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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Horus Heresy Strategium+++

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Here is the Stormblade for my vow. Unfortunately, our esteemed seller didn't bother to tell me it wasn't going to come with the sponsons. Found that out while building today. Any way we can use this and knock 50 points off my vow, Cap?



@ Max Power: Yes, it's fine assuming that 50pts is a fair estimate. I'll check later on to make sure but other than that please go ahead. When you adjust your vow let me know so I will do the same in the first page.

Lol, I am not a fan of blood splatter on my models. Just a personal thing, I like my guys to look like they have freshly taken to the field. Not sure why, I may add some Blood later on, but not as part of the vows for now. Glad you like the dread, I loved building him up. I may try to obtain another and make him a dual CCW guy and this one will eventually be a mortis contemptor.


Thanks for looking!


Keep up the good work everyone!

I think the little things (the chains, skulls, and the banner) make for a great model. I say that you NLs definitely capture the spirit of the Legion very well - shadowy figures coming out of our worst nightmares. 


I paint my WEs as I pictured them after reading Betrayer - a wave of filthy ceramite and bloody steel rolling over whatever opposition that is before them like a howling tsunami. 


Just finished painting my WE Praetor actually. Hope to finish the base tomorrow and call it an early week - life is once again getting in the way of my hobby...

IT IS DONE!!! This points total of 3505 is my humble gift of quantity to you guys pumping out premium quality throughout the challenge!

May our contestors be swept way in a tide of awesomeness! Glory to the IV, glory to the Horus Heresy forum!




- Perturabo wielding Forgebreaker (490)

- Praetor with Master-Crafted Paragon Blade, Plasma Pistol, Iron Halo (180)

- Forgelord Centurion with Conversion Beamer and Cortex Controller (135)

- Legion Command Squad: 5 Chosen with 2 Power Weapons, Power fist, Pair of Lightning Claws (205)

- Apothecary with Artificer Armor, Power Sword (65)

- Legion Dreadnought Talon: 3 Dreadnoughts with Flamestorm Cannon, Plasma Cannon, 2x Chainfist (170)

- Contemptor Dreadnought with add. DCCW (210)

- Legion Tactical Squad: 20 Marines, incl. Vexilla, Vox, Sergeant with PF, AA, Combi-Flamer (305)

- 2x Tarantula Hyperios Battery (100)

- Iron Havoc Support Squad with Autocannons (185)

- Legion Artillery Tank Squadron: 2 Medusae (310)

- 3 Thallaxii (135)

- Magos Prime Ordinator with Cortex Controller, Cyber-familiar, Machinator Array (185)

- 10 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls, Revenant alchemistry, Carapace Armor, Rite of Pure Thought (95)

- 20 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls, Revenant alchemistry, Rite of Pure Thought (105)

- 3 Ursarax (155)

- 3 Myrmidon Destructors with various weapons (225)


all pics together: http://imgur.com/a/wipMR#0


and with that, now is the time...



I, Nehekhare, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX (again) and vow to complete



from the Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List of total value


1500 points

on or before August 1st.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Iron Warriors IV. Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.



  On 5/19/2014 at 7:15 AM, Nehekhare said:

IT IS DONE!!! This points total of 3505 is my humble gift of quantity to you guys pumping out premium quality throughout the challenge!

May our contestors be swept way in a tide of awesomeness! Glory to the IV, glory to the Horus Heresy forum!


- Perturabo wielding Forgebreaker (490)

- Praetor with Master-Crafted Paragon Blade, Plasma Pistol, Iron Halo (180)

- Forgelord Centurion with Conversion Beamer and Cortex Controller (135)

- Legion Command Squad: 5 Chosen with 2 Power Weapons, Power fist, Pair of Lightning Claws (205)

- Apothecary with Artificer Armor, Power Sword (65)

- Legion Dreadnought Talon: 3 Dreadnoughts with Flamestorm Cannon, Plasma Cannon, 2x Chainfist (170)

- Contemptor Dreadnought with add. DCCW (210)

- Legion Tactical Squad: 20 Marines, incl. Vexilla, Vox, Sergeant with PF, AA, Combi-Flamer (305)

- 2x Tarantula Hyperios Battery (100)

- Iron Havoc Support Squad with Autocannons (185)

- Legion Artillery Tank Squadron: 2 Medusae (310)

- 3 Thallaxii (135)

- Magos Prime Ordinator with Cortex Controller, Cyber-familiar, Machinator Array (185)

- 10 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls, Revenant alchemistry, Carapace Armor, Rite of Pure Thought (95)

- 20 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls, Revenant alchemistry, Rite of Pure Thought (105)

- 3 Ursarax (155)

- 3 Myrmidon Destructors with various weapons (225)

all pics together: http://imgur.com/a/wipMR#0

and with that, now is the time...

I, Nehekhare, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX (again) and vow to complete


from the Legiones Astartes Crusade Army List of total value

1500 points

on or before August 1st.

Success will bring eternal glory to the Iron Warriors IV. Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Can i have Robocop as a Loyalist Reaver Titan? teehee.gif

  On 5/19/2014 at 7:50 AM, SW1 said:

Ooooo ... What models are you using for the warhounds?


Vinyl ED-209 from Robocop.

IV. Legion planetwide broadcast: "Your world has refused to declare allegiance and bow to the emperor of mankind. Accept your defeat by the hands of the IV. Legion immediately or see your fortresses and bulkwards reduced to rabble and dust. There will be no further warnings. You have 29 seconds to comply"

@ Nehekhare:


Congratulations on your completion! The first page is updated accordingly... :tu:


However I have an issue with the follow-up vow. I'm not familiar with the models themselves but from the picture they seem considerably less complex compared to an actual Titan. As such I believe it's unfair to award the same amount of points as with someone who will work an actual Wahound with much higher interenal and extrernal detail.


Unless I have this totally wrong (and they are indeed complex models), I propose a points' penalty of 1/3 (they look pretty big) to a total of 1,000pts.



I The Or answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a legion veteran tactical squad with a lightning claw, plasma gun, volkite serpenta and melta bombs from Horus heresy: Betrayal to a total value of 185 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Sons of Horus and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end and spend the next millenia in the Eye of Terror.


SoH veterans

Ok I've been putting this off long enough so now it's time to do a very un-eighth legion thing and stick my head above the parapet into the hail of fire. My inspiration has been well and truly rekindled thanks to some very sage advice from both Mark Bedford and Keith Robertson so, let us begin


Lasiurus, Duke of Blades, The Red Judge, Trueborn of the VIII Legion answer the call of the Horus Heresy Subforum and vow to complete for E Tenebrae Lux the following units:


Praetor - Paragon Blade, Volkite Charger, Iron Halo, Trophies of Judgement plus extras - 200pts

Librarian - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Trophies, Mastery Level 3 - 165pts

Command Retinue - Chainglaives, Rhino - 165pts

Apothecary - Chainglaive, Artificer Armour - 65pts

Terror Squad - Bolters, Lightning Claw, Artificer Armour, Melta bombs - 275pts

Terror Squad - Volkite, Artificer Armour, Melta bombs - 233pts

Terror Squad - Chainglaive, Plasma Pistol, Artificer Armour, Melta bombs - 240pts

Terminator Squad - Chainfist, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Reaper, Lightning Claws, Thunder Hammer, Teleportation Transponder - 257pts

Skyhunter Squadron - Multimelta, Chainglaive, Melta bombs - 225pts

Sicaran - Lascannons - 175pts


Should I fail to make good on this vow either on or before August 1st 2014 17:00 GMT I shall bear the badge of the oathbreaker and shall endure a period of exile from the B&C for a period of no less than a month and no greater than three months as the frater of the HH subforum decree

  On 5/19/2014 at 9:18 PM, Balthamal said:

Ok I've been putting this off long enough so now it's time to do a very un-eighth legion thing and stick my head above the parapet into the hail of fire. My inspiration has been well and truly rekindled thanks to some very sage advice from both Mark Bedford and Keith Robertson so, let us begin


Lasiurus, Duke of Blades, The Red Judge, Trueborn of the VIII Legion answer the call of the Horus Heresy Subforum and vow to complete for E Tenebrae Lux the following units:


Praetor - Paragon Blade, Volkite Charger, Iron Halo, Trophies of Judgement plus extras - 200pts

Librarian - Artificer Armour, Refractor Field, Trophies, Mastery Level 3 - 165pts

Command Retinue - Chainglaives, Rhino - 165pts

Apothecary - Chainglaive, Artificer Armour - 65pts

Terror Squad - Bolters, Lightning Claw, Artificer Armour, Melta bombs - 275pts

Terror Squad - Volkite, Artificer Armour, Melta bombs - 233pts

Terror Squad - Chainglaive, Plasma Pistol, Artificer Armour, Melta bombs - 240pts

Terminator Squad - Chainfist, Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Reaper, Lightning Claws, Thunder Hammer, Teleportation Transponder - 257pts

Skyhunter Squadron - Multimelta, Chainglaive, Melta bombs - 225pts

Sicaran - Lascannons - 175pts


Should I fail to make good on this vow either on or before August 1st 2014 17:00 GMT I shall bear the badge of the oathbreaker and shall endure a period of exile from the B&C for a period of no less than a month and no greater than three months as the frater of the HH subforum decree


The pledge needs a total amount including, I make it a nice round 2k!!!


Welcome aboard.  :D

Welcome to The Or (nice! ;) ) and Balthamal!


Sayu Balthamal, I'm calculating your vow to be 2,000pts. There is only one minor issue - the mastery level of the Librarian... How do you intend to represent it? Remember only items that can be physically represented on the mini count. Now you can to come up with something to denote senior librarian or feel free to add something for the same amount of points...


Well done HH - you still have the momentum some of your rivals have run out of... :)



Legion Praetor is now complete...






Centurion-Captain Voss of the 77th Battle Company, 3rd Echelon, XII Legion with his Terminator bodyguards...




My ETL III progress thus far all together in a family photo... The last thing many minions of the False Emperor ever saw... :P




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