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IA - Golden Sentinels


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http://i1067.photobucket.com/albums/u421/MisterKillam/Golden%20Sentinels/GoldenSentinelsEmblem_zps89492060.png CHAPTER NAME: ..............GOLDEN SENTINELS
FOUNDING: ..................17th [M.36]

"For Dorn and The Emperor! Pareti Sumus!"

he Golden Sentinels were founded in the wake of the Howling, following the destruction of the Cacodominus by the Black Templars in 401.M34. They were founded from the Imperial Fists in 230.M36 and initially raised from a number of worlds in the Segmentum Solar before mustering their fleet to retake the Corvalion sector after the sector was lost in the psychic backlash of the Cacodominus' death. The new chapter encountered fierce resistance from the Eldar and various warbands under the command of the Brotherhood of Filth traitor legion, the most notable engagement being the recapture of Varr from the Brotherhood of Filth. It was after the heroic actions of then-Brother Actaeon that the emblem was changed from a golden shield, the emblem which they were assigned upon founding, to a white tower; to commemorate the final victory in the retaking of the Corvalion sector from the forces of Chaos and their xenos allies.

The Golden Sentinels largely adhere to the Codex Astartes, with the exception of their unique organization. The chapter's veterans, scouts, and other specialist troops are not grouped into their own companies, instead being spread throughout the chapter's battle companies.

While the Golden Sentinels' homeworld is Kobnhavn, their fortress-monastery is a Ramilies-class starfort permanently stationed in orbit above their home planet, a relic taken from the armies of Bael'Grath during the initial recapture of the Corvalion sector. This fortress-monastery can be moved throughout the sector, though it has not left Kobnhavn for well over two millenia. The chapter has one battle barge, the Eos, and a strike cruiser for each company.

Golden Sentinels' lives revolve around their boltguns. Even when aboard ship, out of their power armour, they are never far from their combat blades and bolters. The chapter's rites of worship to the Emperor view maintenance and practice with the holy bolter as an analogue of the righteous life: attention to detail, constant care and vigilance, and most of all, a strong sense of purpose are cornerstones of a life in service to the Emperor. This is even more true for those of the Adeptus Astartes; who are by nature living weapons, divine blades wielded by the hand of the Emperor to smite the foes of mankind. Every battle-brother's cell contains a small wooden worktable used to maintain their arms, with devotions and prayers carved deep into its surface. During maintenance of their weapons, cleaning fluids pool in these carvings, staining them black with carbon and battlefield dirt. As the years pass and the table is cleaned by sanding the top, the lubricants and oils staining the carvings stand out more, reminding the Brother of the importance of his life as the avenging sword of Humanity's wrath. Each Golden Sentinel is visited by a chaplain on the eve of battle, to aid in the blessing and anointment of the battle-brother's weaponry and armour.

Battle-Brother Adarion, Golden Sentinels 3rd Company

Brother-Sergeant Ilmarinen, Golden Sentinels 3rd Company

Due to the constant and far-reaching patrols of the Golden Sentinels, the chapter's veterans are not formed into the first company. The long distances between Golden Sentinels fleets mean that an elite force may not be able to arrive in time to stop a sudden threat. Therefore, the chapter's most seasoned marines are spread throughout the chapter's companies, filling sergeants' positions in squads. The truly elite are organized into veteran squads, with each company possessing its own Sternguard and Vanguard. The best of these are given the chapter's ancient suits of Terminator armor or Centurion Warsuits, the better to apply their unmatched skills to the many battlefields of the Corvalion Sector. Likewise, there is no single scout company. Each company maintains a cadre of scouts, equipped to handle any mission on any world. Scouts of the Golden Sentinels also remain scouts long after attaining the Black Carapace, the better to ensure that each Golden Sentinel is a warrior unmatched on the field of battle, expert in all forms of combat. Scout sergeants are drawn from the ranks of the chapter's veterans, overseeing the progression of each neophyte over the years spent in the scout squads. A scout squad's sergeant will only allow those he sees fit to bear the sacred power armour to progress beyond his auspices, and often it takes the better part of two decades to earn a scout sergeant's blessing. Likewise, the chapter's suits of tactical dreadnought armor are not kept in one company, but shared among all twelve companies.

The Golden Sentinels prize knowledge of threats to Humanity, whether from within, without, or beyond, and are eager to send Battle-Brothers to the watch-fortresses of the Deathwatch. Having learned much from their time spent fighting Xenos threats across the galaxy, they spend weeks in the chapter's librarium on their return, documenting with the Librarians what they have learned during their vigil. As such, service to the Ordo Xenos is prized among the chapter's leaders, and it is rare that a Brother ascends to the rank of captain without having donned the black armor of the Deathwatch.

The fleet of the Golden Sentinels is in constant patrol throughout the Corvalion sector, either responding rapidly to threats to their planets' security, or conducting inspections of the defenses of the sector's worlds. They often train against the PDF regiments of the Corvalion sector, taking on advisory roles in planetary defense. When a strike cruiser of the Golden Sentinels does leave the Corvalion sector, it is not without good cause, as the sector's location at the confluence of several major shipping lanes makes it a prime target for invasion. The companies rotate their patrols every ten years, one company returning to the Citadel to relieve the company on watch. The return of a patrolling company is occasion for some celebration, as the fallen are mourned and victories are added to the chapter's rolls of honor. The watch company is under a great deal of pressure to prove itself in the training exercises conducted during the handover, to show that they have not gone soft in the years spent guarding the chapter's fortress-monastery. Every hundred and twenty years, the entirety of the chapter (barring those elements in active warzones) returns to the Citadel, their best and most skilled veterans competing against each other in a series of competitions for places among the chapter master's honor guard.

The emblem of the Golden Sentinels is a Tower Argent on a field Vert, a symbol of Elder Actaeon's victory over the daemon prince Bael'Grath during the initial recapture of Varr. Brothers of the chapter are clad in cream-colored habits when not in combat, and in dark green power armor on campaign. The left shoulder pad, trimmed in gold, bears the chapter emblem. The right shoulder pad, trimmed in the company color, bears the Brother's squad designation. Helmets are colored according to rank and position, according to the Codex Astartes. Company captains wear gold helmets with a dark green stripe, and the Chapter Master wears a gold helmet with no stripe. The customary color for the Aquila on their power armor is gold, with skulls and bones rendered in a polished silver.

Each of the chapter's worlds has its different trials and recruitment methods. Kobnhavn is possessed of a strong warrior culture, placing heavy emphasis on skill at arms. Its soldiers are known throughout the galaxy as hardened warriors and induction into the Golden Sentinels is the motivation of the planet's youth to distinguish themselves in their training. Kobnhavn's youth begin military training alongside regular schooling at age eight, with informal training from parents starting soon after they can walk. The best and brightest of these future soldiers are selected as aspirants to the title of Golden Sentinel. Celephais' deserts are a harsh environment, and each youth's rite of passage involves traversing a long and treacherous canyon to pray at an ancient shrine to a saint who's name has long since faded from its weathered statue. The journey takes weeks, and many do not survive. Of those that encounter the planet's insectoid predators and live to tell the tale, some are taken up to the Citadel to begin their trials as aspirants. Varr lives in a state of conflict, nations taking up arms against each other, technological development stalled by the warlike nature of the clans who call it home. Scions of its clans who prove themselves in battle are summoned to an ancient ruined tower, the site of a great battle, to combat one another in a grand tournament, the winner of which receives great accolades from his people, and may draw the attention of the mysterious hooded giants in attendance. Corvalion, being a hive world, is prone to gang conflict in its vast underhives and slums. Life on the streets of Corvalion is a harsh and rough one, and is an ideal recruiting ground for the Golden Sentinels.

Upon reaching The Citadel, each aspirant is stripped of all identity and told he has an opportunity to earn a new name as a battle-brother. First, they spend two weeks in fasting and prayer, eating nothing, drinking little, and pacing a long-ago worn path around the Chapel of the Aspirant, reciting the same hymn endlessly until they drop from exhaustion. Minutes later, they are awakened by the brother standing watch over them, and made to continue their circling around the chapel. When the time of fasting is done, numerous trials of strength, skill at arms, and wits are posed. Few aspirants survive these trials, as they compete not only against each other, but against the battle-brother overseeing their trials. When the Master of Recruits is pleased with his latest batch of aspirants, they are taken to be forged by the Apothecarion into warriors of the Adeptus Astartes.

Once the modification process is complete, they serve many years under the tutelage and supervision of a Scout Sergeant, one who is taken from the ranks of the chapter's veteran sergeants. Scouts of the Golden Sentinels often land weeks ahead of a main invasion force, striking deep at the heart of an enemy's supply lines, working with pro-Imperial resistance movements, and marking landing zones and prime targets for the main body of the Golden Sentinels' invasion forces. Even though they might receive the Black Carapace at its proper time, they often spend years afterward under their Scout Sergeant, waiting for him to give his blessing that the young neophyte is ready to assume the title of Brother.

During the initial recapture of Varr, fighting focussed around the planet's many ruined castles, ideal firebases for an invading force. His whole squad slain by the traitor marines of the Brotherhood of Filth, Brother Actaeon of the 3rd company's 3rd squad held a single watchtower alone for several days against a larger force of plague zombies, cultists, and their traitor marine allies. As time wore on, his resilience became an object of ire among the traitor companies, and they detailed hundreds of men to bring his head back to the daemonic leader of the occupying forces. On the eighth day of the siege, the champion of Nurgle stood before the tower, challenging Actaeon to a duel. Actaeon accepted his challenge and awaited his foe atop the watchtower. For several hours, they battled, neither gaining any advantage, until Actaeon was finally wounded by the plague champion's foul blade. With his dying breath, Brother Actaeon laughed at the dread champion of the Ruinous Powers. When the Chaos Lord asked him why he would laugh at such a slow and agonizing death, he pressed the detonator of the demolition charges beneath the two combatants. Within minutes, relief came in the form of three tactical squads and six companies of Imperial Guard soldiers, having used Actaeon's diversion to press the remaining enemy forces into only the area around the tower. Actaeon's body was pulled from the wreckage, his power armour shattered and his body broken, but his deed forever remembered by the Golden Sentinels. In honour of Actaeon's heroism, the Golden Sentinels changed their emblem from a golden shield to a white tower, in celebration of Brother Actaeon's purity and resolve against the dread champion of Nurgle.

Corvalion Crusade [290-316.M36]

The first test of the Golden Sentinels' mettle was the recapture of the Corvalion sector following its loss during the Howling. The Golden Sentinels encountered fierce resistance, initially from the Eldar Craftworld Illmarieth, and later from the Brotherhood of Filth traitor marines serving the Daemon Prince Bael'Grath. The scouring of Illmarieth cost the young chapter five whole companies, yet still they pressed on at the forefront of their crusade. When they had finally reached Corvalion, the servants of the Ruinous Powers proved an even tougher foe, ambushing the Golden Sentinels in the underhives of Corvalion. Following their victory on the sector capital, they turned toward the final unconquered world, Varr. A medieval world known for little besides its strong, hardy people, Varr had been the capital of Bael'Grath's empire ever since the Howling began. Brother Actaeon banished the Daemon Prince not through raw martial prowess, but through cleverness and well-timed use of demolition charges in a ruined castle tower. His heroic sacrifice confined him to a Dreadnought to this day, and his breaking of the Ruinous Powers' hold on the Corvalion sector once and for all warranted changing the chapter's emblem from that which it was initially assigned to its current design. The chapter was reduced to a fraction of its original strength, but it had cemented its reputation as a force to be reckoned with.

WAAAGH! Redgob VII [763-769.M41]
The Orks had largely ignored the Corvalion sector through the millenia, with the exception of a few scattered incursions over the years. This was to change when Warboss Redgob Dreadsmasha VII set his sights on the Corvalion sector. WAAAGH! Redgob began in 763.M41 and lasted another six years, during which Celephais, a recruitment world of the Golden Sentinels, was sacked and retaken twice by the Death Skulls Warboss. When the dust had settled, four hive worlds lay in ruins, trillions were dead or taken by the retreating horde, but through the combined might of the Astra Militarum, the Order of the Ivory Tower, and the Golden Sentinels, the Ork invasion force had been repelled. This has not stopped Redgob's successors from turning their hordes toward the Corvalion sector in years to come.

The Thirteenth Black Crusade [999.M41]
While Abbaddon's legions have not yet come to the Corvalion sector, the Seventh and Tenth companies of the Golden Sentinels have seen action on Cadia, holding the gate against the forces of Chaos. The remainder of the chapter is busy overseeing the fortification of the Corvalion sector, ensuring that Abbaddon's legions will pay dearly for every inch of ground they take. Through all this, the hordes of Warboss Redgob XXIII have begun mobilizing for war once more, making their way toward their old foe, the Golden Sentinels. Scattered reports show images of Orks fighting alongside warp-spawned horrors and traitors known to have been long in the service of the mortal enemy of Corvalion, Bael'Grath. The Tau Empire has set its sights on expanding into the sector, and the tendrils of Hive Fleet Leixos are inexorably advancing toward the heart of the Golden Sentinels' home sector.


Veteran Sergeant Varios, Commander, 1st Tactical Squad, 3rd Company, Golden Sentinels. Veteran Sergeant Varios has served two centuries and over 300 missions with the Golden Sentinels, earning his laurels in the defense of Varr against the Tau.

Golden Sentinels Chapter Emblem, Common Armorial Use.

Brother Teclis, 38 Missions, Marksman's Honor.

Brother Avvar, 47 missions, Marksman's Honor, Laurels of Valor.

Brother Davion, 29 missions, Distinguished himself in combat against piratical Eldar on Celephais.

Brother Torsten, 52 missions, Order of Slaydo earned during Sabbat Worlds crusade.
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I like most of what I read here. You've written a neat chapter here - and as a lover of the color green, I can find no fault with your color scheme! - and in general you have avoided the "special snowflake syndrome" that plagues many IA writers - including myself - and created a fairly conventional chapter, which is a welcome change of pace. I approve of pretty much everything here, but I have one question...



The Golden Sentinels largely adhere to the Codex Astartes, with the exception of their unique organization. The chapter's veterans, scouts, and other specialist troops are not grouped into their own companies, instead being spread throughout the chapter's battle companies.


How is this any different from any other chapter? Pretty much every chapter has this organization, de facto. Even though their scouts and veterans are technically assigned to their own companies, the fact is that they pretty much always - barring some kind of special and unusual circumstances - see battle alongside the main battle companies. They maintain their own organization for various reasons, but are always seconded to the battle companies; that's why its mechanically impossible to field an actually all-scout or all-veteran army (though you can do your best to field armies that are mostly scouts or veterans, with minimal models from other companies, but that's obviously exploiting a loophole in the rules rather than playing with the codex "as written").


So... what does this really mean, other than that your chapter is officially organized the way everyone else operates anyway?

So... what does this really mean, other than that your chapter is officially organized the way everyone else operates anyway?

You do raise a valid point, I'd never looked at it that way before.


Veterans, Terminators, Scouts, and all other assets belong to the battle companies, and there are no reserve companies besides the one on rotation at the fortress monastery, so my Terminators have third company designations on their armor, Sternguard have red trim on their shoulders, and scouts are in real camo anyway, so they'll just have a black "III" painted on a knee pad or something.


While Abbaddon's legions have not yet come to the Corvalion sector, the Seventh and Twelfth companies of the Golden Sentinels have seen action on Cadia, holding the gate against the forces of Chaos.


How many companies are there and what is their composition of line battle brothers, then for you to have up to twelve companies?  Are your companies smaller than average with, maybe 80 Space Marines in each or is there some reason why they are beyond the Codex-set 1,000 battle brothers (exclusive of auxiliaries)?

The Golden Sentinels draw from four worlds at once for their recruits, as opposed to one at a time with most Chapters. Auguries and tarot readings have foretold intense fighting in the coming years, and as such the Adeptus Terra has allowed the chapter to grow beyond what would be considered normal. Of course, the willingness to provide troops for the inquisition has also led the Ordo Astartes to not raise much complaint concerning the chapter's size. As I said, they aren't all the way in line with the Codex Astartes.


Line companies consist of the captain, lieutenant, shipmaster (the one in charge of the ship), librarian, chaplain, and techmarine. Whether these have retinues or not typically depends on the company. There are two veteran squads, four tactical squads, an assault squad, a Devastator squad, and two scout squads. Also contained aboard ship are a full complement of Rhino APC's and the equipment needed to modify them to suit the mission at hand, a Thunderhawk, two Stormravens, and four Storm Talons. The vehicle complement differs from ship to ship, but it generally follows these lines.

Okay first off I like the name and colour scheme. Simple, not to much overdone like so many and a name that works within common conventions. Good start, but lets do this...


The Golden Sentinels were founded in the wake of the Howling, following the destruction of the Cacodominus by the Black Templars in 401.M34. They were founded from the Imperial Fists in 230.M36 and initially raised from a number of worlds in the Segmentum Solar before mustering their fleet to retake the Corvalion sector after the sector was lost in the psychic backlash of the Cacodominus' death. The new chapter encountered fierce resistance from the Eldar and various warbands under the command of the Death Guard traitor legion, the most notable engagement being the recapture of Varr from the Death Guard. It was after the heroic actions of then-Brother Actaeon that the emblem was changed from a white shield to a white tower, to commemorate the final victory in the retaking of the Corvalion sector from the forces of Chaos and their xenos allies.


The Howling? I am fairly familiar with most 40K fluff and this escapes me. If it is something I should know then ignore me. If it is an event you created be careful leaving people in the dark before they even begin. Even if you explain it as you expand, it can confuse and make people less interested to start (and I reply as I read, so I don't know anything below this paragraph yet which how someone reading this will feel)

Exact dates are dangerous. The vast majority of chapters were founded as part of the 26 foundings. Very few of these have dates especially this exact. M36 should be just fine for a date, an exact year is a precise thing for a chapter to know and most will not.

Initially raised how? They were of Imperial Fist genestock, and I assume the first cadre was from this chapter as well. But what made them go to these worlds and start forming a force. A direct action WHY they were founded (retaking a sector) is important, but it is a little strange why they did this.

Okay so while retaking the sector they fought mostly against Eldar and Chaos forces. Makes sense, although why were the Eldar there? Chaos can always be explained, but Eldar normally only commit to war for specific reasons. Perhaps expand why.


So a regular Battle Brother was the hero? That is fine, although he would be VERY young, but that is still fine. However the emblem huh? what? That is a VERY random sentence to include. Assuming you mean the Chapter Badge that is quite the change. Many chapters have very intense campaigns throughout their existence and nothing changes, why did this do it?

And wait... Eldar and Chaos are allies? That is well granted the rules are weird, but the fluff has Eldar directly opposing Chaos, going for far to ally with the Imperium to push Chaos back.


The Golden Sentinels largely adhere to the Codex Astartes, with the exception of their unique organization. The chapter's veterans, scouts, and other specialist troops are not grouped into their own companies, instead being spread throughout the chapter's battle companies.


I always question this. This is common practice in most chapters isn't it? Granted those companies and formations still exist and can be deployed as such, but they are almost always used in support of Battle Companies. Personally I find that most people do this in order to collect Scouts, Terminators and the like and claim they have a company, or to use the same scheme without company markings different. While sure this is fine, it seems unneeded to be different as "codex" chapters deploy this way anyways.

While the Golden Sentinels' homeworld is Kobnhavn, their fortress-monastery is a Ramilies-class starfort permanently stationed in orbit above their home planet. This fortress-monastery can be moved throughout the sector, though it has not left Kobnhavn for well over two millenia. The chapter has one battle barge, the Eos, and a strike cruiser for each company.


Okay. Again exact numbers aren't always needed, but if you want to outline their exact fleet support that is cool. Why has the Starfort not moved? No need? Other reasons?

As to the actual Starfort wow lucky them. The Doom Legion are noted as being very rare in having one because they overlook a dangerous area of space that they need its firepower. This is why they get such a rare relic. Why has your chapter been given this immense power and rare tech? Are they guarding something? Did they save a High Lords daughter? Having such power is a big deal to give a chapter that can go rough so why did they?

Golden Sentinels' lives revolve around their boltguns. Even when aboard ship, out of their power armour, they are never far from their combat blades and bolters. The chapter's rites of worship to the Emperor view maintenance and practice with the holy bolter as an analogue of the righteous life: attention to detail, constant care and vigilance, and most of all, a strong sense of purpose are cornerstones of a life in service to the Emperor. This is even more true for those of the Adeptus Astartes; who are by nature living weapons, divine blades wielded by the hand of the Emperor to smite the foes of mankind. Every battle-brother's cell contains a small wooden worktable used to maintain their arms, with devotions and prayers carved deep into its surface. During maintenance of their weapons, cleaning fluids pool in these carvings, staining them black with carbon and battlefield dirt. As the years pass and the table is cleaned by sanding the top, the lubricants and oils staining the carvings stand out more, reminding the Brother of the importance of his life as the avenging sword of Humanity's wrath. Each Golden Sentinel is visited by a chaplain on the eve of battle, to aid in the blessing and anointment of the battle-brother's weaponry and armour.


Are marines ever far from their weapons? A battle brother always reveres his weapons and armour. Not saying it is bad, just pointing it out. I like the theme that the chaplains visit to prepare them not only spiritually, but physically (in the sense of weaponry as well) very cool little tidbit.


Due to the constant and far-reaching patrols of the Golden Sentinels, the chapter's veterans are not formed into the first company. The long distances between Golden Sentinels fleets mean that an elite force may not be able to arrive in time to stop a sudden threat. Therefore, the chapter's most seasoned marines are spread throughout the chapter's companies, filling sergeants' positions in squads. The truly elite are organized into veteran squads, with each company possessing its own Sternguard and Vanguard. The best of these are given the chapter's ancient suits of Terminator armor or Centurion Warsuits, the better to apply their unmatched skills to the many battlefields of the Corvalion Sector. Likewise, there is no single scout company. Each company maintains a cadre of scouts, equipped to handle any mission on any world. Scouts of the Golden Sentinels also remain scouts long after attaining the Black Carapace, the better to ensure that each Golden Sentinel is a warrior unmatched on the field of battle, expert in all forms of combat. Scout sergeants are drawn from the ranks of the chapter's veterans, overseeing the progression of each neophyte over the years spent in the scout squads. A scout squad's sergeant will only allow those he sees fit to bear the sacred power armour to progress beyond his auspices, and often it takes the better part of two decades to earn a scout sergeant's blessing.


As I said before, not uncommon in chapters. Only in rare and dire circumstances are the entire first company of veterans ever deployed in force (Polar Fortress for the Ultramarines for example) and having several squads mixed into the chapter as a whole is a common practice to ensure the Veterans lead by example. In addition many sergeants will always be veterans in their own regards. While they may have spent time in the first company they now serve as veterans in their own company. I am not trying to berate you or your choices, it just feels the need to be different to be different.

Again with the scouts, most chapters place squads into companies for recon, stealth and the like. The remaining past carapace stage is different. Is it really that effective for the chapter? Does it make the warriors that much better?

The Golden Sentinels prize knowledge of threats to Humanity, whether from within, without, or beyond, and are eager to send Battle-Brothers to the watch-fortresses of the Deathwatch. Having learned much from their time spent fighting Xenos threats across the galaxy, they spend weeks in the chapter's librarium on their return, documenting with the Librarians what they have learned during their vigil. As such, service to the Ordo Xenos is prized among the chapter's leaders, and it is rare that a Brother ascends to the rank of captain without having donned the black armor of the Deathwatch.


I like that. Not over the top, but characterful. They pride themselves on their knowledge and rank is often tied to that. Nice piece.

The fleet of the Golden Sentinels is in constant patrol throughout the Corvalion sector, either responding rapidly to threats to their planets' security, or conducting inspections of the defenses of the sector's worlds. They often train against the PDF regiments of the Corvalion sector, taking on advisory roles in planetary defense. When a strike cruiser of the Golden Sentinels does leave the Corvalion sector, it is not without good cause, as the sector's location at the confluence of several major shipping lanes makes it a prime target for invasion. The companies rotate their patrols every ten years, one company returning to the Citadel to relieve the company on watch. The return of a patrolling company is occasion for some celebration, as the fallen are mourned and victories are added to the chapter's rolls of honor. The watch company is under a great deal of pressure to prove itself in the training exercises conducted during the handover, to show that they have not gone soft in the years spent guarding the chapter's fortress-monastery. Every hundred and twenty years, the entirety of the chapter (barring those elements in active warzones) returns to the Citadel, their best and most skilled veterans competing against each other in a series of competitions for places among the chapter master's honor guard.


So they spend time training and fighting the PDF? Quite rare due the separation of power, but okay. The fleet is in travel, so this means the chapter has a difficult time responding in force? Or is the sector small enough that a company is never far from reinforcements? Is the sector always in danger?

The change is fine, as is the competition among each other. I don't know why, but it seems overly detailed without actually explaining anything. 

The emblem of the Golden Sentinels is a Tower Argent on a field Vert, a symbol of Elder Actaeon's victory over the daemon prince Bael'Grath during the initial recapture of Varr. Brothers of the chapter are clad in cream-colored habits when not in combat, and in dark green power armor on campaign. The left shoulder pad, trimmed in gold, bears the chapter emblem. The right shoulder pad, trimmed in the company color, bears the Brother's squad designation. Helmets are colored according to rank and position, Brothers wearing green helmets, Sergeants wearing red helmets, Veteran Sergeants in red helmets with a white stripe, Veterans in white helmets, and Sergeants of Veteran squads wearing white helmets with a red stripe denoting their status. Company captains wear gold helmets with a dark green stripe, and the Chapter Master wears a gold helmet with no stripe. The customary color for the Aquila on their power armor is gold, with skulls and bones rendered in a polished silver.


So the symbol is a silver tower over green? I don't know why but reading how you put it...upset me. Also Elder Actaeon? Last we heard he was a brother. 

Wow that is a mouthful for the detailing of the armour. Granted it is important for a chapter to have customs, but my lord how do they remember if the white helmet with a red stripe means he is a Veteran Veteran Sergeant or is that the red helmet and red stripe meaning he is only a Veteran Sergeant. 



Corvalion Crusade [290-316.M36]

The first test of the Golden Sentinels' mettle was the recapture of the Corvalion sector following its loss during the Howling. The Golden Sentinels encountered fierce resistance, initially from the Eldar Craftworld Illmarieth, and later from the Death Guard Traitor Legion serving the Daemon Prince Bael'Grath. The scouring of Illmarieth cost the young chapter two whole companies, yet still they pressed on at the forefront of their crusade. When they had finally reached Corvalion, the servants of the Ruinous Powers proved an even tougher foe, ambushing the Golden Sentinels in the underhives of Corvalion. Following their victory on the sector capital, they turned toward the final unconquered world, Varr. A medieval world known for little besides its strong, hardy people, Varr had been the capital of Bael'Grath's empire ever since the Howling began. Brother Actaeon banished the Daemon Prince not through raw martial prowess, but through cleverness and well-timed use of demolition charges in a ruined castle tower. His heroic sacrifice confined him to a Dreadnought to this day, and his breaking of the Ruinous Powers' hold on the Corvalion sector once and for all warranted changing the chapter's emblem to its current design.


So first I would do the same as the Craftworld you created and make a unique Nurgle (even Death Guard off shoot) warband as the enemies. I have read a lot of Death Guard fiction, how come I have never heard of this? Better to avoid direct conflicts. 

Next they attacked, invaded and accomplished scouring an entire Craftworld? And lost only two companies. Whole chapters with thousands of years experience have died to almost a man attacking such things. These are the rare and very well defended homes of an advanced race. First why didn't the Eldar retreat from the sector when faced with such a powerful force? Second how did the chapter accomplish such a feat?

So after losing two companies to the puny Eldar they then faced an even more powerful foe. And once they had kicked their ass... having no combat experience really (especially against the tactics of the Arch Enemy, much different than facing Eldar defending their home) against a foe on their homeground. These guys are tough. 


Then mission complete and right into the next attack. The (assuming) fortified world/base of a Daemon Prince of an ancient Legion. They not only cut through those defenses and made it to the leader a simple battle brother then beat him in a battle of wits killing him and nearly dying himself. How much of the chapter was left? This sounds like a HUGE drain on manpower for a chapter.

Also just to be clear... they changed a symbol they had adopted for some obviously important reason to a new one because a guy blew himself up? What does the Silver Tower have to do with this brothers sacrifice? Also why was the chapter so willing to change their history? Granted it was a new history, but still one that countless brothers had died in honour of... I don't know chapters just are very protective of their icons and to change it because one man killed an enemy seems extreme. Was this the first major kill the chapter had made? Were the Eldar just an early morning buffet for the real meal?

WAAAGH! Redgob VII [763-769.M41]
The Orks had largely ignored the Corvalion sector through the millenia, with the exception of a few scattered incursions over the years. This was to change when Warboss Redgob Dreadsmasha VII set his sights on the Corvalion sector. WAAAGH! Redgob began in 763.M41 and lasted another six years, during which Celephais, a recruitment world of the Golden Sentinels, was sacked and retaken twice by the Death Skulls Warboss. When the dust had settled, four prominent forge worlds lay in ruins, trillions were dead or taken by the retreating horde, but the Ork invasion force had been repelled. This has not stopped Redgob's successors from turning their hordes toward the Corvalion sector in years to come.


Damn I wanna play this chapter. They laid waste to a Waaagh that destroyed four rare and prominent Forgeworlds, killed trillions and retook a recruitment world from a chapter of marines? This seems a little over the top. Always read about the foes you use and the worlds you have attacked. A Forgeworld can commit millions of troops, armour and even Titans, but four of them were lost to this Waaagh? This is one of the biggest attacks against the Imperium ever. Armageddon (granted a very very powerful world) was attacked by the largest Waaagh put together in ten millennia by one of the greatest Warbosses of their race. And yet the world held on. Sure it almost fell to him twice, but this Redgob took out four like it was a Tuesday afternoon. And if he had this much power how did your chapter even touch him?

The Thirteenth Black Crusade [999.M41]
While Abbaddon's legions have not yet come to the Corvalion sector, the Seventh and Twelfth companies of the Golden Sentinels have seen action on Cadia, holding the gate against the forces of Chaos. The remainder of the chapter is busy overseeing the fortification of the Corvalion sector, ensuring that Abbaddon's legions will pay dearly for every inch of ground they take. Through all this, the hordes of Warboss Redgob XXIII have begun mobilizing for war once more, making their way toward their old foe, the Golden Sentinels. Scattered reports show images of Orks fighting alongside warp-spawned horrors and traitors known to have been long in the service of the mortal enemy of Corvalion, Bael'Grath. The Tau Empire has set its sights on expanding into the sector, and the tendrils of Hive Fleet Leixos are inexorably advancing toward the heart of the Golden Sentinels' home sector.


Wait the Twelfth Company? Why do they have more than ten? Seems randomly included and not needed at all. What is this company, what made it come to be? Is the Corvalion sector near Cadia?

Well time to start a new chapter because this one is dead. They are fighting against an enemy literally across the galaxy (because the Black Crusade is coming to them right?) all the while being in the deep galactic east (the only place the Tau operate and a place where many Hive Fleets are entering Imperial Space) Also shame the poor dude blew himself up for nothing since daemon dude is still kicking. No chapter has the power to stand against the nearly all powerful Waaagh, the 13th Black Crusade, the attack of an immortal and hate filled Daemon Prince, the upstart Tau Empire and the Tyranids. Is their homeworld a Necron Tomb World? Are the allies of the Craftworld they destroyed also on their way? Have they by chance pissed off an Inquisitor and a strike force of Grey Knights on their doorstep too?


Obviously that was mostly in jest, but it is partially true. Your chapter doesn't need to fluffwise have every single enemy race at their door. A chapter generally focuses on a threat or three and ends up serving into others. 

You have a good start, but you have overdone the chapter. You have given them to much power with no real downside. In addition you need to always double check your fluff when including things specifically from the lore. When I read a chapters history that goes against known facts of the world it breaks the immersion and makes it hard to take it seriously. I am not saying your chapter is at all bad, it just suffers from the common Marines +1 that so many people seem to write. Ton it back, think through everything and you'll have a great chapter before long.


As always. Please note that this is all in my [narrow] view of the 40K universe. Don't take what I say as an attack, and feel free to disregard.

Most of your pictures have broken, Brother.

Thanks for pointing this out!


And Brother Scythe, thanks for the criticism. Went through and did a few things differently, explained more stuff, thanks for pointing out stuff that's a bit over the top, because I'm trying to avoid that.


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