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Introduction (Poem, Rhyming Story)


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It was a day, like no other, but it felt the same as any, rather. Prayers Were said, soldiers were trained, jokes and sounds were made. Veterans telling the young how they fought shoulder to shoulder, pushing the enemies further and further. And how they fought along side with not so distant brothers, who seem so close, but still are from other fathers. The so heated star, shined on the planet Immolit, that saved it from the eternal horrid. But then something changed, something made the world wake. A green stream of light shook the sky in a hazardous take. A strange figure appeared from the light, all of this just didn't seem right . It was a man wearing renegade armor, a warrior, not some farmer. He was covered in blood and guts of a slain beast, it seemed as the stranger, wasn't here for a feast. Immediately, the man was surrounded, by at least more than a hundred. Bolters were raised, weapons were drawn, but the figure didn't flinch at all. Triggers were ready, but the brothers stood steady, as they waited for the command.


- And who are you, may I ask? What brings you here, what purpose, what task?. - Said the man opening heavy doors, who?, the Chapter Master of course!


- I'm no enemy and I shouldn't be feared. I'm stuck in this body, but I hold my faith to the emperor dear! I want redemption and to serve a good cause, I am but a soldier, who fights your foes. - Master thought for a second, his smile rose. The man wanted a holy cause.


- Is your heart as clean as your words? Do you really want to fight the endless hordes? - the figure looked up, upon the Marines,

- I will serve you well, by serving His needs!

- Then welcome brother, to the Purple Dragons. You are one of us now, and have no other purpose then glory of battles. So what is your name, how does it sound?


- Mine name is Gartar, and I'm emperor's son.

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