 4 Flamers. 5 Raptors - MoN, Power Maul and 2 Plasma Pistols. 3 Bikes - MoN, Power Fist, Gift of Mutation, Icon of Despair and 2 meltas. 7 Possessed - MoN, Icon of Despair and 2 Gifts of Mutation. Vindicator - Daemonic Possession. for a total value of 1909 points on or before August 1st.

Success will bring eternal glory to Me (and I guess Nurgle can get a lil love) while failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end. 


Edited due to awful spelling and I totaled up wrong :D

I Brother Heinrich, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines - 1x Chaos Landraider, 15x Cultists, and 1x Chaos Contemptor, and from Codex: Chaos Daemons - 1x Herald of Slaanesh, 6x Screamers of Tzeentch, and 20x Daemonettes of Slaanesh for a total value of 997 Points on or before August 1st, 2014. Success shall bring eternal glory to the Holy Pantheon of Chaos, while failure shall doom me to wear the Badge of Shame until year's end.




Chaos Landraider



Cultists (15)



Screamers of Tzeentch (6)



Daemonettes of Slaanesh (First 10)






Daemonettes of Slaanesh (First 10)



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