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+++E Tenebrae Lux III - Horus Heresy Strategium+++

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My last post got lost, so will redo. Captain Semper has graciously let me change my vow. I'm going all World Eaters.


So my vow now is


Legion Champ

Caedre Weapon, Artificer armour, Melta bomb, bolter

Rampager Squad

Jump packs, 5 x caedre weapons.


That comes to 417.


If I fail, badge of shame, etc etc.

vow tertius completed!


edit...oh...vow tertius was lost...okay, seems I have to re-post it and its completion in the same post. good that the ordo temporis doesn't exist yet during the heresy...



I Nehekhare answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

- Magos prime with rotor cannon, power fist, machinator array (135)

- castellax battle-automata with dual flamers (95)

- 3 Myrmidon destructors with volkite, rad-cleanser & conversion beamer (215)

- 15 Adsecularis Tech-Thralls (50)

from the Horus Heresy Tagmatah Omnissiah Army list of total value

495 points

on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the IVth Legion and failure is not an option.



My first vow is now complete!


Tactical Squad Hesyre:




Assault Squad Mekata:




As you may note, the models (for the most part) don't have left shoulder pads. The initial intent was to wait for FW to come out with sculpted shoulder pads, but with the news that the Prospero book has been pushed back I'm thinking now I'll just go ahead and do up some regular pads for them and white glue them in place until they do. Nevertheless, these guys are done until such time as I can source some replacement pads (I'd given the blanks away to another friend).


Deliberating on what my second vow will be, updates to follow!

With the first vow done, time for the second one!

I, Mordian7th, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete the following units from the Horus Heresy Books 1-3 of total value 700 points on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to the Fifteenth Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Further Thousand Sons:

Sorceror (Ankhu Anen) - 135 points
-Force weapon, bolt pistol

Apothecary - 85 points
-Power sword, bolt pistol

Primaris-Lightning Strike Fighter - 225 points
-Battle servitor, 3x Kraken missile pylons

Javelin Speeder Squadron Qaa - 255 points
-3 Javelin speeders, heavy bolters, twin linked lascannons

700 points

Used the first vow to crank out the requisite troops choices, now it's time to move on to some fun stuff! Really been looking forward to working on the lightning in particular. Pics to come shortly once I get things laid out!

All is dust...

OK guys, fantastic progress so far.



I'm slightly concerned that everything is ok with the first page so please check and if you find that your status is not correctly depicted let me know...




  On 5/27/2014 at 2:29 PM, Armond said:

Knock knock...


Do you have time to talk about the Emperor?!



*opens door* "unfortunately not my dear fellow... by the way my friend Sigismund is stood behind you..." *slash... slice... stab* one more dead convict ;)


Looking great Armond haha

I Basswave answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Iron Father (Paragon Blade, Archeotech Pistol, Iron Halo, cyber familiar) on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to X legoin astartes. Failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Awesome work guys...some fantastic conversions being shown! Good stuff


@Capt Semper...been trying to message you regarding etl, is there a problem with the b&c messenger? If you could message me so I could try a reply I would be grateful. .many thanks

  On 5/27/2014 at 2:36 PM, Russ Brother 92 said:

  On 5/27/2014 at 2:29 PM, Armond said:

Knock knock...

Do you have time to talk about the Emperor?!

*opens door* "unfortunately not my dear fellow... by the way my friend Sigismund is stood behind you..." *slash... slice... stab* one more dead convict msn-wink.gif

Looking great Armond haha

How the hell did you get Sigismund to be in your hip pocket?! Closest I have is Sevatar!

  On 5/27/2014 at 5:17 PM, Demon2027 said:

Armond: really cool. I have found the heavy chainswords pose a bit annoying but you have made it work well.

It was kind of a pain, took some fiddling, but I eventually got it to work. I did get frustrated at a time, but I just moved on and came back to him.

Finally got the pics sorted out for my second vow:


Ankhu Anen:



Apothecary Thothmes:



Primaris Lightning:



Land Speeder Squad Qaa:



Gotta get those last two speeders built, then I can get 'em all primered. Definitely jazzed to work on this vow - the tac and assault squads were a bit of a slog, now it's time to paint some FUN stuff! :)


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