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gmarks' yet unnamed DIY chapter


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Hello, this is my first post here and I would like some comments on the first models of my DIY chapter that I have yet to come up with a suitable name for. Also missing are a chapter symbol which i plan to paint onto the banners and pauldrons. I have painted a commander and a tac squad, which I've constructed as two squads of 5 with a sergeant each. Coming up next is a honor guard for my chapter master. Thanks in advance for your C&C. 







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Thanks for the comments!


@Marshal Sampson: I hadn't thought about basing yet. I have done a dark urban rubble on another army of mine, but Im not sure how that would mix with the color scheme of these guys. 


@RedFred: I had a bad shot of primer i think. It could also be the photograph, but Im not sure. Ill have to go back and check that. I may put another head on that one. 


Ive been working on an honor guard and have re-done parts of the commander. He's got a new right arm and a new set of legs. Ive kit bashed the stern guard and the command squad into an honor guard, so far so good. Ill put up some pictures tomorrow. 

I've added a few models to the chapter so far, still working on the name, but I'm working on with a Free Mason theme and am using a stylized all seeing eye for their symbol. Ive only put this on a few things so far so this may change, but its what I'm going with at the moment. Ive re-done the chapter master a bit and have completed the first three members of his honor guard. I love the kit-bashing possibilities of the SM line of models. The chapter master has parts from four different kits on him, and I love how seamlessly they go together. So here they are:


The group shot. Ive used the stern guard box as the base for these guys and have added power swords from the other kits I had available. Primarily I've kit bashed from the command squad box, especially for the champion's sword and the banner. The banner still needs work; but i regret not taking a picture showing off what I'm trying to do a bit better. 


The Chapter Master. I think I'm done with him, although I may remove the backpack banner, as I have been putting them onto the squad sergeants and am one short. I would appreciate thoughts on this. I used the combat shield from the command squad champion to represent a shield eternal which I plan to include on my list. I think this worked well and don't lament losing the storm bolter that I was using previously.


An Honor Guard.


The champion. I think the Helmet plume helps make this guy a much more convincing model than the figure from the Command Squad kit.


And the Chapter Banner holder. I Plan to keep working on the banner - its far to plain at the moment - but am not sure how to proceed. This could be a long term project for me to get it right.


Thanks for the comments so far and please keep them coming. Any suggestions regarding the chapter iconography would be appreciated. 


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