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  1. Ramiel sighed as the still smouldering body of their last remaining astropath was dragged from the command centre. "Well, that settles it, we are truly alone." "Two dozen sub orbital craft, a handful of planet skippers." One of the auxilia officers read off a data slate. "We could make it to a handful of the other worlds or moons in the system." Ramiel snorted. "If any other world had the capability to carry life, we would already be there. A murmur ran through the command post, Astartes officers and the mortals of the 411th Sanguine lifeguard both showing their unease. A figure in black stepped into the corpselight of the tactical display. Chaplain Selephiel his armour painted the sable black with crimson crosses, the ancient Baalite symbol of those who have resigned themselves to death in service. Around him, his followers too wore the black, his great executioners axe glinted in the darkness. "Our hand is forced then, no more thoughts of withdrawal or survival. Only death, ours and theirs." "I see you have already dressed for the occasion." Asbeel the moritat chuckled. "Your levity is unwanted." The chaplain banged the pommle of his axe, the cave floor. "I am not dying on this dustball!" Growled the crimson clad moritat. Two black clad veterans stepped between the moritat and the chaplain, their lightening claws crackled a sickly green. The moritat turned to face them slowly. Ramiels metallic hand pressed against the moritat's breastplate. "Leave them holstered, we have too few brothers remaining to waste on petty infighting." He glared back at the chaplain. "The Night Lords have taken more than enough of our brothers. It is time we repaid the debt." The chaplain turned and left his retinue in tow. "You know the men are starting to see things his way." Asbeel warned, the Praetor nodded. "Deploy the lifeguard, we need to secure a water source as soon as possible." The praetor ordered. "And....find me some of that damned black paint."
  2. If you're new to 30k for whatever reason and are wanting to get started by getting your hands on the rule books these are them: This Topic will be updated as new books are released. Book 1: Betrayal Contains the old rules and fluff for:Sons Of Horus World Eaters Emperor's Children Death Guard Also contains: Istvaan III Campaign System Zone Mortalis System Book 2: Massacre Contains the old rules and fluff for:Iron Hands Salamanders Word Bearers Night Lords Also Contains: Dropsite Massacre Campaign System Book 3: Extermination Contains the old rules and fluff for:Imperial Fists Raven Guard Alpha Legion Iron Warriors Also Contains: Victory Is Vengeance system Blood In The Void System Book 4: Conquest Contains the rules for:Solar Auxilia Questoris Knights 30k Generic and Army Specific Relics Also Contains: Conquest Campaign System:Strategic Raid City Fight Character Advancement Liberation Mission Relic Hunt Missions etc. Book 5: Tempest Contains the rules for:Ultramarines Updated Word Bearers Titan Legions Imperial Militia / Warp Cults Stormbird Xiphon Interceptor Deredeo Dreadnought Also Contains: Betrayal At Calth Campaign Book 6: Retribution Contains the Rules and fluff for:Blood Angels & 2 Unique Rites of War Dark Angels & 2 Unique Rites of War White Scars & 2 Unique Rites of War Shattered Legions Black Shields Knights Errant Additional Rites of War:10 Generic 1 Per Released Legio Mastodon Tank Legion Delegatus, Praevian and Herald Leviathan Dreadnought Legion Support Quad Launcher (updated Rapier Quad Mortar) Contemptor-Cortus Dreadnought etc. Also Contains: Retribution Campaign Shadow Wars in the Age of Darkness Battles in the Age of Darkness Core Missions Book Seven: Inferno Contains the rules and fluff for: Thousand Sons & 2 Unique Rites of War Space Wolves & 2 Unique Rites of War Talons of the Emperor (Legio Custodes, Sisters of Silence and Ordo Sinister Warlord) Acastus Knight Porphyrion Vulturax Stratos-Automata Karacnos Assault Tank Also Contains: The Fall of Prospero CampaignLegiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Army List ​Contains the most up to date rules for: All Generic Legion Units found within Books 1-6 Updates and points rebalances to older units such as Legion Assault Squads A new Unit: Jetbike Skyslayer Support Squadron AVAILABLE DIGITALLY Legiones Astartes: Age of Darkness Legions Contains the most up-to-date version of rules for:Sons of Horus World Eaters Emperors Children Death Guard Word Bearers Iron Hands Salamanders Night Lords Imperial Fists Iron Warriors Raven Guard Alpha Legion Ultramarines Mechanicum Contains the most up to date rules for:Mechanicum Units from Books 1-5 Crusade Imperialis Army Contains the most up to date rules for:Solar Auxilia Questoris Knights Imperial Militia and Cults A DIGITAL VERSION OF THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE FROM BLACK LIBRARY Horus Heresy Rulebook Contains: Essentially the 7th Edition Warhammer 40k BRB 30k Specific Alterations of the above
  3. Hey everyone, welcome to my hobby thread! If you're looking for one of the colour scheme tutorials from my 'March of the Legions' project or one of the basing tutorials, please check the bottom of this post for all of the relevant links. If you can't find what you're looking for or if you have a question that's not answered in the relevant post, please feel free to send me a private message. Regards, Kizzdougs. For more regular updates check out my Instagram account @raptorimperialis I've recently been feeling the urge to start a new 40K project. After much musing and many false starts, i've decided on the Thousand Sons, Pre-heresy. They aren't my favourite legion or chapter but the TS have always be a legion full of character, imagery and conversion opportunities. A perfect combination in my opinion. This project has been at least two years in the planning process. It all started when i converted a PH TS sorcerer for a conversion competition at my local GW (which i was lucky enough to win). After building the Sorcerer i knew i had to make some more TS, they are just so fun and different. Unfortunately it has taken me over two years to finally get here. The Sorcerer who started it all. He is a relatively simple kit bash with minimal GS work. I took inspiration from the Thousand Sons art in 'Collected Vissions', especially that of Ahriman and Uthizarr. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/photo-3.jpg The test mini. I used bits from several kits to build this terminator, the majority are from the GK terminator kit and the Tomb Guard kit (WHFB). http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0290.jpg?t=1313302289 With crest added. I can't decide whether to give all the terminators these crests or just keep them for the squad leaders. Any opinions and suggestions are welcome. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0291.jpg?t=1313302233 http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0292.jpg?t=1313302169 A close up of the force weapon. Such a simple conversion but i'm fairly happy with how it turned out. Sorry about the bad lighting. http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l522/kizzdougs/DSCN0289.jpg?t=1313302359 Hopefully this project will develop and progress at a not too slow pace (fingers crossed). I plan on adding some Sisters of Silence and maybe even some Custodes at a later stage. I'm certainly feeling the necessary inspiration at the moment. Any and all suggestions and advice are more than welcome, as are questions and queries. Thanks for looking EDIT: March of the Legions Painting Tutorials: Space Marine eye lenses Legions without tutorials: World Eaters Iron Warriors Sons of Horus The Rout Imperial Fists Night Lords Thousand Sons White Scars Legions with tutorials: Blood Angels Death Guard Emperor's Children - Palatine Breachers tutorial Emperor's Children Metallic (airbrush) Salamanders Ultramarines Raven Guard Word Bearers Alpha Legion (no airbrush) - Alpha Legion (airbrush) Effrit Stealth Scheme Dark Angels Iron Hands Thousand Sons World Eaters Hobby tutorials: Basing - ZM/industrial Greenstuff tutorial Desert/rocky base building Desert/rocky base painting Eye Lens Tutorial
  4. "Milites! cur pugnamus?" "nam Imperator populusque humanity!" "filii Imperatore! mors inimicos eius!" - Coms excerpt from 95th company during compliance of 1929-27. High Gothic was the standard battle tongue of the 9th Millennial. "I am my father's son. His shadow weighs a ton" - unknown Terran philosopher, 3rd millennium. Chapter Master Karonghyontye stared out from the balcony, drinking in the views from the fortress monastery. His captains had left, the cheers and their acclaim still ringing in his ears, following his confirmation as the new master of the Red Eagles. His reverie was broken by the polite cough of the Chief Librarian, standing in the shadows. He approached Karonghyontye and produced a stasis tube containing a battered, old book. “Again, congratulations my lord. I’m afraid to puncture the moment of your ascension but I must divulge to you the true history of the chapter that you are to lead…” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In the closing decades of the Great Crusade the 1929th expedition was sent on a long term mission to achieve the compliance of Wagar's Reach. The reach was home to numerous advanced xeno species and lost human worlds. Such an undertaking required significant fleet, army and legion power including: - 3rd Legion, 9th Millennial - 8th Legion, 5th Chapter - 13th Legion, 22nd Chapter - and 15th Legion, 60th Company. Warp unrest in Wagar’s Reach meant that the tumultuous Post-Ullanor events of the late crusade passed the 1929th by. Only upon it’s triumphant return to imperial space, did we become aware of the storm brewing in the galaxy. - “The Betrayed Phoenix.” By Sergeant Ali Pasha 95th Company, 9th Millennial, 3rd Legion Lord Commander Joseph Brant “The Red Eagle” was elected leader of the expedition. He was a Terran veteran of the Unification Wars, well regarded by our cousins of the other legions but less so by the Primarch. Brant’s assignment to the 1929th was a welcome exile from political foes like Lord Commander Primus Eidolon. On the eve of our return to imperial space, 9th Millenial stood approximately 3000 strong in 4 battalions of 5 companies. 91st-100th and the 391-400th companies. We of the 95th were a veteran line company, unbroken by the horrors of the crusade; but the news of our legion’s betrayal shook us to the core. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thus begins the third incarnation of this army. I've been playing since 2nd edition and got into heresy when the card game came out and we had no forgeworld models. The first version was a cobbled together affair, the second with actual rules and to completion. And then came truescale. I'd been aware of the different methods for years and idly had a go one day. This may have been a mistake as now I'm retrofitting the whole 95th company. My test model and new scheme after the KizzDoggs method. It's so shiny! The fruits of the truescale efforts. Using the primaris as a base with heresy parts, and some greenstuff, produces some nice results.
  5. Due to being off work a week for surgery I've caught up on some modeling Somewhat depressingly the infantry here are less than a third of the total in my 3000pt list aha. I'm now off to lazily build 7 whole stormcast models over a weekend
  6. Well, it's been an awfully long time since I've posted anything of my own, but I'm starting to get a bit more time available for the hobby now. This log is most likely going to be updated sporadically and the background of the force is only vaguely sketched out in my mind, so fluff may be a while in coming. Nevertheless, welcome to my new project log for that most brutal and unrelenting of legions - the Iron Tenth. I leave with you with the first eight members of a Seeker squad, though they are awaiting a fresh shipment of combi-plas with which to destroy the traitor foe:
  7. Allo Continuing on with the theme of my fiscal irresponsibility behold the siege breaker I have built. I don't run siege breakers and decided to build this on a whim. Unfortunately for me the parts needed included one arm from the Sons of horus weapon set. I don't play Sons of horus ended up buying the pack for one bit. He do be handsome tho I also received all the bases I need for my solar aux infantry
  8. Allo It is well known and spoken of amongst the clouds above that I am not a smart man Many have described me as "upright" and "lacking in brain wrinkles" Perhaps as of a result of this I decided to buy into the solar aux and also buy fancy bases Luckily I am too empty thought to have worked out how much this will cost in the long wrong but considering there's 100 infantry I expect its going to be a bad time
  9. Forgot this was a thing tbf I have content! Content a plenty! Many factions to photograph and write lore for So lets do itttt
  10. Just a quickfire note here for now: We've got a few players kicking about that could be employed elsewhere. I was thinking about running a complimentary game which would provide some diversion if you follow my drift, but not competition to Time of Reaving. A simple, narrative, rules-lite (but reliant - ie, need to roll BS etc, but I want to try and keep the crunch low...er) one-shot, set on the sands of Isstvan before the dropship comes in - the players are already Shattered Legion, 2 x Techmarines, and a potential Psyker. You are in receipt of orders from command to hit an objective that is jamming comms lines to call for extraction or cohesion of the first wave Legions. The initial team is as follows: @Machine God IH Librarian (ish) @Xin Ceithan IH Techmarine @Necronaut RG Techmarine Note that my time is limited, thus The Serpent's Cowl is planned as a low commitment affair, so it will tick over whilst Reaving cruises. Thoughts?
  11. + A DEATHWATCH 30,000 ROLEPLAYING CAMPAIGN + + THE HORUS HERESY + ++] THE SERPENT'S COWL [++ "War is the crucible in which we burn. In the fires of battle is the past consumed and the future born on tongues of flame. No greater fire has there been in our times than the three bloody hours of the Drop Site Massacre." — Malcador the Sigillite, Regent of Terra LOCSIT: 235014-336629 DROPZONE: URGALL DEPRESSION STATUS: .... The confusion did not last long. Legion communications plied the frequencies for medical assistance, covering fire, safe harbour to re-arm and regroup, but there was only silence, the terrible disquiet of open channels with no-one speaking through them. It was not until the Bolters spat and Lascannons blazed that anyone knew the treachery had poisoned not only those at the front, but they who dwelled behind, reinforcements not for the Emperor, but to close the jaws of the trap the Warmaster laid. Horus Lupercal, the best and brightest, now with the might of several Space Marine Legions, seeks to crush the remaining resistance, to reign supreme over a battlefield of betrayal and bloodshed, with eyes lifted to the darkness, spearing the blanket, black veil which hid Terra, the seat of his father's, his enemy's power. Dark dreams of conquest begin to knit in his breast, a labyrinth of hatred and resentment, the High Prince of the Legiones Astartes, the Warmaster, the Champion now, not of humanity, but Chaos, whether he feels the bridle of thorns or not. Irrelevant. All that he must do is to destroy the hounds the Emperor has sent - all of them, here, now. He must command the greatest fratricide the human galaxy has ever seen, plunging in back into an age of darkness. The Southern Foothills, IMPERIAL OPERATION +2 HRS: With battle all around, a small Imperial Army unit are embedded in hasty defensive positions. At the centre of their pocket, which is slowly being encircled, a Legio Cybernetica Inducted Maniple of the XVIII Legion fights. Their firepower harries the traitors, massacring the deluded and debauched that are hurled at them, yet their position is not only desperate, but is also a draw to friend and foe alike. It is a rallying point for anyone who is trying to stay alive in the utter chaos. To the left of this 'centre' is Legio Atarus. Warhorns and weapons of annihilation blaring, they duel with the traitor War Engines in a dance of death, pulverising boulders, broken tanks and any infantry stupid or unlucky enough to tear at each other in their shadow. To the right, the Word Bearers press into wounds cut by pockets of Worldeaters. Salamanders Astartes fight from cover, and cleanse the area around them with flame, plasma and melta wash, but although it thins the tide, it fails to stem it. Isolated, cut-off from your respective Legions, the open ground lies between you and the Imperial Army, and the best chance of regrouping with any Loyalists at all. As you look on, anti-material weapons cut the Maniple to pieces, and sorely damage the last unit standing. It stands there, in defiance alone, as the Legio-controller is turned into chunks of smouldering meat. When the thread opens, please use your first post to describe your immediate situation, any observations your character may make, and their general intentions. Obviously, this is a one-shot loosely on rails, so use the Imperial Army post as the focus to bring your 'squad' together. Feel free to add any narratively interesting fighting, obviously bear in mind the types of opposition you must face (no God Mode running through World Eaters etc), but go ahead and add any action you want. + Players may post at will +
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/Warhammer40k/comments/194cfjt/my_death_guard_tutorial/ I found this tutorial and is quite interesting. And I really like the conversion, simple but effective.
  13. Greetings, welcome to my thread where I'll dump the things I'm slowly working on. Currently I'm muddling around with a HH NL force just as a break from my 40K & AT, maybe I'll be able to play it one day. These are the first models I've used an airbrush and oils on so C&C is welcome! Praetor Night Raptors Half a Terror Squad I've got one and a half terror squads, a chaplain, an apothecary, a contemptor and five more night raptors WIP
  14. Hello Fraters! So, this is a bit of a one off, a build of my Player Character for @Black Cohort's ‘A Time of Reaving’ PBP Deathwatch rpg game. The game is set in the Horus Heresy in the aftermath of the Istvaan Massacre. My character is an Iron Hands Breacher (built from the Assault Marine archetype, for anyone who is interested!) called Elvrit Sharr. Elvrit wears MkIII armour and is supposed to be big and brutal, so I wanted to have a go at true-scaling him. Like many others I decided to use Cataphractii TDA legs as a starting point, because they have the segmented rear sections, but I also wanted to try to get closer to the classic frontal armour too. Here's how it’s gone: It was actually simpler than I thought! I started by filing down all of the detail on the front of the Cataphractii legs. Then I used a spare pair of knee pads cut out from the Intercessor greaves bit (though a cheaper method would be a blob of GS!) and stuck them on. The body is just a MkIII body front chopped apart and combined with an Intercessor rear torso for width. (The gap between the armour plates is a bit non-standard for MkIII, but I think the exposed tubes look like the Medusan Immortals torso, so it works for me!) Then I used 0.5mm plastic rod to create the trims and define the shape of the armour panels. Tip: cut the right length of rod, and use a paint brush to create a u-shaped bend in the middle. Then plastic glue them on at the center above/below the knee pad, then once it has set, bend the rod the rest of the way around the sides of the leg and glue it in place. It takes a bit of holding while it sets, but otherwise no problem! Finally, I took the same 0.5mm rod and cut off very thin circular cross sections, these were glued in place to make the rivets. And voila, plastic truescale MkIII with all the trims! (Shoulder pad details are just plasticard cut to shape, and the shield is a 3d print bought on Ebay) C+C very welcome as always, or if you have questions, feel free! Cheers for looking! Lysimachus
  15. Chaos. It has been called the Primordial Truth. As it turns out, that is quite accurate. For me, at least. Since joining the B&C, I have dabbled in other..Things. I have tried to upkeep clever Project logs. I have spread my painting across Sub Forums. And left them there as the Things from beyond the Veil vied for my attention again. I have dipped my toes into Mechanicus… and it goes dark… I still think it needs more Spikes. and gets sidelined by other Things. Mostly spikey Things. Chaos. It happens to my painting table. Quite frequently. And all this crazy stuff lately. Necromunda. Titanicus. I even tried my Hand at Shadow War. Shadow War Badab. It has traitors. Well, almost… Then Chaos happens. Sooner or later, the B&C will issue the Call. And everything turns dark and spikey. Again. So, let the great Purge return my derelict blog attempts to be dissolved by the Primordial Annihilator. From now on, I shall channel my otherwordly painting efforts in this ongoing Prayer thread as i walk the Eightfold Path... and as the Great Wheel turns and the Eye opens, Let the Galaxy burn! Shudder at what is coming ….
  16. "Legends of the Legions" It is an age of lost hope and vengeance. A time when the Legions clash and split worlds asunder with their bitter wars of dead brotherhood. Among the swirling ashes and gun smoke rise champions of legend. Figures of awe stride the battlefields and those who were once humble line officers become leaders of desperate bands of warriors... The idea for this thread is for everyone to share their heroes and/or villains of the Age of Darkness. Think of it as a rogues gallery of both the known and named (Sigismund, Sevatar etc) and also for your own homemade veterans of the Heresy! We want to see everything from work in progress to your stunning finished leaders! If you have any background or extra fluff to add to this it would be especially welcome as it would be wonderful to hear some tales of bloodshed and fratricide! Who was their latest kill? Is there a personal rivalry simmering away? Potentially we could even explore linking up some of the grand company leaders and have shared exploits, vendettas and the like. So....who leads your warband and grand companies? Is it one of the Demi gods or a humble line captain?
  17. Hey Gang! Currently working through a 30k Dark Mechanicum force that I'll be using in what ever events I can squeeze my way into down here in OZ. So the fluff behind this is it is one of the lesser Forge-Fanes of Incaldion. So it will have some ties to the Legio Fureans, but will be it's own indepenant force that on occasion gets seconded to support the Legio as an ad-hoc Secutarri detachment. So a tiny bit of fluff.. More fluff to come as I get units sorted! Any way, I've painted up 3 Thallaxi to try and get my scheme down pat. Wanted a bit of Blanchitsu about it, but also wanted them to have some cues to being from Incaldion, while not just being Taghmata painted as baby Fureans titans. So with the conversions of the Thallaxi I wanted them to be a bit different to the bog standard bros. I figured they had jetpacks so why are they always standing feet planed on the ground, thus I converted two of them to be actually moving via jet pack as opposed to just standing there. I added the shields, top knots and chainmail to try and de-tech them and feral them up a little. The faces I put in there as thats what I essentially imagine is in the Thallaxi helm (maybe sans skin) any way, and figured by 'removing' the face plate we can have a little bit of the true horror of cybernetica (and dark mechanicum) showing through . Next up, mainly so I can have a big gnarly combat character (and chew up a lot of points for a beginnning army) I have my Scoria counts as: Arch-Vasiliás Varrak-Tar Majoris, Castellan of the Thrilliart Forge-Fane I've tried to tick off all the kit that Scoria is rocking or at least have some items that can hand wavium it away. I wanted him to clearly be both a Flesh-Crafter, but warrior also, hence his pose. Just a shot from the back. Again I've went the chainmail and some robes to lend the look to being slightly more primitive and chaotic. This is probably my favorite pic of him. What I'm going for in this picture is he has, while fighting, come upon an enemy (hell or friendly) casualty on the ground who isn't yet dead and can probably be of some use to his Adusecularis Covenants! So I imagine that big ole syringe is going to be sucking out useful bodily fluids or prepping the poor 'recruit' to receive a Thrilliart Acclimator (fluff in the works ). I imagine though while he is doing that, his photon thruster is blamming out destruction and if anyone gets close he will swap the Noval Pike (voidian sceptre) to some primary hands for fighting. Any way, will get some more pics up when I can, Varrack-Tar Minoris (the homonculux) is done as well as a big wad of Secutarri! Hope you enjoy and C&C always more than welcome (on any or all of it!!) Cheers, Nick
  18. Well after a long period of inactivity, and my partner in crime on here pursuing XIII madness, I thought it was time I had my own Heresy WIP thread. Some of the things shown at the beginning are not new, but I promise if you keep going there is some new content! This thread will primarily chronicle my build progress of the 7th Chapter, 3rd Great Company, XIV Legion, along with any other heresy stuff I get up to. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y264/Madoktopus/W30k/imagejpg1_zps6c9d476e.jpg 'There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter' - ancient Terran proverb. 'In war, there are only two kinds of people. The quick, and the dead' - Unknown "The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppose. Unlucky for him, we are the XIV legion and we shall never falter" - Tamadas Dion, Legion Praetor 7th Chapter, 3rd Great Company, XIV Legion on the eve of the Sapathadis reclamation. "For to be poised against fatality, to meet adverse conditions gracefully, is more than simple endurance; it is an act of aggression, a positive triumph" - Remembrancer Cataro Flande, aboard 'Echo of Barbarus' (Sentinel Class). "Confront them with annihilation, and they will then survive; plunge them into a deadly situation, and they will then live. Indeed there is nothing I fear more in this galaxy than the wrath of the immortal XIV Legion" - Remembrancer Cataro Flande, aboard 'Echo of Barbarus' (Sentinel Class). http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y264/Madoktopus/W30k/imagejpg14_zps00f7ba3f.jpg
  19. Well 1st attempt to painting something different from my beloved DA.... I've made a little list to play Heresy mechanicus (and who knows, play them in 40k when FW will allow them... :rolleyes: ) The Ryza colour scheme nearly punch me, and with my remaining eye, I've started to make colour tests to see what would be better between a jokaero or a troll slayer orange : http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/Masteravoghai/Miscelleanous/A48CA06D-2B3D-4531-B923-CB717FAC5C4F.jpg Finally I've chosen the jokaero for its smooth effect taht will be easier to work when I start something bigger like Thanathar or Knight Styrix. After a little more work and freehands here's the result : http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y50/Masteravoghai/Gilgamesh/8A93A5C4-FF36-465C-9FA3-D326B0B228FC.jpg Please nte the bases are not the actual ones... I've planed to use industrial base from Micro arts studio bu until I oreder them I've made a standard "steet effect" C&C welcome
  20. ==Martian Death Ray Club== Come brothers and sisters, gather ‘round the hearth. I bid you welcome to the Martian Death Ray Club. (Which will henceforth be shortened to the ‘MDRC’) We do not care whether you are loyal to the throne or not. Nor do we care if you are man or machine. Say it with me - Choom... Rules of the Club You do not talk about the MDRC. You DO NOT talk about the MDRC. Everything to do with Volkites goes in this thread. If it is not related to Volkites in whatever fashion, do not bring it here. Comparisons are permitted. Talk focussing on entirely different weapons are not. Do not quote-train. Keep your quotes to the point. If you are replying to a particular point to someone’s post, edit the quote down to show that point. If you are quoting someone and there’s a large picture in the quote, cut it out. No-one needs to see that picture more than once. Volkite’s go ‘choom’. They DO NOT go ‘pew-pew-pew’. No shirts, no shoes. If this is your first post in this thread, bring something to the table. A picture, a concept, a theory, a talking point. Whatever it is, lay it on us. Let’s keep this thread interesting. Oh and yes, I realise we really only have three four serious rules. The Purpose of the MDRC Now that we have that out of the way - what, I hear you cry, is the purpose of the MDRC? I shall tell you. But first we shall talk of the weapons that inspired the club in the first place – Volkites. Long gone are the days when a Space Marine went to battle armed with a Volkite weapon as his standard armament. In the waning days of the Great Crusade and in the dark times of the Horus Heresy, Volkite weaponry fast became a rarity on the field of battle. The preserve of the specialist and the privileged, these powerful yet fickle guns burn those they touch with contemptuous ease. Flak armour is no shield against such scarlet rays of doom and even vaunted Astartes power armour is not fully proof against the power of deflagration. Hidden Content Known Volkite Weapon Types Serpenta Hidden Content http://thefirstexpedition.smugmug.com/Other/Bens-blog/i-dRZMv7m/0/O/moritat%201.jpg (Image courtesy of Hyperion, with permission) The smallest of the family, the Serpenta, often is found in the hands of officers and assault specialists, its short range of little issue when you are charging down the enemy. One variant, known as the Incinerator, is mounted in the chest of Mechanicum Ursarax Cohorts. Utilised as an assault or melee weapon, the Incinerator gets vastly more powerful at point blank range, defeating even the heaviest of personal armour in one overpowered blast. Charger Hidden Content http://stonecoldlead.webs.com/wip%20sol%20group.JPG (Image courtesy of Stonecoldlead, permission not sought) The Charger, more befitting the hands of line-infantry, sees service not only with Astartes but also with the mortal soldiery of the Solar Auxilia. The inner workings of the Charger, more capable that the pistol version, allows more shots to be taken and therefore increases the chances of wispy piles of ash on the battlefield. Any Volkite Charger is also known as the ‘Volkite Sentinel’ when pintle-mounted on Triaros Armoured Conveyors. Caliver Hidden Content http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0Dmrz-lnkDE/UwI6XNoMkdI/AAAAAAAAFv8/gO33foVqPxo/s1600/DG-VolkiteCalivers01.jpg (Image courtesy of Dave Taylor, permission not sought) The Caliver, through and through a specialist weapon, is a decent, if unwieldy, gun – the Caliver has the range to allow the bearer to stand off and let rip, instead of getting in close and shooting someone in the face. It is cumbersome, no doubt, and is better used from a stable position rather than fired on the move. Blaster Hidden Content The Blaster, a known variant of Volkite weaponry that has survived to the 41st millennium, can perhaps be considered an offshoot of the humble Charger. With a higher rate of fire, the Blaster is an admirable personal arm and is perfect for dealing with lower quality troops. Culverin Hidden Content http://i1143.photobucket.com/albums/n621/Sinaath_Sanvael/Death%20Guard/DeathGuardVolkiteCulverins_zpsb8a74ccb.jpg (Courtesy of Brother Sanvael, with permission) The Culverin, larger again than the Caliver, can be carried by infantry but also sees service on vehicles. A heavier weapon than its smaller cousins, the Culverin has the range and capability to lay down withering fire into enemy formations from behind the front line. Due to its rate of fire, massed Culverin salvoes are incredibly effective against infantry – especially lightly armoured foes. Demi-Culverin Hidden Content http://www.beastsofwar.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Leman-Russ-Incinerator.jpg The Demi-Culverin, the first of the Volkite weapons to be solely vehicle mounted. A fearful weapon that can take on light vehicles and heavy troops easily, this version of the Culverin boasts greater strength and a higher rate of fire due in thanks to the stable platform a Leman Russ can provide. Chierovile Hidden Content http://www.belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/styrix-6.jpg The Chieorovile, one of the heaviest classes of Volkites, can usually be found on Styrix knight chassis along with other exotic weaponry such as rad-cleansers and graviton guns. A step up from the Culverin class of Volkite weapons, the Chieorovile can lay waste to any infantry short of those clad in tactical dreadnought armour. Carronade Hidden Content http://belloflostsouls.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/glaive-grey4.jpg The Carronade, a beast of a cannon and the heaviest of all Volkite weapons, is mounted upon a Fellblade chassis, on a vehicle known as a Glaive. Be wary of any vehicle that bears this potent cannon, as the beam will travel not just through men but through vehicles too and with terrifying ease. Only the most heavily armoured targets will stop the crimson fire in its tracks, and usually at great cost. Anyway, let us move on. The reason you’ve been gathered here, my fellow devotees to the Martian Death Ray, is to celebrate and revel in that which is the Volkite. The veritable Death Ray we speak of. Its rarity matters not to us, nor does its costly maintenance. No! Such glorious purveyors of ash and dust belie the beauty of the complex Volkite. So, I ask of you my brothers and sisters, bring pictures of your armies and units armed with their beautiful Volkites. Bring concepts and discussion to this, the MDRC, so that we may better know the Volkite and learn from each other. Anything will suffice, so long as they bear the Martian Death Rays. We heartily welcome choom x100 Moritats. We look forward to seeing entire squads toting glorious Volkite tastiness. We want the biggest damn Volkites you got. Badges of Membership For those of you who wish to show your membership to the MDRC, there is a small variety of badges that you can use. There won’t be a proper banner (unless there’s a large demand for one) mainly because of the lack of space in many people’s signatures these days. Here we have the full 100x100 versions: This is the middle set, which can be used in conjunction with some of the kill-claim tokens: Here is the smallest variety, perfect for those of you with very little space left: And finally, for a touch of variety, we have a Volkite ribbon for those of you who would prefer to use a picture with different dimensions: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Concept - Volkite Ordinatus As the first post, I will bring the first item of discussion – a concept. What I am thinking is this; do you remember the Ordinatus that we recently saw with its huge weapon array? Well how about we replace that with... you guessed it, a Volkite cannon. And not just any Volkite cannon. Ooooh no. In my mind there would be a central ‘cannon’ called a 'Volkite Columbiad' (credit for the name goes to Skalpynock) surrounded by three Carronades placed co-axially at the two, six and ten o’clock positions, rotating around the main cannon (because why not? Credit to Slipstreams for that one). This set-up would be subject to change but it would depend on two things. 1) What the actual rules are for the real Ordinatus and its weapon, and 2) Just quite how powerful the Volkite Cannon would be, alongside its three Carronades. By my reckoning, Ordinatus should theoretically be comparable to naval-grade weaponry. The Carronade is powerful, but not ‘Armada Imperialis’ powerful. Hence mounting three on a platform that uses a more powerful primary gun. And, would you believe it, I’m of a mind to say that they all fire at the same time as the main cannon does. Clearly, with the upscaling of armament and the need for the Ordinatii to be a fearsome unit, the main cannon cannot be any strength other than ‘D’, imo. An AP of 2 seems reasonable enough to me, as does a range of somewhere between 60” and 72”. As for special rules, well, Deflagrate and Haywire are a given, I think, as is Heavy Beam and a blast of some kind. The blast itself doesn’t have to be super-powerful so let’s say it has a large blast of 5”... which could be rolled up into the Ordnance 1 Blast rule. That sounds sensible, right? Rules and stats of the Columbiad (full credit to Hesh Kadesh): Volkite Columbiad Range; 144", Strength D, AP2; Primary Weapon 1, Ultra Heavy Beam, Ignores Cover, Deflagrate, Shield Stripper, Concentrated Wave, Targeting Matrix Ultra Heavy Beam; This works exactly like Heavy Beam, with the exception that the beam is 2" wide, and when striking against Super-heavy vehicles, Gargantuan Creatures, or large intact building/fortifications (bastion sized or larger), the attack is only blocked should the model not be destroyed, killed, or otherwise removed from the table. Super-heavy Vehicles, Gargantuan Creatures and large intact building/fortifications (bastion sized or larger) take D3+1 hits in such an event, but suffer -1 to the roll on the Destroyer Weapon Attack table on these hits) In addition, the damage done to transported models is increased to 2d6 S7 AP3 hits with the deflagrate special per unit carried within (units with 31 or more models count as 2 units for this purpose). Against buildings or models with notably different troop transport areas, only those transport areas in the line of the beams effect are hit; those in other sections do not count. Shield Stripper; In addition to the main weapon, a trifecta of Volkite Carronades are synced into the firing sequence in order to strip a heavily protected targets of Void Shields, allowing the main weapon to drill into its target stripped of its ablative bubbles. When you fire a Volkite Columbiad, if you hit a model protected by a Void Shield, work out the distance between the target and the muzzle of the Columbiad. Depending on the distance between the two, you can strip the Void Shields more effectively. Against models protected by a Void Shield, up to 3 additional attacks effect the shields, each one causing D3 S8 AP2 hits with the Haywire Special rule against the Void Shield. The amount of attacks is dependent on range from the muzzle of the Columbiad and the point at which the heavy beam comes in contact with the hull or base of the model, whichever is closer; if it's 48" or closer, 3 hits are sustained, 2 hits between 48" and 96", and between 96" and 144", only a single hit is sustained. Any left over hits are ignored; effectively the damage is already included the Destroyer damage of the main weapon. Any model being reduced to 0 Void Shields as a result of attacks by a weapon with this special rule must reroll any successful rolls to restore Void Shields. Concentrated Wave; This weapon may only be fired every other turn (i.e if it fires in one shooting phase, it may not fire in the next), unless the beam crosses the base or hull of one model that was crossed the previous shooting phase. This model must be a Super Heavy Vehicle or Gargantuan Creature, as only threats of significant nature and size are considered worthy of the attention of a Magos at the helm of an Ordinatus piece. Note that if such a model starts Zooming or Flying after being hit in the previous, they are taking evasive action, and due to the slow tracking speed of the main gun, they do not count if they're under the beam. Targeting Matrix; due to the nature of the threat posed by enemy Titans, and the size and energy signature produced by such monstrous god machines, then an Ordinatus piece may be kept ready to ambush once it's picked up on its threat radar. If an enemy army contains one or more models held in reserve with some variant of the Towering Monstrosity special rule (or by agreement with your opponent of an equivalently sized model), then the Ordinatus piece may elect to forego firing its main gun until a model as noted arrives on the battlefield. This weapon then gains the Interceptor rule, but it must target such an enemy model the first time it shoots. Rite of War concept: Sol Crusader
  21. I figured I start this thread since no one else has, granted these are mostly my observations since my 30k experience is limited. So please, if you have suggestions post it. I'm still fully building my SOH army is I am by no means the authority on SOH Tactics. First Discussion: Troops Choice Reavers vs Tactical Marines It seems better to take Maloghurst than ROW Black Reaving to have Reavers as troops but are Reavers as Troops better than the 20 man blob of Tacticals with apothecary ? 20 tactical marines w. Vox and sergeant w. PW (maximize merciless fighter) and artificer armor for 280 The best tactical load out can be discussed in length but I am just looking for a baseline to compare Reavers Vs 15 Reavers w Banestrike Bolters Cheiften w. PW and artificer armor runs 380 So for 100 more points you get five less marines, lose the ability to re-roll failed morale but gain outflank and AP 3 Bolters with precision shot. It seems as if instead of replacing Tacticals for Reavers as the troops backbone they do a better job complementing each other on the battlefield. As the Tacticals slogg upfield towards an objective the Reavers come in on what seems to be Turn 2 with the ability to re roll 1 on reserves, to claim a midfield or backfield obj and support your army by getting in their shorter range ap 3 precision shots. What do you guys think? Have you ran purely footslogging Reavers or have you paired Tacticals and Reavers or do you find it better to give them rhinos or assault packs? (This post is in pieces because my iPad likes to time out before I post)
  22. a thread for using the alpha legion rules from the horus heresy, but playing against 40k and 30k. i'll kick it off with what i believe was my post in the other thread: keep in mind, im thinking for playing against all armies, not just HH legions. for units to steal with the AL rite, i like the idea of using iron havocs. give them autocannon, and 2 or 3 missile launchers, and they can do a good bit damage to nearly any type of unit. the only thing theyd really struggle to hurt is AV14, because of the missiles still needing 6s just to glance. one strategy im looking to try is having a full 20-man tactical squad with extra CCW. put a vigilator and master of signal in the squad. take the infiltrate special rule for the whole army. infiltrate the squad as close to its target as possible (probably only 18 inches), then use the scout move from the vigilator to move closer still. first turn, fury of the legion. second turn, you can probably get a charge off at something if theyre still on the table. putting alpharius in this unit will just make it hurt that much more when they hit home.
  23. Title says it all, Who here plays 30k in New England? In Central Mass here!
  24. A friend of mine is working a loyalist World Eaters force for 30k, and wanted something unique for his leader, so I helped him out. I'm loving how this guy turned out!
  25. https://youtu.be/iI9G1-h8QV8 Skimask Mohawk's Talons of the Emperor vs Stricken1's Night Lords. http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e86/bulimic_possum/2017%20playerunkowns%20battlegrounds%20pubg%20screenshots/d-1_zpsrohiqs9j.jpg http://i37.photobucket.com/albums/e86/bulimic_possum/2017%20playerunkowns%20battlegrounds%20pubg%20screenshots/d-2_zpselfn8dek.jpg
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