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Daemonic Pact: A Chaos Event


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I've been a fool.

I forgot all about my pledge & have been working on my ETL raptors rather than the Noise Marines. Is their any chance I can change my pledge to the Raptors?

Help me Uprising. Your my only hope! laugh.png cool.png

I need a before pic and you will be fine, I am mercy full for a World Eater.

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Wow!! That Forgefiend is looking amazing! :) Really looking forward to seeing everyone else's stuff they entered. As a chaos player these events are such an inspiration for me. Still hoping I can get myTraitor Vets done in time as I just finished the written part of my entry for them.


How is everyone else getting along?

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Completion! Squad Dendex joins the fray.

NOTE: of the 10 guys pictured, only 8 were left to paint, either way even 8 CSM is a legal choice, and pts don't matter, but they're just pictured because they're part of the squad.




Iron Kings Background

++By Decree of his Royal Highness, the High King Valdraz Bayne, may his reign be everlasting!++

The Iron Kings date back to the last days of the Heresy, when our beloved High King had recently arrived on this world, leading the 9 Kings. He wasted no time in reinforcing our world, to keep us safe from enemy invasion and dissidents alike. Soon the time came when he declared the independence of our sacred world, cutting all ties with his former lieges, claiming their goals were deluded and accusing them of idiocy and incompetence.

Since then, our world has attracted those of his former Legion who agreed with the High King's views, and joined his forces. As his army grew, he divided the world under his 9 Kings, granting them command over a squad of their fellows and lordship over vast amounts of land.

Barely a hundred years had passed when a Warp Storm came over our world, snatching it up, and transporting it to the Warp. For a time, the populace descended into madness and panic, but order was quickly restored through the brutal, but effective appliance of excessive force.

The High King and his advisors spent many hours experimenting, testing and theorizing in an attempt to figure out what would happen to the world. In the end, it was the Warp itself that provided the answer, when our planet rematerialized into an unknown solar system. Our presence did not go unnoticed, and soon, the Kings manned their walls, and repulsed every attack, even an Astartes drop-strike was destroyed within seconds of landing when the High King teleported their homing beacon in the middle of a Vengeance Battery defense ring.

Ever since, we have been transported in-and-out of the Warp numerous times, each time arriving in different locations. Sometimes we are forced on the defensive, sometimes we take the offensive and raid enemy planets.

More recently however, the biggest threat seems to come from within, as a squad of Kings has begun to speak out against our High King, claiming the Iron Kings have grown weak and became a shadow of their former glory. They would prefer to stand beside the Black Legion and persecute the Long War. So far, the High King has not received their spokesman, and merely smiles when questioned about the subject.

++Long live our High King!++

Squad Dendex Background

Squad Dendex is assigned to King Ferzix, the 7th of the Lords. The Squad is named after their Champion, Dendex, who is known as a dissident among the rest of the warband. His opponents have mockingly nicknamed him: "Pretty Rainbow" (after his mutated hairdo), which hasn't helped to improve his famously foul temper.

He believes that the Iron Kings are a degenerate bunch, calling them "lazy, foolish and ignorant". He often claims that they should be at the front of the Long War, and find glory for their warband.

Lately, he took his "rebellion" a step further by artificially oxidizing his armor's left arm. Symbolizing his perceived weakness of the Kings.

His squad has taken over this gesture to show their respect to their Champion.

So far, Dendex' requests for an audience with the High King have been denied, but he continues to win glories on every assignment he is sent on. He believes that soon, he can no longer be ignored.

He does not know that the High King is watching him closely, observing his methods. Calmly waiting for the moment when he can either wins him back over, or wipe him of the face of the earth.

So there we are. biggrin.png When's the next one?msn-wink.gif

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So there we are. biggrin.png When's the next one?msn-wink.gif

Congrats on the completion.

There will be one week of voting during the beginning of next month. Then three weeks of relaxation. Then one month of vowing, then one month of painting. So basically three month cycle.

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He ran. He ran as fast as he could. But he couldn’t escape It. No matter how far went or how long he ran, It was right behind him. The Song!

Its haunting melody had caused him to forget his name. It caused him to forget many things. Like how he had come to be in a group of people, all running in the same direction, herded by eight red giants with horned skulls on their shoulders and chanting a monotous dirge in some foul tongue. These….. giants, these monsters, these behemoths kept pace with the group of people and would occasionally turn back and shoot someone, seemingly at random. He didn’t know why they did it. Maybe it was to keep the group moving forward. It certainly worked out that way.

He had something in his hands. A… rifle. He thought. He couldn’t be sure. The word slipped around his tongue and it was hard to hold onto, like it wanted to run away from him. It had a flashing red light. It meant something important. Something bad he thought. Low Charge. That’s what the light said. He thought it must be bad.

The Song reverberated in his core. The dirge mitigated its effect on his person, but not by much. He noticed that as he ran, he clutched at a pendant around his neck. He slowed down a little to look at it, as it piqued his curiosity. It was a golden chair. No, that didn’t sound right. A golden throne. Where did he get it? What did it mean? And why did he grasp it as though it was a shield? He looked up to see one of the inhuman guards looking at him, bolter raised. The being saw what he was looking at and seemed to give a small nod of approval, before turning away to talk to his four brethren. He felt like there should have been something else in his hands.

Somehow he got blood on his face. It covered him all over. There was a woman next to him who carried something that looked disturbingly like a child, but was too pulped and bloody to tell. Is that where the blood came from?

They ran. They continued running. At least, he thought they were still running. He didn’t remember stopping. Then again, he didn’t remember starting either. They ran through alleyways past rockcrete brick buildings. Sometimes they ran through the buildings. Flames were everywhere. What had happened? Had they been attacked? Or where they the attackers, forced to flee after being defeated?

The sky was a swirling red-black, swallowing the smoke that rose towards it and drinking in the light of the dying city. The Song was still with him. It seemed, different. He wasn’t sure how though, faster maybe? Or was it louder? The group he was running with seemed smaller. He wasn’t sure why. He only ever remembered there being-

They stopped. Or rather, the giants stopped running and they stopped to keep from running into the giants. Now he knew something was different. He didn’t know what though. Nothing sounded different- That was it! The Song had stopped. The silence was worse than the Song, but suddenly Jon could feel a bit more at ease. Wait, Jon. Jon Towers. That was his name. He was a member of the Royal Fusils, the bodyguards of the Ruling Family. The planet had been attacked by Traitor Marines. It had been strange as the entire vox-network had been taken over by some sort of malignant tech-chant and began to broadcast the Song. Everything went south from there as orbital defenses refused to function, ships began to fall from the sky and even worse, people began to forget. It started with small things like why they entered a room or what they did a few hours ago. But eventually it got so bad that some forgot how to breathe. Those were the lucky ones. The survivors began to change, becoming the things of nightmares.

Then the saviors came. They called themselves the Exorcists and somehow, they were able to keep the worse effects of the Song from taking hold, at least for a little while. He remembered how some had begun to change during the run from the palace to the starport and the Astartes had killed them on the move. He also remembered how one the servants had turned too quickly and had managed to kill the czar-heir in his mother’s arms, spraying blood all over Jon who had been right behind her. He doubled over as he puked. He remembered how monsters in red and stone grey armor had burst from the alleyways and buildings to attack the Exorcists, only to be pushed back again and again, but not before claiming at least one of the Emperor’s Angels as a corpse.

Then, the sky screamed. The Song hadn’t stopped, it had simply paused. And now, It had reached the crescendo. Something burst from the ground underneath one of the three remaining Exorcists, knocking the Angel to its feet and then crushing in its skull with a metal hoof. His brethren turned on the daemon with their bolters, spewing death and fire. It rocked back under the impacts and then seemed to shift. One minute it was there, the next it had moved towards the closest Astartes and had planted its axe firmly into the skull of his attacker. A twist of the wrist and pieces of the body flew in every direction and Jon was drenched in even more blood. It shifted towards Jon and the other civilians next. He leapt out of the way and narrowly avoided the creature’s axe as everyone else died. Apparently, on the ground and covered in fresh blood, he then escaped its notice as it went after the last Exorcist.

It was fascinating as it seemed the creature had been caught in pict-capture, but at the same time seemed to struggle in every direction all at once as the Astartes reached towards it with his hand outstretched in some strange gesture. Then the Exorcist muttered a single word and it was catapulted backwards, crashing into a building. Three grenades were launched through the hole it had made and the explosion brought the building down.

“What was that?” Jon asked.

“That, was Tzarkanis, the warlord who lead the attack on your world. He should be dead now. Come, let us make haste and –“ The Exorcist’s words were cut off as his voice began to gurgle, as though he were drowning. And then he began to rise in the air. It was then Jon saw what was wrong. The creature, Tzarkanis it had been named, had survived the explosion. Its stone-like armor was cracked and destroyed in many places, with blood, oil and something else leaking from it. The face of the creature had been the most mangled as pieces of its skull were showing as the facial muscles of its faceplate – no, its face – spasmed in pain. Its hand had punched into the Exorcist’s back and was grabbing him by the spine.

“You of all people should know better than to give sound to that name, Exorcist. It is the name of Death after all.” The creature spoke, its voice almost singsong in its intonation while sounding of screeching metal and breaking glass wrapped in the screams of dying children.

“Foul creature, you can kill me, but more will follow. It is only a matter of time until - you and your abominable kin - are finally destroyed.”

“You know, I killed a Grey Knight once. They are your forbearers I believer. Do you know how I did it? I ripped out his spine, just like this.” Jon screamed his last, signaling the end of the Song.


Code Level: Vermillion

Sender: [REDACTED}

Received By:[CENSORED]


My Lord, here is the requested summary on the Bloody Hymn and the referendum for cited historical records and essays.

The Bloody Hymn is a very notorious, yet unknown warband. The earliest recorded mentions are in 632.M36, during a small event known as the “Gideon Revolt”, a minor repercussion of the recently ended Age of Apostasy. As a result, many Imperial authorities believe them to be a Chapter of the Twenty-First, or “Cursed”, Founding. This is highly debated as the most common Astartes seen leading them, Tzarkanis, has been entered into Inquisitorial records[Note: See Attached] as early as M32, although his origins seem to be as mysterious as the Bloody Hymn itself.

Speaking of Tzarkanis, it seems the records are… Misleading. Despite his name pre-dating the Bloody Hymn itself, it seems that the name does not belong to any one individual. Normally it wouldn’t be an uncommon occurrence in a populace the size of the Imperium’s to have more than one individual sharing a name, but for four such individuals to share the same name, and all fourbe Astartes(and Traitor Astartes at that) as well as being seen leading the same warband at different times just within the last four hundred years, well it beggars belief[Note: Refer to the records of the Arcadian Massacre, in which four different and simultaneous planetary assaults were led by Traitor commanders who all claimed to be Tzarkanis]. As such, I must issue the personal belief that the name “Tzarkanis” isn’t a name, but rather a title, a shield for which the leaders and operational commanders of the Bloody Hymn hide their True Names behind.

Continuing on, as I am sure you are aware, the Bloody Hymn are rather notorious for being highly mutated, so much so that it is believed that they feature a high number of Possessed Marines such as the Warband “Beasts of Annihilation” and the Renegade Chapter “Crimson Slaughter”. It is also peculiar to note that they have a certain MO. In the moments before planetary assaults, it is not uncommon for a specific piece of scrapcode commonly referred to as the “Song” to infiltrate our vox networks. In and of itself, it is harmless to our equipment. But to the populace of the planet, the effects have ranged from merely debilitating to simply monstrous. The most common side effect is a mild form of memory manipulation, which simply distracts all but the most strong-willed individuals into doing nothing. In others, this “forced laziness” will result in a lack of will to live, in which the afflicted will pass on quietly as their organs cease to function. In others still, it is not uncommon to increased levels of hyperaggression.

Thankfully and unfortunately, this last side effect seems to only be seen amongst those who are most commonly associated with violence. This however, includes many of our own armed forces, which when combined with the first side effect of memory manipulation; it has resulted in more than one planet’s defenses falling apart due to lack of cohesion.

The most disturbing side effect is that it seems to “hollow out” certain individuals, leaving their bodies to be possessed by daemons of the warp. This appears to affect individuals at random as both cultist warriors and even pious Ecclesiarchs have been seen to fall prey to this possession.

This concludes my summary of what we know. Most of that information is the testimony of survivors, vid recordings, pict images and supposition by some of the Inquisition’s greatest scholars. Attached below are pict-captures of the most common Tzarkanis, the one known as “The Choirmaster”.







I tried cropping the pictures as Forte suggested, unfortunately when I transferred to photbucket, it undid the cropping. So then I cropped it there and it… well you can see how grainy the images are. The metal trim on the legs and the eyes turned out a lot better on my phone, but the transfer to photobucket killed that too. If I have time later, I’ll try to mess with the pictures again to see if I can get the original croppings to upload as those turned out a lot better. But c’est la vie, guess that’s what happens when all you have is a phone camera. Anyway, this is it, my third completed model. And with it is the completion of my ETL and Daemonpact vow. Thanks to everyone for their comments and advice, I did try to apply them as best as I could and I hope to improve by the next time I decide to paint a model. Whenever that happens tongue.png

EDIT: It seems photobucket does not liked cropped images since I can see them cropped in the album, but they're not showing up cropped here. *grumble grumble*

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Not sure how to put it in a spoiler so hopefully its okay like this. Here is my completed entry:





Their names lost to the Warp, their regiment forgotten and their once proud home world in ruins the regiment now known to Imperial Scholars as the ‘Traitor 13th’ had a long and glorious history. Whilst much of this has been erased from the Imperial Archives by Inquisitorial decree, some remains in living memory, and no end of rumours and legends tell of their fall.

Hailing from an obscure and militaristic Ecclesiastical world within the Maelstrom Zone of the Ultima Segmentum region of Imperial Space, the ‘Traitor 13th’ was once the defenders of the Imperial Truth in their system, and was joined by a prosperous Agri-World and a Forge World that supplied the system’s garrison with the necessary food and munitions to combat the Chaotic and Orkish threats of the Maelstrom as well as numerous Pirate raids. Their prowess in defending their home world was well known, as was the religious fervour, bordering on fanaticism with which they did it that. To all in their neighbouring systems, they were the ideal Imperial Soldiers; veterans of a hundred incursions with unshakeable faith in the God-Emperor to guide them as His mailed fist – yet it was their faith that would be their undoing.

Targeting the Ecclesiastical worlds on the frontiers of the Maelstrom, a strike force of the Word Bearers 13th host entered Imperial Warp Space 3 days before all contact was lost with the system. Opening a small Warp Rift’s on the neighbouring Agri-World, the Word Bearers unleashed hell on the system as boiling blood rained from the skies, staining the fertile earth below whilst their crops failed; turning to mulch with too many diseases to combat. The ‘13th’ responded immediately, fighting back the tide of Daemons.

6 hours after the rift had opened, it vanished; the victorious Guardsmen rejoicing in what they believed was divine intervention. However, the first blow had already been struck and the agricultural production of the world had been severely crippled, cutting the system off from its much needed imports. Within 24 hours, hunger had started to set in and riots broke out across the Agri-World in response to the Governor of the system’s command to begin rationing, only to be put down by the ‘13th’.

In the wake of this wave of panic and discontent the Word Bearers opened another rift, this time much larger than the first, above the system’s Forge World. The ‘13th’ once again responded fearlessly but there was no reprieve this time as the rift increased in size, a massive Warp Storm spreading across the system as on the surface of the Forge World a full half of the regiment was stranded and wiped out as the very surface of the planet warped beneath their feet. Three days following their first contact with the Word Bearers, the Warp Storm had grown to such size that all communication was severed between the system and the rest of the Imperium; hope hung by a thread, yet their faith remained.

+++ All Imperial records end here, with the fate of the entire ‘13th’ declared as KIA by Inquisitorial Mandate +++

Yet the legends never ceased…

Their faith abandoning them, much of the populace rose up against the Imperium through fear and hunger. Feeling betrayed by the god they had devoted their lives to when no aid had come to relieve them; they turned against those who had once valiantly protected them. With fully ¾ of the planet fallen to Chaos, the ‘13th’ mounted their last defence in the capital city of the Ecclesiastical World in a bid to buy those citizens that remained a chance of evacuation.

When the wall was breached, tides of frothing cultists teeming through the Space Port where the last of the evacuations were taking place the ‘13th’, numbering only 100 men now, made their stand, forcing the enemy back after days of intense fighting and great loss; only 15 remained of these veterans of 100 incursions.

Neighbouring worlds tell of the heroic defence mounted by the ‘13th’ when the enemy breached the walls of the last remaining Space Port as they attempted to evacuate all they could, their noble sacrifice as they gave up the last of their shuttles, remaining on the doomed planet to waylay those that sought to destroy them and the last stand made by the ‘13th’ before the Shrine of Saint Crassus. All tell of their eventual demise yet the truth is much darker.

+++ Here begins an Inquisitorial Documentation pieced together from captured Cultists in service of the Word Bearers 13th Host and members of the revived ‘Traitor 13th’ +++

Hiding amidst the bodies of the fallen before the ruins of the Shrine of St Crassus, their blood stained armour turned grey by the dust that stuck to it and wrapped in their Camo Cloaks, the last of the ‘13th’ waited. As the Cultists returned, they arose from the corpse strewn ground, like vengeful spectres, prayers to the Emperor on their lips. Striking from the shadows they fought until their laspacks ran dry and their combat knives were dull, disappearing as quickly as they struck and before the enemy could strike back. The legends tell of Cultists who threw themselves into fiery infernos and mutated craters in fear of the wrath of the ‘13th’, yet their victory was short lived. Encircled, and now fighting with what little they could salvage from the rubble, the last of the ‘13th’ barricaded themselves within the desecrated Shrine they so had fought before. It is in this moment, alone and trapped, the enemy closing in on all sides and hammering on the doors and windows the faith of these 15 men finally faltered.

As the Warp Storm cleared, and the baying hordes broke the ruined Shrines doors, salvation came. The last of the ‘13th’ were not met with the vicious horde they were expecting, but by a single man. Towering above all others and enclosed within Crimson armour covered in an unfamiliar script they could not read, the man spoke, his voice booming; powerful and unwavering yet filled with conviction. He spoke of a ‘Primordial Truth’ and the existence of Gods more powerful than they could ever imagine whose sheer power they had witnessed first-hand yet defied to the last. Yet it was their conviction that granted them mercy; all they had to do was renounce the False Emperor and unlimited power would be theirs from Gods that would answer.


Broken and in despair, the last of the ‘13th’ accepted the offer of the Apostle of the Dark Gods. Inducted into the Word Bearers 13th Host, from where their name derives, they formed an Auxiliary force, specialising in urban warfare and terror tactics in service of the Word Bearers and began to rebuild their once glorious regiment. Gifted with heavy armour that emulated their saviour, the most fanatical of the last of the ‘13th’ were given positions of leadership within the regiment whilst the remainder formed as special operations force of veterans who struck from behind enemy lines.

+++ Field Report 13: Commander (Redacted) of the Krieg 256th Infantry Regiment. For the attention of Inquisitor (Redacted), Ref: ‘Traitor 13th’ +++

A cell of highly trained and well equipped Human Auxiliaries have been spotted and engaged on Monastery Worlds close to the Maelstrom. They appear to be working in conjunction with Word Bearers forces in the region and attempts to capture and identify have been unsuccessful, however our scouts have inferred that they resemble the rumoured ‘Traitor 13th’ alleged to have once been the (Redacted) Regiment that had previously been considered KIA.

All those involved have been silenced indefinitely and a report sent to you in the Inquisition for further investigation.

Equipped as heavy infantry, they appear to be highly specialised in covert operations and stealth based warfare. Reports confirm they have been both deployed on the front line as shock troops or from their Valkyrie transport behind enemy lines. It is believed that they are the same cell due to identical markings.

I request immediate intervention from the Inquisition as many of our key supply facilities and positions of strategic importance have been destroyed. Analysis of the damage suggests a preference for Plasma weapons of a much higher quality than previously encountered in traitor regiments in this system and this seems to be the case in all other equipment too.

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The Warfiend Mahmud blasts a hole in Imperial fortifications. Black Legionnaires of
the Crimson Eye warband, led by their chaos lord Wiegraf Folles, storm the gap.

The Imperial Guard were provided by my friend Travers, a fellow patron of the local game store.

(wallpaper version, 1920x1080)
The Crimson Eye, a Black Legion warband

The story of the Crimson Eye is that of their chief warlord and commander, Wiegraf Folles.  Once a captain among the thrice-cursed Sons of the Eye, after the crushing betrayal and absorbtion of the Sons by the Black Legion, Wiegraf and the company of chaos marines he commanded had been consigned to the Black Legion's disgraced 'Oath-Broken', a catch all term for Black Legionnaires who have earned the warmaster's ire.  There Wiegraf's tale should have ended, for the oath-broken are used as expendable troops in meat grinders and suicide missions, and treated no better than common cultists and lesser chaos rabble by their superiors in the Legion.  Indeed, many among Wiegraf's former command developed strong bonds of loyalty and friendship with the feral warriors they fought alongside, and Wiegraf was no different, growing especially fond of a female chaos warrior by the name of Milleuda, who he called his sister and trusted in battle even as he would one of his astartes brothers.
Despite the hardships, Wiegraf persevered, sustained by his bitterness and hatred.  His former command and the lesser cultists they fought alongside did suffer heavy attrition, and were jokingly named the 'Corpse Brigade' by the Black Legion warlords who made use of them.  Still, despite their poor equipment and festering wounds, they always achieved their assignments.  In time they became a hardened elite force, and began to earn some begrudging respect within the Black Legion.  But Wiegraf's perseverance was sorely tested when the rogue grey knight Ramza Beoulve happened upon Milleuda's team during a mission and slew her.
It had been a chance encounter - Ramza knew nothing of the Corpse Brigade's mission, and was instead hunting a group of chaos operatives known as the Shrine Knights.  Shortly thereafter, Wiegraf was approached by the leader of the Shrine Knights, the warrior-prophet Folmarv Tengille.  Some say Folmarv was once a Word Bearer, others claim him to be one of the Fallen.  Still others say he is not a chaos marine at all, but rather a chaos warrior from a feral world grown massive from the favor of his elusive dark patron until he rivaled the greatest of chaos marines in stature.  Regardless of his origin, Folmarv had set out on a pilgrimage through the galaxy searching for a set of 12 stones, relics of primordial chaos, and in the course of this pilgrimage he had earned the Grey Knight's undying hatred.  Forlmarv intended to use Wiegraf to shake Ramza off of his tail, but when he approached the veteran warrior, something stirred within one of the stones he carried, a malignant presence roused by Wiegraf's grief and rage.
Just what happened during their encounter, none can say.  However, by the time Folmarv left, Milleuda's body had been restored to life - though none who knew her before her death would be fooled into believing the spirit which animated her corpse was the same spiteful, yet brave warrior who had once led her warrior clan into battle at Wiegraf's side.  Wiegraf himself was also changed.  Ancient wounds were healed, and he seemed to radiate an aura of palpable menace and power.  Wiegraf commanded The Corpse Brigade to swear themselves to a new creed - the Cult of the Black Shrine, which openly worships Abaddon the Despoiler as a god, and, following a brief skirmish with Ramza's followers that the Lone Knight barely escaped from with his life, they then returned to the Black Legion.  His legion overlords were surprised when the Corpse Brigade returned to them alive - they had been presumed slain in their last mission.  Still, there was no time to question them, nor to notice the change in Wiegraf himself, for Abaddon was just about to launch his seventh Black Crusade.
The Ghost Wars, as that campaign came to be known, saw their height in the Battle for Mackan, Where the Blood Angels nearly caught Abaddon's personal forces in a trap.  Cut off from their landing craft, the Black Legionnaires on Mackan were forced to fight their way through Blood Angels positions to escape.  It happened that the Corpse Brigade were among the forces on Mackan during the battle, and were assigned one final suicide mission, a feigned attack to lure a large group of Blood Angels and Successor marines, including a significant force of deadly Death Company marines, away from the point where Abaddon planned to personally lead the force that would break through the Blood Angel lines.  The Corpse Brigade were successful in their mission, but none expected to see them return alive at the very climax of the battle, Wiegraf's own armor drenched crimson in the blood of the Death Company marines he had slauhtered.  They carved a path from behind Blood Angel lines, meeting up with the greater force of Abaddon's own assault.
That day Wiegraf earned the Warmaster's attention, and his approval.  The oath-broken brand was lifted from the Corpse Brigade, and by Abaddon's decree they were re-christened the Death Corps, in mockery of the Death Company marines they had slain.  Further, great stores of Blood Angels geneseed had been taken on Mackan, and Wiegraf was made lord of one of several new Black Legion warbands that stolen seed was used to create, with the Death Corps as his personal chosen retinue.  Wiegraf named his new warband the Crimson Eye, and in the centuries since their founding they have gone on to commit a series of stunning atrocities in Abaddon's name, while Wiegraf himself has secretly pursued objectives tasked to him by Folmarv as the newest member of the Shrine Knights.
In the lead up to the 13th Black Crusade, the Crimson Eye remains a relatively small but elite strike force within the Black Legion, and has earned great favor from the Warmaster.  Many believe Wiegraf may soon find a place within Abaddon's Chosen, and the current Chosen have come to view him with as much wary suspicion as begrudging respect.  Under Wiegraf's direction, the Crimson Eye are among the most vocal supporters of a new creed that has taken root amid several Black Legion warbands - a faith deemed heretical even among heretics - the Cult of the Black Shrine.  Wiegraf openly credits this dark faith for his many personal victories.  The Black Shrine worships the Despoiler as the mortal host of a nascent fifth god of chaos, which they claim once possessed the primarch Horus, and which passed to Abaddon upon Horus's death.  According to their teachings, only a sacrifice on a galactic scale - entire systems drowning in blood, culminating in the final death of the Emperor himself - can birth this new god into reality.  This blasphemous creed has earned the cult the hatred of the Word Bearers and Cult Legions, but the Crimson Eye takes pains to avoid those forces - along with any who possess esoteric daemon lore - ostensibly so as not to strain relations between those legions and the Black Legion as a whole.
Publicly, the cult, and warbands like the Crimson Eye which champion it, promote fanatical loyalty to the Despoiler, yet none outside of their Inner Circle and the secretive Shrine Knights who lead them can say what the Black Shrine's true goals are.  In the mean time, Folmarv approaches the end of his pilgrimage, having collected nearly all the stones, save only those that have been taken from slain Shrine Knights by the now-ancient Ramza Beoulve.  The lone grey knight hunts their members to this day, and he alone in all the galaxy suspects the true threat that the Black Shrine and the ancient stones their Shrine Knights carry represent.

The Warpsmith of the Crimson Eye

No two chaos warpsmiths are the same, yet few are as strange as the warpsmith of the Crimson Eye - the mad Jokaero, Mojo Jojo.  Transformed during forbidden experiments by a rogue tech priest, Mojo acquired the the ability to speak as a human, along with considerable physical strength and size, and technological brilliance staggering even for a member of his strange race.  Yet the changes twisted his mind, making him violent and hateful, and opening his heart to the call of Chaos.  Mojo left Imperial territory and made his way to the Eye of Terror, where he found a place among the Dark Mechanicus.
Though his swift mastery of daemonic arcanotech impressed his new peers, few could tolerate his prideful attitude or infuriating, repetitive speech patterns.  Further, Mojo is prone to sudden bouts of intense physical violence, in which he often damages or destroys precious and irreplaceable machinery.  To get rid of him, he was assigned to handle the contract of a traitor astartes warband, the then newly founded Crimson Eyes.  Contract warpsmiths are tasked with maintaining the hiring warband's equipment, managing the daemon engines leased to them by the Dark Mechanicus, and ensuring that the proper payments in souls and materials are made to the chaos forges.  Though initially displeased with his assignment, Mojo has taken to the work with relish.  He has first access to any xenos and Imperial technology taken by the Crimson Eyes, and fighting alongside the chaos marines gives Mojo ample outlet for his violent urges.
Mojo alone among the officers of the Crimson Eyes is not a member of the Black Shrine's inner circle.  At first Wiegraf took great pains to hide the cult's secrets from their warpsmith, but in time he came to realize that Mojo simply did not care about their beliefs or goals - so long as the jokaero was supplied with material to fuel his experiments and regular opportunities to unleash the fruits of his labor in battle, Mojo remains content to let the chaos marines believe whatever they wish, and the warband's weaponry and warmachines remain in top shape. 
Even without a forge, Mojo continues to experiment with arcanotech, and is constantly making 'upgrades' to the daemon engines of the Crimson Eye.  He has even managed to create several new daemon engines without a forge, using cobbled together wrecks and daemonic spirits bound by the warband's sorcerers.  Mojo's experiments do not end with the physical bodies of these machine-beasts but also extend to the possessing spirits themselves, and he has managed to develop methods which sever daemons from their patrons, stripping them of their names and identities and binding them together in networks of several spirits operating a single daemon engine in concert.  This has allowed him to create modular daemon engines which can be completely reconfigured with only a few hours work, even in the midst of battle.
Such experiments are, of course, forbidden - were the greater powers to find out about Mojo's techniques, their servants would soon be marshalled to crush him and destroy his allies.  Further, the Dark Mechanicus does not know about the daemon engines Mojo has crafted without a Forge, and he has been keeping the tithes that the Crimson Eye have paid for their use, rather than sending the payments on to his Forge Lord masters.  This is a dangerous game to play, but thus far it has worked out well for him, as the inherent secrecy of the Crimson Eye about the inner workings of their cult has shielded Mojo's own indiscretions.

Mahmud, the Warfiend

One such modular daemon engine with a collective animus is the Warfiend Mahmud, of the line of Menachem, of the line of Melchizedek, most recent of Mojos mighty mechanical monstrosities.  The fiend can be fitted with ectocannons, hades autocannons, or a pair of devastating giant saw blades which chew through enemy vehicles and fortifications alike.  Each of these weapons have their own bound daemonic spirit possessing them, while the body itself is possessed by a network of several such spirits bound together.
The resulting abomination is sometimes unpredictable, and when it takes sufficient damage the network can begin to come unraveled - more then once Mahmud has wrecked itself in battle, literally tearing itself apart with its own terrible weaponry.  But the binding on the daemonic spirits, reinforced by the chief sorcerer of the Crimson Eye, has held, and after each 'incident' Mojo has pached his monster back together to fight again.  Wiegraf, a consummate strategist and disciplined warrior, finds the unreliability of the new daemon engine extremely frustrating, but cannot fault its sheer force in battle, nor the tactical versatility that such a modular war engine affords him.

Mahmud in its "Ectofiend" configuration


(these are the same pics as from my thread).



Edit: to credit the painter of the Cadians in the first pic.

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Thanks.  I'm rather proud of how it turned out, though I remain bitterly jealous of yours, what with its superior posing and conversion work, better implementation of the back/shoulder mounted cannons concept, and the striking, bright paint job and all...  did you really have to do a forgefiend, forte?  Really?  Now of all times?  You couldn't just let me have this one thing?  :p

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Really! With all the weapon options you've been able to add. Not to mention all the extra details. Don't sell yourself short. Mahmud looks the business.
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Posting my completion mere hours before the deadline, like usual:

The Maulerbot!




About the Maulerbot:

The Hamaraz-class rapid attack walker was designed and put into service in just four days during the Second Siege of Hive Ardus on Bellam’s World. The well fortified hive had resisted several airborne assaults, and the Warsmith’s tank companies were bogged down in the treacherous suburban terrain leading up to the gates. The Warsmith, furious after his personal Shadowsword was rendered combat ineffective after collapsing through three sub-levels within sight of the hive gates, demanded a solution from his Master of the Forge. Thegn Volundr already had preliminary designs for the Hamaraz and jumped at the chance to rush prototypes into production in the captured foundries just beyond the battle zone. Efficient and motivated, his hastily constructed assembly line was still turning out fresh walkers as the first wave scaled the fortress gates and ripped their way into the hive.

The Warsmith demanded a highly mobile and hard hitting machine to be delivered into an ongoing siege, so pilot safety was low on the list of priorities when the Hamaraz were rolled out. The exposed control deck has led to a high mortality rate among the pilots. The deadly glory of the Hamaraz-class attracts loners or strongly individualist Iron Hounds uncomfortable with their place among the squads to petition Thegn Volundr for a turn at controlling one of the big machines. Often the first job of a new pilot is to hose what is left of the old pilot from the control deck. With a sturdy frame, solid armour, and well protected power plant, a Hamaraz often only needs minor repairs when between pilots.

The Hamaraz excel in urban or otherwise difficult and crowded terrain because it is agile and fast. While it is susceptible to ambush by infantry using heavy weapons, the overwhelming close combat capabilities make this an all or nothing tactic for desperate enemies. In open terrain facing heavy armour or air elements, the Hamaraz suffer in comparison to conventional heavy tanks. In its role as an urban attack vehicle and rapid siege engine it is unmatched by any other walker in its weight category among the Iron Hounds inventory.

Pictured is Corporal Einrithi, piloting his machine Butcher’s Block. Einrithi is a rare veteran, having survived six serious engagements as a Hamaraz pilot. Considered a vanity by most Iron Hounds, Einrithi displays personal heraldry on his machine, a habit that is persistent among the Grand Company’s mecha pilots.

About the Iron Hounds (warning: an entire Index Astartes article)

Iron Warriors 49th Grand Company "The Iron Hounds"

Who do you kill for, cousin? Who would you die for? The Imperium betrayed the Emperor as surely as the Emperor betrayed his sons. Do not seek your Way there. What reward do you see your brothers earning from the Gods of the Warp? Do not seek your Way there. Hwaet! I will tell you of the true Way. - Excerpt from "Sayings of the Warsmith"


All of this? An illusion. A floating world of dreams and fancy. Nothing more, but nothing less. We eat, drink, and sing. We make war, we make art. We float along. That is all.

The 49th Grand Company was an autonomous battlegroup of the Iron Warriors Legion, formed to guard ever stretching supply lines during the Great Crusade. They were based on a feudal world that had regressed into heroic-age style techno-barbarism during Old Night, sharing a garrison with an Adeptus Mechanicus expedition that was studying various ruins and archeotech of both xenos and human origin. This world, whose name is now lost to history, provided a base of operations for the small fleet of the 49th to sortie against the xenos raider fleets that were desperately trying to stall the advance of the Great Crusade. The nimble battle group was effective, but suffered a high attrition rate. As a result, the 49th heavily recruited from the Saexn and Skandi tribes, and before long had integrated many of the cultural trappings and local terminology into the life of the Grand Company.

During the age of the Horus Heresy, the 49th smoothly turned their operations toward harassing isolated loyalist systems and raiding Imperial supply convoys. The extent of their direct participation in major operations of Horus’ drive toward Terra is not fully known, but they are listed on several orders of battle as having participated in the Siege of Terra itself. No surviving account of the Siege describes their actions in any detail, however.

In the age of the Scouring, the 49th is mentioned twice. Several ships belonging to the 49th Grand Company are reported destroyed by Imperial Fists during the preliminary stages of the Iron Cage incident. Following that, the next mention of the 49th is in the records of a vengeance fleet of the Ultramarines. The pirate kingdom of the 49th finally came under the attention of wrathful loyalists. The Grand Company fought a fierce evacuation and withdrawal action in the face of overwhelming odds. Rather than let their home world fall into Imperial hands, the Warsmith used their remaining cyclonic torpedoes to reduce it to a barren, scorched rock. With Loyalist fleets converging from multiple directions, the refugee fleet of the 49th escaped into the Halo Zone, eventually disappearing into an unstable warp anomaly known as the Utgaard Phenomenon.

The 49th wandered in the Eye, reluctant to take part in the feuds of their former comrades. This was not the higher cause which they had followed - unity had been replaced by discord and disharmony. The Gods of Chaos now seemed petty and evil, riven by factions and concerned only with their fleeting whims. The 49th explored the Eye, disgusted by the various daemon planets which gave twisted form to the twisted intelligences of the Warp. They sought out the greatest sages of Chaos, and were always disappointed by the shortsightedness and mindless zealotry which underlay the mystics' philosophies.

It was not a sage that gave them new purpose. The Eye of Terror lies at the heart of what was once the Eldar Empire, and it was on one of those worlds that the 49th found their purpose. In the ghost-haunted ruins of a Crone World, they found a library of the Eldar. Reading it explained the reason for their discontent with their new masters - the gods of Chaos were not the only gods. The way of Chaos was not the only way.

Over the next several years, the 49th sought out the renegades of the Eldar, seeking to confirm what they had read. Though the aliens often fled from them, or fought them, the 49th eventually found the information they sought - the knowledge of the War in Heaven, of how the Chaos Gods came to rise to their current power. And if the Chaos gods were not the only gods, the 49th had no need to follow them.

During the 7th Black Crusade the 49th emerged from the Eye of Terror as the warband known as the “Iron Hounds” and wearing distinctive colours under the command of a Warsmith known as Jarl Bolverk. Taking advantage of the confusion of the so-called “ghost war”, the Iron Hounds slipped the leash of the Warmaster and headed for the fringes of galactic civilisation again, establishing themselves as thrill-seeking mercenaries and opportunistic pirates.


The boundless vastness of the great Galaxy is my enclosed property, and I bury the dead on my own premises.

The Iron Hounds are a fleet based warband. Though they control a number standard warships and their escorts, it is the ancient spacehulk The Child of Calamity that is truly their home, and it is far and away their most dangerous asset. Its origin is obscured by dozens of void ships from multiple species, many of which are lost to history, all captured in an impossible framework of leviathan girders and protected by enormous sheets of armour and modular collections of weapons. The outer layers of the spacehulk features the ships and structures of the many auxiliaries and clients of the warband, refugees from burned worlds and shattered cultures who have sworn their service to the Warsmith in return for the dubious haven of the The Child of Calamity. The overall result is as deadly as a star fort, defying Imperial classification, bristling with weapons and launch bays, capable of housing hundreds of marines and their thousands of auxiliaries, able even to maintain and land Dark Mechanicum war engines and superheavy battle tanks.

Deep within the bowels of the monstrous hulk, protected by dark, labyrinthine passages where the fey and otherworldly mislead and snatch away the careless, lies the Warsmith's fortress. A virtual city, the home of the Iron Hounds is crafted of stone and iron inside the cavernous holds of the ancient, forgotten vessel at the center of the hulk. The towers, barracks, temples, manufactorums, monuments, and museums of the fortress are connected by open plazas and promenades, with the skies and environs cloaked in visions of lost planets and histories that never were. At the center of this web, high above the other structures like an Olympian temple, is the throne room, where the Warsmith holds court with his subjects and guests, and communes with the ancient and bizarre gestalt machine spirit which controls the space hulk.

Combat Doctrine

The Old Gods are always watching, and it is a sin to leave them bored. Me, I like the big guns. Nothing builds dramatic tension quite like a cannonade.

The Iron Hounds favour attack through combined arms, depending heavily on their unique war engines and aerial assets. Mobility and firepower are central themes, with the Iron Hounds breaking radically from their parent Legion's image of protracted siege specialists. Swiftly bringing as many heavy weapons forward to fire as rapidly as possible, the Iron Hounds seek to overwhelm defenses early in the fight then destroy the survivors of the initial bombardment piecemeal. When a swift and decisive victory cannot be claimed, the Iron Hounds will often simply leave, preferring the exhilaration of the initial attack to the boredom of a steady campaign. Indeed, when withdrawal has been impossible or delayed, the Iron Hounds are known to seek out honour duels from the enemy, challenge one another in acts of suicidal daring, or even play deadly pranks upon ostensible allies.

Tradition & Culture

Tradition is a duty. Without it we have no identity. Without it we are just another group of rabble, clawing at the edges of the Imperium.

The Saexn tribal culture of the late Crusade-era 49th survives in the Iron Hounds of M.41, though not without change. The deadly pressures of life inside the Eye of Terror took its toll on the already scarred psyches of the survivors of the Horus Heresy. As the Imperial Truth of the Great Crusade was broken by the Horus Heresy, so too was the belief in the Warmaster and his cause left in the ashes at the Siege of Terra. In addition, the remnants of the 49th were unprepared for the fratricidal intra-Legion disputes of Medrengard and Perturabo's embrace of the Ruinous Powers. In the face of such monumental disillusionment, the warband nearly broke. A charismatic cabal of senior warriors seized control of the fracturing warband, and the 49th Grand Company became the Iron Hounds, rededicating their armour in traditional colours of their Saexn homeworld.

The new Warsmith, who had obsessively searched the forgotten ruins and vaults of the Crone Worlds of the Eye of Terror, introduced a radical philosophy that attempted to make order from the chaos they found themselves surrounded by. In a balanced counter-point to their outward egotistical bravado, the herjar-brothers of the Iron Hounds practice meditation and refinements of the mind. They pursue self perfection not just through battle, but also artistic and academic pursuits in imitation of the ancient practice of Zen. This exercise of internal control and focus allows them to face the vagaries of fate stoically. Even more radical than this, however, is a peculiar assembly of myths and legends they have developed concerning the nature of the gods and reality itself.

Waelheim & The Old Dead Gods

He refused to believe unless he could see it for himself, which is not unreasonable. I told him to go ask the Old Warsmith and his brothers down in the Armoury, but he cried out that talking to Dreadnoughts was liable to get him killed. Of course it would get him killed! How else do you see Waelheim?

The new Warsmith hardened his heart and will toward the Ruinous Powers. To be mutated into a Chaos Spawn, enslaved through daemonic ascension, or to have his soul torn apart in the Warp was all the same to him. The Long War was ashes in his mouth, and the Great Game a bitter joke. The Imperium was a perverted shadow of what it once was, and the glorious promise of the Great Crusade a scorned memory. Redemption was instead revealed through a vision of the pre-Crusade gods of the Saexn folk that the 49th was now almost entirely composed of.

When the Ruinous Powers formed and overthrew the gods of the Eldar, so too must they have usurped the true gods of Mankind. The 10,000 gods of human history were but multiple facets of the same basic truth, a central pre-Chaos pantheon, and they were not destroyed when the Ruinous Powers overthrew them. They reside in a sanctuary realm beyond the Warp that the Iron Hounds call Waelheim, and a divinity known as Khalder moves freely from that realm and the Warp.

The Iron Hounds believe that the Old Dead Gods are always watching, calling out to Mankind. Khalder is their herald, who gathers those worthy of them. Souls that are fearless, those that die glorious deaths in combat and with clean souls, these will burn bright in the eyes of Khalder. He will pluck them from the Sea of Souls and spirit them away to the Pure Land of Waelheim to live in a warrior’s paradise with Mankind’s most ancient forefathers.

So the Iron Hounds fervently believe.

Organisation & Disposition

Do not bother me with details. Except the good ones.

The Iron Hounds deploy and operate in much the same way as they did throughout the raiding years of the Horus Heresy. The Warsmith displays absolute authority during battle, but will defer to a council of advisors at other times. At the head of the council is a sorcerer known as Forn Grimnir, who handles the operational aspects of the Grand Company along with specialised commanders such as the notorious Fabricator Volundr, Master of the Forge. A greater council headed by First Captain Valgrim includes the company captains and select sergeants from the battle squads who are currently in the Warsmith's favor.

The number of the Iron Hounds has fluctuated along the lines of the fortunes following the Ghost War, but the main force is estimated to be at least five companies strong as of the beginning of M41, and perhaps as large as eight companies. The multitude of auxiliary forces, tenant warbands, and allies has made estimating their strength difficult. The considerable advantage of their enormous battleship and its support fleet has enabled them to maintain their strength while operating outside of the Eye of Terror for centuries.

Gene-seed & Physical Purity

Nothing of lasting value can be achieved by being a slavish plaything to the creatures from another dimension that dare to call themselves "gods" or "daemons". They exist to be subdued, used, then disposed of. The galaxy belongs to Humanity, and Humanity belongs to the Legions. Make them to know their proper place, bind them into iron and brass, yours to command, or suffer not their unclean presence.

The Iron Hounds maintain a rigorous apothecary program. As well as retrieving the gene-seed of fallen battle-brothers, the progenoids of noteworthy adversaries are highly sought after. While the Iron Hounds prefer the gene-seed of their Primarch, pragmatism and all-important purity outweighs any prejudice in selection. The apothecary-brothers also serve a religious function, zealously excising mutations, which are seen an impediment to earning Khalder's favoring eye. The summary execution of battle-brothers who succumb to becoming Chaos Spawn or are in danger of daemonic ascension is also a duty of the grim apothecaries. The warband makes extensive use of cybernetic augmentation enabled by the advanced facilities aboard the Child of Calamity, and it is not unheard of for long-lived veterans to be more cybernetic than flesh. Past a certain point, survival in this manner is considered unlucky or ill-fated.


Yes, a dream. That is all. But there are idylls and nightmares. I bring terror in order to cleanse the soul. I bring death in order to release the soul. They call me evil, but they have no understanding. I bring darkness in order to exalt the light.

"To Waelheim! To Waelheim!" answered with an enthusiastic, "Blood! Blood! Blood!". Also heard is the old Legion battle cry, "Iron Within! Iron Without!"

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Haha! Serves me right for forgetting I'd pledged for this until the last week and for not doing any fluff! I shall carry my spawndom whilst plotting my revenge for the next challenge! :D


Seriously though, great job guys! It's gonna be tough picking a favourite.

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Blast it, Sith'ari, your raptors were done!  All you had to do was copy the picture over with a bit of fluff!  The Despoiler will be so disappointed when he hears about this failure.

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Haha! That's true - I'll have to double my efforts for the Warmaster next time. I was hoping that I'd have time to sort out some fluff this morning, but work got in the way.


Still, there are no adequate excuses for my failures. I will return with vengeance as my ally! :D

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