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For Whom The Bell Tolls


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Just a short story that I wrote relatively quickly. Looking for whatever advice you can give. First time actually writing a short story and I was inspired by the Raven Guard Legiones Astartes Rule For Whom the Bell Tolls which led me to Ernest Hemingway's story and John Donne's Meditation 17. So here you go.




++Incoming Transmission++


++Segmentum Tempestus++

++Uhulus Sector++




The darkness of the night was oppressive. The Imperial Guard encampment was in a state of readiness as they were due to ship out the next day. There had been engagements with an Alpha Legion force throughout the sector and the newly mustered unit had been assigned by Segmentum Tempestus Command to deploy to counter the Alpha Legion raiding force. The camp was settled outside of the city and the men on watch were relaxed. Near the center of the camp, Colonel Bhuide was finalizing the plans with his command staff. Outside of the tent the clouds were covering the sky. On the perimeter one of the men on watch saw movement to the south. As he reached for his Vox, the last thing he saw was a flash from the tree line. From the Command Tent, Colonel Bhuide heard the sound of bolter fire from southern perimeter of the encampment. As he exited the tent he saw lights falling from the sky and the alarms in the encampment and the city went off simultaneously.


++Somewhere over Vertus++


Aboard the Invictum Umbra, Captain Korynus, Captain of the Raven Guard 5th Company was in the Strategium when they broke from the warp. The auspex scanners picked up the Alpha Legion Strike Cruiser positioned over Vertus’ main starport as well as signs of destroyed ships. It appeared as though the Alpha Legion had struck while the Imperial Navy’s ships had been sitting cold in port. How the Alpha Legion had approached undetected could only be left to their penchant for subterfuge. The debris from the ships was now entering the atmosphere and would soon begin to fall across the surface of Vertus. The auspex also picked up drop pods and drop craft being launched from the Strike Cruiser to the surface near the capital Montere. The plan was to close on the Strike Cruiser with the Invictum Umbra’s escorts leading the attack while it positions itself between the Alpha Legion Strike Cruiser and the planet to drop Korynus and his men to the planet below. Reports showed that there was an Imperial Guard Regiment newly created and was preparing to ship out the next day to fight the Alpha Legion but the fighting found them. As the Invictum Umbra and her escorts began their maneuvers, the 5th Company was preparing for their insertion.


++Outside of Montere++


The Alpha Legion had struck out of nowhere. Between the newly formed Imperial Guard Regiment and the PDF units stationed in Montere, the defense was crumbling. The Alpha Legion had sabotaged the city’s anti air defenses which meant that the drop craft had landed unharmed and Chaos Space Marines were assaulting the city and the encampment and the defense was slowly crumbling. The forces stationed on Vertus had limited access to armor and artillery support focusing mainly on mechanized infantry units. They had been unprepared for an attack and were being killed in droves. The main defense was centered around the encampment Chimeras were being used as walls with only the weapons being manned. The limited artillery support was being used to rain down fire slightly outside the defenses to deter the Alpha Legion and the armor was being used as a reactionary force. The armor was already spread thin with the number of areas buckling under the assault. Soon the artillery was silenced by the Alpha Legion pushing straight for the artillery pits. As the Colonel heard this, he saw yet another wave of drop craft and knew that his position was doomed but retreat and surrender were not options.


++Command Stormraven over Montere++


Captain Korynus was monitoring the Vox channels and the tactical relay monitoring the battle from the Stormraven. The Raven Guard were maneuvering to surprise the Alpha Legion with a quick assault from the shadows. As soon as his forces were in position they began their assault.


++Colonel Bhuide’s Command Center++


All of the sudden, there was more bolter fire and several Alpha Legionaries dropped dead under the hail of bolter rounds. The battlefield turned to chaos as the Raven Guard began their attack and the Guardsmen were given a moment of respite as the Alpha Legion’s attention was then split. It appeared as though the battle had been won when the Alpha Legion force that destroyed that artillery appeared on the flank and broke through the defenses pushing for the command center. It was then that the Chaos Lord revealed himself and made his way directly towards the Colonel.


++Command Stormraven over Montere++


Captain Korynus was surprised at the sudden appearance of the other Alpha Legion force. They had not been picked up on any scanners and appeared so suddenly that they easily broke the defenses that the Imperial Guard had set up. He ordered the assault squads and two tactical squads to reposition to counter the threat and ordered the pilot to reposition over the camp.


++Imperial Guard Encampment++


The Chaos Lord roared a challenge to Colonel Bhuide as he strode towards him. His bodyguard tried to stop the Lord but he cut through them easily and stopped before Colonel Bhuide. The Colonel drew his power sword and the Chaos Lord swiftly disarmed him. The Colonel backed up as the Lord lifted his two handed sword and laughed. Suddenly the Colonel heard the sound of jump packs and a voice over a vox speaker taunting the Chaos Lord. Captain Korynus’ bodyguard dispersed to help deal with the Chaos Space Marines who had breached the defenses while their Captain fought the Lord. Their actions were so fast that the Colonel could not keep up with their duel, all he saw was the flashing of the Lord’s two handed sword and Korynus’ twin lightning claws attacking and parrying each other’s moves. The duel continued for what seemed like ages to Colonel Bhuide. In the end, Korynus had managed to kill the Alpha Legion Lord but at great cost to himself. He was badly injured and his bleeding wasn’t stopping despite his advanced physiology. He dropped to his knees and took off his helmet. The Colonel said, “You saved my life, my Lord.” Korynus looked over at him and said, “For what are we born if not to aid each other?” Colonel Bhuide stared at the Captain for a moment before asking, “My Lord, what is your name?” Korynus looked down briefly before responding,”My name is Korynus, 5th Captain of the Raven Guard.” He then fell forward, dead. All around them the Alpha Legion were being killed off and in orbit the Invictum Umbra and her escorts had destroyed the Alpha Legion’s Strike Cruiser. The battle was won but at great cost and the legacy of Captain Korynus and the Raven Guard would continue on Vertus into 41st Millenium.



Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

- John Donne Meditation 17 c.M2


++End Transmission++

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