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Epic making a return?


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I had a spontaneous memory of how I wanted to play an Epic: Titan Legion over a year ago.  I was recommended on this forum to go to another forum that specialized in that.


Anyway I decided to go to ebay to see how much epic models priced, and the ones I wanted to see are neither there, and I noticed GW and FW took down their Epic, with the former dropping Specialist altogether.  Then I read somewhere that they're supposedly bringing it back by late Summer or sometime next year. 


Regardless I'm not sure how I feel about this, I have my Imperator stowed away and I need to put it back together.

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Sadly I don't think Epic is making a return. Their stuff got pulled a long time ago, along with the battlefleet gothic metals and stuff, though I don't know if they're back on. I think they were just clearing out a bunch of low-sale items.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Epic was the perfect entry game for 40K.  It madr sense from a campaign perspective, and allowed people to field titan legipns and tank companies.  APOC allows this now, biut my view is that EPic has a palce without cannibalising sales from 40K proper - to start with the models can be priced more aggressively (e.g. last incarnation of the Warlord, which could be fail cast or plastic now and could still be sold at probably £35-£40.. as for a squad of epic soldiers - less material than a marine but could be easily priced at £0.10 each - with a much higher density per sprue..)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I love(d) Epic. I have a Chapter of marines, some Guard and a reasonably sized Titan Legion. Great game concept and gives the majestic seep of a large scale battle. It would be great if it came back, but I don't think it's GW's primary focus as they are putting most of their resource into 40k, Fantasy and LotR (in probably that order too). The specialist games have largely been abandoned. If you do want a game on a similar scale, I am quite taken with Dropzone Commander, but it's not within the board's remit to discuss it here. PM me if you want to know more though.

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I would totally drop some money on Epic if it came out. I am thinking of getting drop zone commander sometime too just for the massive battles. Try as it might, I don't think 40k can capture massive battles like Rynn's world or Armageddon as well as Epic could. 

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