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This may be a noob question but being new to the competition side of modeling, I'm just wondering about non GW/FW parts on models for Armies On Parade. I know your entry doesn't have to be 'tabletop legal' as such but is using parts/pauldrins etc from other companies such as Schibor and others acceptable or frowned upon? Or even allowed?

I know you can do conversion pieces and all that but main question is for items that are brand specific, not actual conversions done by hand or modified GW/FW parts.

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I would generally refrain from any of the more recognizable/obvious conversion bits just to be safe. To be fair not that too many people will know right off the bat you're using a scibor pauldron or an anvil gun, but I think if you're trying to compete for AoP, it'd probably be best to stick to GW stuff. If advancing isn't a big deal to you, and it's just for the participation factor, I'd say it'll depend on how cool the local store manager is.
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I would generally refrain from any of the more recognizable/obvious conversion bits just to be safe. To be fair not that too many people will know right off the bat you're using a scibor pauldron or an anvil gun, but I think if you're trying to compete for AoP, it'd probably be best to stick to GW stuff. If advancing isn't a big deal to you, and it's just for the participation factor, I'd say it'll depend on how cool the local store manager is.

Yeah I have a feeling it'll be down to the local GW guy aswell. I would like to compete properly so it'd be killer to be excluded over something as trivial as a shoulder guard.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You would be excluded I think yes. Whilst its trivial to 99% of folks, to GW at a GW event promoting Citadel in its best light.....enough said. ;)


Also, look at recent years of Golden Daemon, self sculpted pieces actually get poor scores now no matter what the painting is like. This is because its a Citadel painting competition, not a sculpting competition. This was actually feedback I overheard whilst working at the time on Golden Daemon.



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