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Index Astartes: Myrmidons


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Veteran without Plume



CHAPTER MASTER: Valmir the Ebon Knight



COLOURS: Sea Green Armour, Black Trim and Faceplate, Black Helmet Stripe

SPECIALITY: Boarding Actions, Melee



Chapter Icon 


the Kraken of Promona


Warriors of the Storm

The origin of the Myrmidons is shrouded in mystery, for not even they are sure from which Primarch they descend. At times they begin to believe in a certain Primarch, and will go out of their way to show their admiration for their supposed sire, though this often changes with various Chapter Masters.

At present, Chapter Master Valmir firmly believes his chapter descends from the lineage of noble Rogal Dorn. 

Indeed, though strategic warriors, the genesires of the Myrmidons have issues of arrogance and anger. It has been documented that their brethren have even been known to turn violent against allied Astartes, if given insult.

Hailing from a stormy world of ferocious sea-riding warriors, many within the Myrmidons have developed an admiration for naval warfare. Several of their number are counted amongst the Imperiums best ship captains, and the battle brothers are well trained in advanced boarding actions, and void warfare tactics.



The Raging Sea



The homeworld of the Myrmidons is a planet with a precarious state of natural storm cycles. Though similar in climate to ancient Mediterranean Terra, vicious storms and hurricanes are commonplace. The people of Promona are proud warriors who are raised from early ages to fight for their clans. Living on the many islands of their world, these clans frequently sail to make war and claim resources. The most feared sea to cross is the Raging Sea, where an abnormally large hurricane has endured for thousands of years.

Promonans believe that within the eye of the impossible hurricane is the realm of the Gods, and many have travelled into the dark skied, raging sea, in hopes of reaching this mythical place. In fact, it is not far from the truth, for within the eye, on a massive island stands the Tempest Hold, a black super-fortress that is home to the Myrmidons.

The sailors who do make it to the island, are inspected. Those found worthy and able are often taken into the ranks of the Astartes. Those unworthy, are allowed to live amongst the Chapter as serfs, learning finally of the Imperium and wide world beyond.



Promoan Warriors


Myrmidon Markings

Myrmidons maintain rank cohesion in a way inspired by the Codex Astartes. Most Sergeants and Veterans wear helmet plumes, the colour depending on their rank:

- Red plumes indicate Sergeant rank.

- White plumes indicate Veteran status.

- Red and White plumes indicate Veteran Sergeants.

- Purple plumes are worn by Captains.

- The Chapter Master may take a Black Plume.



Promoan Helmets inspired the Plume system


Chapter Relics

The Kraken Blade (the Teeth of Terra)

The seas of Promona are plagued by massive sea beasts. It is said that sometime in ancient history, a titanic kraken assailed Tempest Hold. It took three companies to put down the impossibly massive creature, and its tidal wave of offspring. From the beasts monstrous fangs, the kraken Blade was forged. A chainsword using the near-unbreakable fangs of the Kraken as its teeth.


The Giants Shield (The Shield Eternal)

In legend, the first Chapter Master of the Myrmidons crash landed on the mortal part of Promona, during a war between various clans. To the Space Marines surprise the rival clans had fallen to worship of dark gods, and were summoning daemons to their aid. So did the first Chapter Master join against this foe. In gratitude, the king of the land forged a massive round shield of bronze for the Chapter Master. Though useless, when he was finally rescued, tech-marines worked extensively to form it into a Storm Shield of great power.


The Lightning's Voice (The Primarchs Wrath)

Forged by Ulrath the Mad, one of the Chapters oldest Tech-Marines, the Lightnings Voice, was a gun imbued by some unknown arcane power. The bolts it fires are living lightning that crack through power armour with ease. It is unknown how or what power causes this, but some believe Ulrath was a closet psyker, and that he imbued his power into the very weapon itself.


The Ebon Plate (The Armour Indomitus)

Only worn by the Chapter Masters of the Myrmidons, the Ebon Plate is a black suit of artificer armour that is said to have been in use since the Great Crusade. Chapter Master Valmir believes it was used by the first Company Imperial Fists, who would later become the Black Templars.


The Daemon Skewer (The Burning Blade)

During a battle on Daveth Ultima, in the time of the twelfth Black Crusade, the Salamanders found themselves overwhelmed by Daemons. Their Captain, mortally injured, collapsed to the floor, droping the spear that was made for him by Vulkan He'Stan. A Captain of the Myrmidons picked it up, and banished the Daemon with it. In gratitude, the Salamanders gifted the Myrmidons with the spear, which has become known as the Daemon Skewer.


Special Units

Boarders (Crusader Squads)

Boarders are the furious elite of the Myrmidons, who abhor reliance on ranged weapons. They are a brotherhood bound by martial honour and the warrior creed, a sect within the Chapter. Most often they board enemy vessels (hence the name) though they also drop down alongside Dreadnoughts, to cause havoc in enemy ranks with chainswords and power blades. They are furious warriors, who will eagerly be the first in, and the last out.


Chapter Master Valmir 

(Chapter Master: The Daemon Skewer, The Ebony Plate, The Giants Shield)

Valmir had always been considered amongst the chapters brightest minds and skilled blades. Though more recluse than most Chapter Masters, his humble bearings have earned him respect from other Chapters, as well as his own men. Upon the field of battle few can match Valmir in single combat, his sheer martial skill making other Chapter Masters seem lacking.

His greatest achievement came when he managed to outwit a Dark Eldar Archon, bringing many of the xenos forces together, then springing a trap which had them encircled. From here squads of Boarders and Dreadnoughts dropped down from the sky, into the heart of the Dark Eldar horde. In the madness Valmir found his prey, and utterly decimated the dumbstruck Archon in single combat, in the process saving the million humans who had been captured by the enemy.


Achillo the High Champion (High Marshal Helbrecht)

The rank of High Champion is similar to the rank of Emperors Champion of the Black Templars, though within the Myrmidons it is maintained for a single man - the very greatest hero of the Chapter. 

Achillo is mighty, even among Space Marines, he single handedly slew an Ork Warboss, managed to murderer a Khornate Champion barehanded, and held off a team of Striking Scorpions.

His skill and might are famous chapter wide, and it was little surprise when Valmir presented him the title of High Champion, and the tools therein. Now Achillo goes to where he is needed most, instilling a fiery rage in his battle brothers, and dueling the greatest of enemy heroes.


[ Skaril was a mess; his ocean green warplate was damaged, he was wounded, and he was angry. 

"Damned Orks," he snarled.

The pitter-patter of rain against his ceramite body didn't calm his choler, though it reminded him of home. It rained so often back on Promona, it felt odd to him being on worlds where there wasn't a weekly rain, let alone a monthly one, let alone none at all.

This world, Tarinth, had been having a dry season which ended roughly around the time the Myrmidon fourth company arrived. Four months of bloody fighting had been hard, but had been good. 

The strong endured, those too weak to remain Astartes had been purged long ago, their geneseed collected for more deserving candidates.

Skaril didn't like the thought of it, but he wasn't far off from death himself. His squad had been separated after Ork artillery had struck them. He wandered with three deep bullet holes in his side, several gouges from close-range shrapnel, and tears and rends from a hundred other failed injuries scratched his plate.

He was close now, nearly out of the Ork dominated part of the city, just slipping past the last patrol.

"Oi, I crumped 'em good," came a deep guttural voice.

"I took the 'eads of two big 'umies wif me power klaw, dey didn't stand a chance," it laughed.

Other voices hooted and laughed with it, agreeing and jeering.

Though he told himself to move on, he was compelled to look back through a ruined window. Just half a dozen metres away a small group of Orks sat about, smoking and laughing. One was clearly a nob, it's boss pole carrying two ocean green Mark V helmets.

"Yeah, dese gitz ain't much... I wuz hoping fer more of a challenge, right lads?"

Before they could reply, a salvo of bolts tore through the gathered Orks, ripping limbs and bodies, painting the crackled concrete red with blood. 

The Ork nob roared as it rose, turning to see the injured Space Marine.

"Well ugly?" smiled Skaril, revving his chainsword, "Lets see if you can take me!" ]

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The general idea seems quite good though there is a few bits that give me pause:



The origin of the Myrmidons is shrouded in mystery, for not even they are sure from which Primarch they descend. At times they begin to believe in a certain Primarch, and will go out of their way to show their admiration for their supposed sire, though this often changes with various Chapter Masters.


While its quite odd even at first that -another- chapter doesn't know where it came from, the chapter master basicly decides and every marine goes along with it. Wouldn't this also mean that the next chapter master also go for the same as before since the last was so certain?



It has been documented that their brethren have even been known to turn violent against allied Astartes, if given insult.


Seems rather sudden for for a Astartes to go to -violence- due to an insult. Perhaps tone this down a little?


There's definitely some good ideas in here, just keep working away at them :)

I dig that colour scheme. It looks awesome.


The Ebon Knight, whilst on it's own is a cool sounding name, does not IMO fit with the naval theme of the chapter.


I can't really commentate too much on the crunch, but one character having three artifacts seems a bit OTT. I'd rather see him made a hard ass through interesting stories than giving him a loudout befitting a first-founding CM.


On the subject of lineage: why do they not know? Why have they not tried to find out; if they go so far to worship one or the other, then at some point it figures they a) would have tried to discover more or b ) quiet any dissention. Astartes are hardly known for flip-flopping in their beliefs.


When have they attacked other SMs? Why? Why have the Minotaurs/Inquisiton/other Chapters not slapped them down for this? It's a fine idea, but it follows that it should have serious consequences.


Being from what sounds like an ocean/feudal world, why not change the demon skewer to be a trident? Just a thought.


I like what you have, more detail would be appreciated.

I don't want to go too deep into the navel theme (no pun intended). The inspiration came from Greek city states and Illyrian tribes, basically Hellenistic pirates. They had their wargear but they were great at being naval raiders. They just happen to be on a water world, with some themes inspiring their culture.

I guess what I tried to get through with the "attack Space Marines" thing is that they are very aggressive and confrontational. This can lead to violence. The idea stems from Black Templars and Minotaurs who have these anger issues. I know Minotaurs have the backing of the High Lords, but I've read a short story where Black Templars fought Marine Malevolent, also in the Codex there are mentions of loyalist chapters having bouts.

I guess I could tone down the Chapter Master, was thinking that myself, if anything I would probably just give him regular artificer armour, and a relic weapon.

In regards to the Primarch thing, well, they just don't know. And I don't know why they don't know tongue.png I had several ideas for their origin, one being they descending from loyalist Emperors Children, apart from that I was simply uncertain as to the Primarch. I guess I didn't really get the idea across well: most guys may agree with the Chapter Master in his beliefs, but not necessarily everyone. Its more of a religious/diplomatic/democratic thing to claim their Primarch is so and so for this and that reason.

I'll add more and reprimand stuff as I go, thanks for the input guys I welcome any more.

Okay, I have just a couple of suggestions to start you off. First, choose a Primarch. It's distracting not to have one without a reason, and more than one would handily fit the Myrmidons. Second, Astartes recruits come from the pre-teen to early teen age range, so probably not sailors that are crossing hurricanes. What might be some alternative ways for them to recruit? These are just thoughts to help you iron out what you're starting with. Your Chapter relics and homeworld are quite cool, nice work. I'd also suggest looking at the Liber Tags thread at the top of the Liber to see how best to tag your article. Most everything here is homebrew, so it's not a really helpful tag.


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