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So, I sat down and read my copy this morning to pass a couple hours at work, and I must admit I have been left feeling a bit disappointed.
Without ruining the story for anyone, I just found some of the character development a bit lacking and the climatic scenes of the book to be over way too quickly.

I did enjoy it, don't get me wrong, but I just felt like it could of been better and for a £30 limited edition I would of liked it to be a bit longer.
Anyone else feel this way?

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Received mine today and... its a quick read.... I finished it 1h30 after :-/, wanting for more.


High hopes when reading the name of 5 MorDeythans in the Dramatis Personae



I liked it, but lets face it Gav Thorpe is not ADB or Dan Abnett. It does explore in more details a few areas (Shattered Legions, Raptors, Captain Noriz) and definitely gives the spotlight to Corax, but really is of little consequence to the plotline, and brings nothing fundamentally new. Not really something worth paying £50 on ebay in 3 months time.

The characterization is a bit poor I found, both villains and the RG commanders are bland.

Theres a few nuggets, particularly if you are eyeing 30k and a shattered legion force, this could be a good sourcebook.

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For me, the novellas climax came as a damp squib. The details in the book are nice, for fluff-hounds like myself, but it doesn't feel like the book achieves anything. The antagonist is revealed late and leaves the stage in a somewhat disappointing manner. However, that said, there are a couple of new characters I liked. :)

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