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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Apologies for double post but... Head hunters. They seem pretty cool! Power daggers and Banestrike. I've seen people bemoan them a lot and I was wondering why?

HH would be good if it wasen't 25p per person just because they are a jack-of-all-trades. They have short-range bolters that semi-rend on 6:es to wound, but if you shoot them you can't benefit from the expensive cc equipment they have, poison grenades & power daggers. You need to get the charge in to benefit from the grenades and optimise the daggers, one attack per person with a specialist weapon is quite low for that cost...

Edited by Excessus
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Oh my favourite subject again! 

Relentless and maybe hit&run would turn the Headhunters from an overpriced shcizophrenic unit into something unit and interesting. Rapid fire, charge and fade!


As it stands there are no reasons to take them over seekers. They have some use if Alpharius is not around and you don't want to use Infiltrate as a mutable tactic.

When Alpharius is in play, their best tricks (infiltrate and pref. enemy) are pointless.,

Currently, you either stand at 9 inches and rapid fire, hoping for sixes. or shoot pistols and charge with daggers...


As for combi weapons... seeing as their upgrade to comi-bolters is practically useless, I am convinced that it is a typo (confirmed by Andy Hoare allegedly)

Mor deythan get combi's for 7pts, so why not the HH for 5pts?


Hell, they don't even get Melta bombs.

At this point I am waiting for an FAQ and for the release of the headhunters. If I see a pic of them on the FW page with combi-weapons, then it's a go :) (although they might be given some form of fancy bolter or somesuch like the Mor Deythan, so kind of inconclusive)


Sorry to rant again:)

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Oh my favourite subject again! 

Relentless and maybe hit&run would turn the Headhunters from an overpriced shcizophrenic unit into something unit and interesting. Rapid fire, charge and fade!


As it stands there are no reasons to take them over seekers. They have some use if Alpharius is not around and you don't want to use Infiltrate as a mutable tactic.

When Alpharius is in play, their best tricks (infiltrate and pref. enemy) are pointless.,

Currently, you either stand at 9 inches and rapid fire, hoping for sixes. or shoot pistols and charge with daggers...


As for combi weapons... seeing as their upgrade to comi-bolters is practically useless, I am convinced that it is a typo (confirmed by Andy Hoare allegedly)

Mor deythan get combi's for 7pts, so why not the HH for 5pts?


Hell, they don't even get Melta bombs.


At this point I am waiting for an FAQ and for the release of the headhunters. If I see a pic of them on the FW page with combi-weapons, then it's a go :smile.: (although they might be given some form of fancy bolter or somesuch like the Mor Deythan, so kind of inconclusive)


Sorry to rant again:)


Hey - that is about a 2 on the rant scale! You make some good points though, as does everyone.


The HH seems to only follow one rule... The cool one.


Let's hope the models haven't shown up yet because they're tweaking the rules in the next red book.

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See I can totally picture myself now if I go AL, I'll proceed to convert an AL version of every Legion specific unit then realise I can't use that as my army ...:biggrin.:

Don't rule it out. We've yet to see what these blackshield and shattered legion rules will look like.

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See I can totally picture myself now if I go AL, I'll proceed to convert an AL version of every Legion specific unit then realise I can't use that as my army ...:biggrin.:

Don't rule it out. We've yet to see what these blackshield and shattered legion rules will look like.

Pretty much! My entire Heresy Career will be shaped by book 6...

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Okay - Stolen Unique units...


What are the best would you say? I think obviously thinks like Tank Hunter Siege Tyrants, or Infiltrating Suzaerians are obviously RAD but what about some others?


The NL's in particular have some very cool options in Terror Squads and Raptors. Raptors can get glaives and are just plain nasty whereas Terror squads get infiltrate (and sadly Pref enemy, overlapping if you're running Alph...) so can free up a different mutable without a dedicated metal box, they also provide some tasty choom.



I think Palatine blades aren't a bad shout either, for a fast unit that could harass a stronger enemy...


Has anyone used and particularly awesome stolen unit combos? Do tell!


I think the best part is the more rules the other legions get, the more we do too :D

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Raptors need extra protecting as per assault squads but hit really quite hard. Especially if you arm them well. Onslaught can be evil if the dice favour you.


Terror squads may be more suited to alphas, all their little perks that are designed for troop death.


Though having a choice of other legions elite units I'm not sure how inclined I'd be to take night Lords being an alpha player, there are harder hitting choices elsewhere

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Here's a thought. With Dynat you can give them Deep Strike. Now, you don't have to DS them...they just have the rule...which means they are eligeble for CotH.

True, but if I'm sinking the points into troops required for Coils (and playing a big enough game), I'm tempted to let Alpharius lead the charge. I guess I could bring both, but that's a heavy HQ tax, and I'm usually fond of going cheap with Skorr.

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Only troops need to infiltrate or take transports, anything stolen counts as elites so they don't need a transport if you don't want to give them one


It is stated Infantry units, not Troops. So "stolen" Infantry still needs a Dedicated Transport



If you're building a list, and you don't have a DT on a unit, that just means you have to choose infiltrate doesn't it?


No, Mutable Tactics is chosen at the point where Warlord trait is chosen. Since you roll for Warlord trait after you created roster, the units without dedicated transport can't be taken with Coils of Hydra

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Only troops need to infiltrate or take transports, anything stolen counts as elites so they don't need a transport if you don't want to give them one


It is stated Infantry units, not Troops. So "stolen" Infantry still needs a Dedicated Transport



If you're building a list, and you don't have a DT on a unit, that just means you have to choose infiltrate doesn't it?


No, Mutable Tactics is chosen at the point where Warlord trait is chosen. Since you roll for Warlord trait after you created roster, the units without dedicated transport can't be taken with Coils of Hydra


It doesn't even say Infantry Units, because then that would leave characters screwed. It's infantry squads, which technically isn't a specific game term, but I take it to mean squads of infantry (so excludes characters, bikes or artillery).

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Here's a thought. With Dynat you can give them Deep Strike. Now, you don't have to DS them...they just have the rule...which means they are eligeble for CotH.

True, but if I'm sinking the points into troops required for Coils (and playing a big enough game), I'm tempted to let Alpharius lead the charge. I guess I could bring both, but that's a heavy HQ tax, and I'm usually fond of going cheap with Skorr.


Though Skorr doesn't get to use his best rules if you have alphy there, since Alphy automatically will be the warlord. I usually take a forge-lord with rad grenades if I take alphy. Helps a lot against all those thallax and castellax in my local meta.

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Time will tell.


Though not tactics related, I'm thinking about Rhino variants at the moment. Want to get a Damocles so I can use the radar for an Explorator Augury Array on a Proteus.


Not sure if I want to fork out for Deimos pattern, so I might use the GW plastic Mars pattern. They definitely existed in the Heresy and I imagine Alpha Legion would have "acquired" designs for them early on! Also, being able to use the FW doors is preferable (which you can't with the Deimos).

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Hey there guys AL noob here! i've been trawling this thread and haven't seen much on recon squads which strikes me as odd considering they seem to mesh pretty well with mutable tactics. Especially infiltrate which essentially gives them the main benefit of recon armour without losing the 3+. I'd personally run 5 of them with cameleoline and sniper rifles with a vigilator and park them in a terrain piece. On paper at least they seem pretty good at weakening enemy forces, taking out vexillas, special/heavy weapons, character etc. Only problem is they do seem quite pricey for what they do; with the squad i described standing in at just under a 10 man vet squad which i feel could probably do the same job slightly better?. Are they Worth it? Anyone got any experience of these dudes? Cheers.

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