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7th Edition FAQ is up


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One thing, I know there hasn't been a change to our characters/ICs... but did anybody see characters CAN be joined by ICs? Correct me here, but the new IC rule is they can't join monsterous creatures (good bye Ovessa), no mention of characters. Still have to deliver Mephiston now via storm raven or other transport, but pairing him with an allied IC on the board or starting in a raven with another BA IC might be good? A lot of options at least.

Yea, I read about a unit consisting of Mephiston, joined by Corbullo, Coteaz and Draigo. Corbs tanks the small arms fire, Draigo tanks the bigger stuff. And since they all have different toughnesses, you can use Mephiston's T6 wound shenanigans.
Correct me if I'm wrong but the new rules say ICs can join other ICs but no mention of just characters, so wouldn't the fact that mephy is not an IC take precedence i.e. he can't join anything, ICs or no ICs? I do hope I'm wrong here smile.png
I have to check, but I'm pretty sure they just closed the monstrous creature loophole (killed the riptide/buffmander), but there is no longer a rule saying that ICs can join units of one.
This is correct and confirmed nothing says an ic cannot join a unit of one. They just can't join vehicles or monstrous creatures.
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Our vehicles lose fast? Really? huh.png

At work I always re-read what ive just typed in a mail and kill off about 99.999999% of the typos oversights that ive made. In case of doubt, I ask an co-worker to eyeball it. Why they cant they do the same thing with these FAQ's? Takes....2 minutes and you avoid stupid censored.gif like this!

*sigh* ive got a game tomorrow. Il ask my opponent if he can overlook the error and allow my vehicles to remain fast......because this is ridiculous!

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The way I see it is anyone with some sense, "should" either agree to let you keep fast or let you pay C:SM points the cost difference is the fast tax... I ran this by a player at my FLGS and everyone seems to see it as a oversight or downright laziness. I will play mine as fast and if people want to fight it I will just play them as allied C:SM tanks and save points.
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i emailed them about fast vehicles and the digital codex editions, those are still outdated, its fine for the ones with hardcopies like the BA but digital only stuff (ie. inquisition codex) is out of date now. Nice to see them react fast but I'd rather of waited a week and had them proof read.

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You know what's kind of ironic? I am just finishing painting up my first rhino for my Knights of Blood. It's not my first painted rhino - I had one for my Exorcists, back when I played them - but it's the first one I've painted for my Blood Angels codex army. I'm actually pretty proud of it. I've done some neat weathering, and it's the first time I've ever taken advantage of damage to the model to do some battle damage effect.


And all this is... just in time for Blood Angels codex rhinos to become a dumb idea. :-/.


I hope they fix this soon...

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Response to my email


Thank you for your email. I have passed your enquiry onto the rules team. For further enquires about the rules, you can contact them directly at gamefaqs@gwplc.com. 


Many thanks,





Black Library Customer Services

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Do we fancy seeing whether they'll give us back our re-roll to wound for Chaplains leading DC? dry.png

They never took it away, the FAQ just says to change the first sentence to read Blood Angels faction instead of friendly Blood Angels. It doesn't say anything about removing the sentence about DC.
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Do we fancy seeing whether they'll give us back our re-roll to wound for Chaplains leading DC? dry.png

They never took it away, the FAQ just says to change the first sentence to read Blood Angels faction instead of friendly Blood Angels. It doesn't say anything about removing the sentence about DC.

Ah, my bad. Mis-read that one.

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