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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Realm of Chaos Strategium+++

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  On 5/2/2014 at 3:38 PM, FashaTheDog said:

Summoning ritual failed; FashaTheDog appears instead!


10 Bloodthirsters - one with the Eternal Blade, although I didn't add the 30 points in since it was a gift and I figured it was not allowed to model random options anyway.

10!  10!  It took me five hours to assemble 1 today, you are a brave man.  Also who wants to burn some loyalist today? 


Keep up the good work everyone, I am vowing mine tonight, after I pack. 


@Semper:  This is our black crusade.  Also want to join the chaos side, we have a fallen robe for you?

As Cultist-chan says above, the total for the vow is 10,341 points.  I still need to take pictures of the Screamers (only their tails are in the lesser daemon picture), Berserkers, and canon Plague Marines.  I should also probably take pictures of the unprimed stuff after I prime and sort it for ease as well, but for now I have two dozen greater daemons to paint as well a bunch of little things, so those starting shots can wait. 


As for pinning, who needs to pin models when God invented epoxy?  ...Well Thomas Zincke invented it, but when was the last time you said, "thank Thomas Zincke" or "Thomas Zincke Dammit?"  Besides, if you believe in God, then you could make the argument that God invented Thomas Zincke and Thomas Zincke invented epoxy so therefore God invented epoxy.  So what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.

  On 5/2/2014 at 6:57 PM, Namia said:

Hello everyone! I am a newbie here and looking forward to joining in on the fun of the ETL! I have quick question before I place my vow. I plan on painting up some skinks as my pink horrors. Can I do a "count as" for them?


Should be fine. Welcome.

  On 5/2/2014 at 4:09 PM, forte said:

@Semper. Black is so last season. Can't we have a magenta, cerulean, eucalyptus, ruby, scarlet, fulvous, gamboge, cyan, majorelle, byzntium, or anything other than black. Unless it's with pearls. Must be pearls.


A veritable technicolour dreamcoat.

  On 5/2/2014 at 8:20 PM, Chaeron said:


  On 5/2/2014 at 4:09 PM, forte said:

@Semper. Black is so last season. Can't we have a magenta, cerulean, eucalyptus, ruby, scarlet, fulvous, gamboge, cyan, majorelle, byzntium, or anything other than black. Unless it's with pearls. Must be pearls.


A veritable technicolour dreamcoat.


I, uprising, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete



2x Bloodthirste with greater and exalted rewards: 600


1 Skulltaker with juggernaut: 145



10x bloodletter with bloodreaper:  105


10x bloodletter with bloodreaper:  105


10x bloodletter with bloodreaper:  105



7x bloodcrusher with bloodhunter with greater rewards: 340




Lord ZHUFOR: 185(Forgeworld)


Axe Lord with votlw, MOK,murder sword, aobf, sigil of
corruption, juggernaut: 210



5x bezerkers with voltw, 2x plasma pistol, power ax: 155


5x bezerkers with voltw, 1x plasma pistol, power fist: 150


Rhino with Dozer blade and havoc launcher: 52



Chaos Dreadnought with 2x power fist with 2x heavy flamer:135


Chaos Dreadnought with twin las and heavy flamer: 145


Chaos Dreadnought with plasma cannon and heavy flamer: 130


3x terminator with dual lightning claw(champ), MOK, VOTLW, dual lightning claw, combi melta, icon of wrath: 178


3x terminator with combi melta and chainfist(champ), combi melta, heavy flamer, VOTLW, MOK: 176


3x terminator: combi melta and powerfist(champ), combi melta, autocannon, VOTLW, MOK:186


Heavy support:

Defiler with power scourge, extra armor, and power fist: 230(using a Slaughter fiend as the model)

for a total value of 3332 points on or before August 1st for khorne. Success will bring eternal glory to the blood god and his followers, while failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


I plan to do a vow per god, and one for my undivided word bearers.  The rewards(bloodthrister and bloodhunter) are shown on the bases, if this is an issue, I will remove 120 points from the vow. Finally




Semper, I'd love to do a vow, but there's several FW Chaos units that have been 40k approved in the Imperial Armour Apocalypse book and I want to include them.


Why is the chaos section in *this* book not included in the legal list?



Indeed, those arent lists but FW 40K Approved Units, if they arent on the list I assume oversight...as I complete my Decimator....biggrin.png

From the main ETL III post.

Forge World
Here we have three major categories: i) vehicles that are described in Imperial Armour books 1 & 2 (second editions) and are supposed to be used as part of the Codex’ army lists, ii) FW minis used to represent alternative versions of standard Codex units and iii) the FW Imperial Armour army lists that stand apart from any particular Codex. So here is how to deal with the above:

i) Forge World has produced the Second Edition of the first and second volumes of Imperial Armour (Imperial Guard and War Machines of the Adeptus Astartes respectively) as well as the various Apocalypse supplements. These books cover all the issues with vehicles that participants may want to use along with their Codex force i.e. point values and compatibility with certain Codices. Relic vehicle rules means that, vehicles that would otherwise be reserved for the Horus Heresy setting can now be used in the 40k context and to support your preferred faction!

ii) Using Forge World minis to represent alternative versions of standard Codex units is no problem at all. Feel free to use the DKoK to represent standard Guard if you want or the various SM armour marks (even those designated “Legion”) with the standard Codex of choice. Straight forward, no?

iii) For FW 40k army lists, things are a bit less straight forward – especially given that some armies integrate elements of various factions (as per ETL definitions). As such I have worked out a table where for each list presented in the Imperial Armour series is allocated to an ETL faction. The table is based on theme rather than play style or the actual miniatures used to represent said army – i.e. The Defenders of Vraks can be viewed as predominantly an Imperial Guard list which however is allocated to the Realm of Chaos faction.

  On 5/2/2014 at 11:32 PM, Augustus b'Raass said:

Semper, I'd love to do a vow, but there's several FW Chaos units that have been 40k approved in the Imperial Armour Apocalypse book and I want to include them.


Why is the chaos section in *this* book not included in the legal list?

Because they are completely legal under the Escalation rules due to the various markings in the book already. If it says 'Warhammer 40,000' its covered by standard rules. Any of the others count as Lords of War for that army so you can use any of the Chaos ones. And use the Tyrants Army update list in the Download section on the FW site which gives access to a load of the IG Super Heavies too.

I, Augustus b'Raass, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX III.

I vow to complete from Codex: Chaos Space Marines, The Siege of Vraks II and Imperial Armour Apocalypse,
the following Night Lords units and those they use to sow terror, 

with of total value of 1458 points on or before August 1st:


1 Warhound titan with all four magnetized weapon arm options (750 pts); 

6 raptors, (2 special weapons, power weapon) (147 pts); 

Raptor Lord with Chainaxe (counts-as chainglaive) (88 pts);

5 raptors (lightning claw champion) (110 pts); 

5 terminators (4x power fist, 1x chainfist, 1x combi plasma, 1x reaper cannon) (227 pts); 

10 cultist (abhumans, 1 w/flamer) (55 pts); 

14 cultists (1 heavy stubber, 10 autoguns) (81 pts).



Success will bring eternal glory to me 

and to the 

47th Company of the Night Lords VIII Legio Astartes, known as the Night's Reapers. 

We bow to no God. 

We are terror incarnate.

Failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Chaos Warhound + 4 Weapon Arms



GW Raptors + Lord



FW and GW Raptors



Cataphractii Terminators



Abhuman Cultists



Human Cultists




Vow edited b/c I had to take out 1 unit of termies. It was in too advanced state of painting. Also after consideration with Semper I deleted the contemptor from the vow and added an extra raptor and a raptor lord.




Here's the E Tenebrae Lux III vow on my WIP thread.

  On 5/3/2014 at 12:26 AM, Brother Heinrich said:

Awesome dude, are you planning on stripping/re-painting the termies and the cultists?

No. I plan to finally finish them. They've been on the shelf for ages and all still need a lot of work. The cultists have been magnetized to my lamp for two years almost. I now vowed to complete all these units. 

@ Augustus b'Raass: I wish I could like this a million times, that lot look so impressive especially when their night lords. 

@ Dragon lover: I just Google khorne art, and it was their.  Its my second favorite khorne pic every. 

@ Forte:  I email semper, as I modeled the rewards by having scarifies on the bases.  I will take pics tomorrow once the greenstuff dries(That metal bloodthrister was a pain, taking a total of 10 hrs to assemble.) 

@Fasha: I envy you, 10,340 points is amazing. 

@ everyone else, continue the hard work, we will win this year.


p.s. I think I tick off the black templars

  On 5/3/2014 at 12:46 AM, Uprising said:

@ Forte:  I email semper, as I modeled the rewards by having scarifies on the bases.  I will take pics tomorrow once the greenstuff dries(That metal bloodthrister was a pain, taking a total of 10 hrs to assemble.) 

Fair enough. I still remember doing one of those in 8 hours. Start to finish. Those days are gone now though.


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