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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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If your main problem is Tau, its pretty doable to tailor a list to exploit their weaknesses but it might not be something your looking for.


Not really the main problem, just a decent list that can fit in 40K so I can have fun with my mates against their xenos :D We dont play tounies, nor do I want to make a cheese list, but just generally knowing what's good against certain things really. I've modelled and painted some nice models, but I havent played a lot of games and its been ages, hence why getting into the gaming side of things is a bit tricky for me...


Tau are supposively weak in close combat, so if you can find a way to evade their firepower and catch them in an assault then you can mop the floor with them. Alpharius (although not built to be the super badass like other primarchs) can still kill almost any Tau unit in cc. 


With Orks, Im not too sure, since they are kinda cc oriented or so most ppl I see playing them anyway. So, not sure how to deal with those.


Eldar and Dark Eldar - now, I've been hearing a lot even from my GW store manager that Eldar are kinda OP and you can struggle even if you field 4 Imperial Knights agaisnt them. 


Against Nids I would go for a nice horde cleaner like Fellblade, Glaive, Typhon (i think) and all that kinda jazz. 



Terminus, so aside from looking pretty, recons are practically a waste of points even for a meat shield?

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What kind of lists do your HERETICAL XENOS "BUDDIES" WHO ARE WORTHY OF NAUGHT BUT CONTEMPT *cough* Sorry *cough*  What to they generally play?


Orks and Dark Eldar shouldnt really pose problems. With the Former they dont have much quality shooting and Volkites do tremendously well against any form of Green Tide. VS The Latter, our Bolters can Glance their Transports >_>


Eldar and Tau are a bit harder to gauge without knowing what you commonly face. The Former have silly mobility and WAY To easy of a time spamming S:D the latter have Stupid Powerful levels of shooting.


Tyranids is a 50/50. Either you deal with them like you do orks because they go Gribbly Spam or you bring out the Rad and MC killing Arsenal since they went for MC Spam.





Unless recons get a buff of some kind, you're better of using the Recon Marine Models as Seekers with Combi-Weapons. The only real questionable utility for them is cheap 5 man meltabomb squads and access to Storm Eagle Dedicated Transport outside of RoWs.

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VS The Latter, our Bolters can Glance their Transports >_>

Not to mention the ignore poison on alpharius, which would come in useful. They'll quite likely be firing enough splinter at him to kill any other primarch. 

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If your main problem is Tau, its pretty doable to tailor a list to exploit their weaknesses but it might not be something your looking for.


Not really the main problem, just a decent list that can fit in 40K so I can have fun with my mates against their xenos :biggrin.: We dont play tounies, nor do I want to make a cheese list, but just generally knowing what's good against certain things really. I've modelled and painted some nice models, but I havent played a lot of games and its been ages, hence why getting into the gaming side of things is a bit tricky for me...


Tau are supposively weak in close combat, so if you can find a way to evade their firepower and catch them in an assault then you can mop the floor with them. Alpharius (although not built to be the super badass like other primarchs) can still kill almost any Tau unit in cc. 


With Orks, Im not too sure, since they are kinda cc oriented or so most ppl I see playing them anyway. So, not sure how to deal with those.


Eldar and Dark Eldar - now, I've been hearing a lot even from my GW store manager that Eldar are kinda OP and you can struggle even if you field 4 Imperial Knights agaisnt them. 


Against Nids I would go for a nice horde cleaner like Fellblade, Glaive, Typhon (i think) and all that kinda jazz. 



Terminus, so aside from looking pretty, recons are practically a waste of points even for a meat shield?


Pretty much, yeah. They are a cheap source of meltabombs and nuncio vox, so you could use a min unit like that, but otherwise, they are pretty much crap. Sniper rifles are a sad weapon, since it lost rending and pinning, and shots against characters can be pawned off. Maybe if they lost the support rule and could be used as a cheap compulsory choice, but no.


If you have a unit of them, I'd give them combi-weapons and play them as Seekers/Mor Deythan/hopefully Headhunters. The capes are pretty cool, I'll give them that.

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What kind of lists do your HERETICAL XENOS "BUDDIES" WHO ARE WORTHY OF NAUGHT BUT CONTEMPT *cough* Sorry *cough*  What to they generally play?


Orks and Dark Eldar shouldnt really pose problems. With the Former they dont have much quality shooting and Volkites do tremendously well against any form of Green Tide. VS The Latter, our Bolters can Glance their Transports >_>


Eldar and Tau are a bit harder to gauge without knowing what you commonly face. The Former have silly mobility and WAY To easy of a time spamming S:D the latter have Stupid Powerful levels of shooting.


Tyranids is a 50/50. Either you deal with them like you do orks because they go Gribbly Spam or you bring out the Rad and MC killing Arsenal since they went for MC Spam.





Unless recons get a buff of some kind, you're better of using the Recon Marine Models as Seekers with Combi-Weapons. The only real questionable utility for them is cheap 5 man meltabomb squads and access to Storm Eagle Dedicated Transport outside of RoWs.


In Tau lists they go for Riptides (suprise, huh?) and Hammerheads :D But it varies of course. I havent personally played against it (like said before - gaming side of things is a bit new to me), but I seen almost everyone getting their butts handed to them on a silver plate each time they face those Riptides.


I must say volkites should have been the first thing to consider and yet as always I look somewhere far away and fail to see whats right there in front of me, duh! :D 


It's hard to say what they field on a regular level for their armies, it varies, so i'll definitely get back on this one! All I noticed when observing the Tau player was Riptide(s) jumping around and blasting whatever they want and acting like they're at home on that battle board! Damn xenos how dare they! :D


Aeternas, yeah Eldar seem to rely a lot on poison and this is where Alphie can truly have an advantage.


Funny enough, If I buff my list up to 2500/ 2600 pts, I could actually field a Falchion/ Glaive, those with AC would definitely give them a bit of a jumpscare I'm sure, but afraid those could be blown up relatively easily if they find their way to get their side armour (or rear if im not careful).   

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Ugh Riptide Spam. The Worst kind. At least it doesnt include 1-2 Stormsurges....yet.


The thing to keep in mind with Tau is that they are worthless in CC, rely heavily on Markerlights (nuke those down ASAP - usually found on Pathfinders) and while their shooting is impressive, usually have a Hard Time dealing with Massed AV14 since they dont have an abundance of S9-10 Shooting. Being Melta Immune also hits them hard since its one of their only reliable ways they have to deal with Av14.


They also have absurdly cheap access to Interceptor and in a quantity that is hard to match.


Guess what? These are all things a Legion list can Excel at :tongue.:


Eldar In general are going to be hard pretty much no matter the list you face if the player is mildly competent. Wraithknights are a pain to deal with and have no obvious weakness while also being undercosted by ~100 points.


Things to keep in mind with them is that they'll typically have Scatter Laser Jetbikes as troops and use JSJ Shenanigans to frustrate the hell out of you. And may/may not have 1-2 Wraithknights floating around.


Its a bit harder to come up with a viable game plan to face them but it should be doable. Vs them, its mostly playing smart that will get you ahead.

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Ugh Riptide Spam. The Worst kind. At least it doesnt include 1-2 Stormsurges....yet.


The thing to keep in mind with Tau is that they are worthless in CC, rely heavily on Markerlights (nuke those down ASAP - usually found on Pathfinders) and while their shooting is impressive, usually have a Hard Time dealing with Massed AV14 since they dont have an abundance of S9-10 Shooting. Being Melta Immune also hits them hard since its one of their only reliable ways they have to deal with Av14.


They also have absurdly cheap access to Interceptor and in a quantity that is hard to match.


Guess what? These are all things a Legion list can Excel at :tongue.:


Eldar In general are going to be hard pretty much no matter the list you face if the player is mildly competent. Wraithknights are a pain to deal with and have no obvious weakness while also being undercosted by ~100 points.


Things to keep in mind with them is that they'll typically have Scatter Laser Jetbikes as troops and use JSJ Shenanigans to frustrate the hell out of you. And may/may not have 1-2 Wraithknights floating around.


Its a bit harder to come up with a viable game plan to face them but it should be doable. Vs them, its mostly playing smart that will get you ahead.


Against Tau, I was considering to use a lot of marines with chainswords and have a chaplain in there as well (unless there's a better choice for a consul to fit the close combat and give the squad a decent bonus). Then stick them in a Spartan with AC and flare shield and I can pretty much see a lot of frustration there trying to take that thing down, and then they assault and etc.


I guess thats what my local store manager was talking about when he called Eldar "OP" because of their strong units being rather cheap in pts.



Pretty much, yeah. They are a cheap source of meltabombs and nuncio vox, so you could use a min unit like that, but otherwise, they are pretty much crap. Sniper rifles are a sad weapon, since it lost rending and pinning, and shots against characters can be pawned off. Maybe if they lost the support rule and could be used as a cheap compulsory choice, but no.



If you have a unit of them, I'd give them combi-weapons and play them as Seekers/Mor Deythan/hopefully Headhunters. The capes are pretty cool, I'll give them that.



Actually, I decided to model them from scratch just using bitz:




Its only a WIP, so cloaks will go on as well and then green stuff to fix it up and cover some "problematic" areas. So, I guess they will sit nicely on a shelf once painted until I get fed up waiting for better rules for them and decide to sell them on eBay :D

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The Tac Marines + Chaplain in a Spartan Type deal is better done by Legions like World Eaters.


With Alpha Legion Mutable Tactics you have a wide range of flexibility that comes naturally to your lists.


Your main problem is going to be Tau. Unless you play regularly against your Eldar Players and know what they tend to field...you might be better off not playing them :p


And since the Tau guys seem to be suit spamming, having a gameplan to deal with those is probably going to be the linchpin of your whole list in that scenario, imo at least.

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Against Tau (and Eldar), I would run Pride of the Legion so you can take Veterans for your troop choices and snipe all those monstrous creatures down with boltguns.


Leviathans podded into their ranks would be a serious problem, as they will struggle with ceramite AV13, a grav/phosphex loadout will shred through suits and infantry, and once it gets into melee, there's no stopping it. They do have interceptor readily available, so you may want to bring two. :)

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Against Tau (and Eldar), I would run Pride of the Legion so you can take Veterans for your troop choices and snipe all those monstrous creatures down with boltguns.


Leviathans podded into their ranks would be a serious problem, as they will struggle with ceramite AV13, a grav/phosphex loadout will shred through suits and infantry, and once it gets into melee, there's no stopping it. They do have interceptor readily available, so you may want to bring two. :smile.:


So for Levs, essentially have 2 models, magnetise the arms and have them with one arm Grav thingy and the other arm just a normal siege claw, or do both arms as Grav? Levs arent cheap in points, but might really do a nice job! Vets also seems like a decent option, but if I have two squads, wouldnt it be better to have one to snipe (like you said) and the other one to either go to a DT or maybe outflank? And give 2 plasma guns/ volkite chargers + couple power weapons and keep the rest as they are just for the meat shield?


Slipstreams, I would asume that when the games get bigger in points, then the legion player can fit in more dakka-dakka and really start showing its real power, but with bigger point value it means that the opponent can ALSO take advantage of it. I mean, I dont even want to think how many of those ridiculously cheap (points-wise) Riptides he will bring for say 3K or 4K pts! Makes me laugh and cry at the same time :D 

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A Leviathan with nippy Claw and Grav-Flux would do surprisingly well. Bringing 2 in Pods Each and dropping them near Pathfinders (Priority #1) or Suits and subsequently nuking them with Ignores Cover AP2 2D6 T 3 (on non-suits), 4 (on normal suits), 5-6 only the larger ones means that fish pate is going to be readily available.


And if they engage you in CC to try and stop you from instagibbing their stuff, the Snippy Claw will make short work of their Suits/Multiwound models. With his Av13/13/12(?) 4++ and Armored Ceramite, they'll have a tough time dealing with him.


Two of them dropping into their Gunline will wreak absolute havoc as the Tau panics to deal with one let alone two.


Arm 1 as Grav + Claw, another as Grav + Drill.


Another bonus is the DDP/Lucius Pods providing Shrouded to units getting shot through it and while Tau can get ignores cover pretty easily, it should help you get yours into position.


If the points are high enough and you want to be mean and so happen to have 2 Kharybdis Pods lying about you could use those instead and drop the pod onto the gunline and make sweet, sweet use of the D3+3" S6 Ap5 Radial Flamer Attack it drops when arriving from deepstrike followed by their 5 Missile Launchers.


...Not to mention its a 5HP giant annoyance that, once it drops off your Leviathans, can freely fly around flaming their stuff.


That said, you can make some pretty nasty Tac Vets with AL by taking the Tank Hunter Mutable Tactic. It means you can have a Dual Purpose Tac Vet Squad with Sniper Bolters and Tank Hunter Melta Bombs.

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A Leviathan with nippy Claw and Grav-Flux would do surprisingly well. Bringing 2 in Pods Each and dropping them near Pathfinders (Priority #1) or Suits and subsequently nuking them with Ignores Cover AP2 2D6 T 3 (on non-suits), 4 (on normal suits), 5-6 only the larger ones means that fish pate is going to be readily available.


And if they engage you in CC to try and stop you from instagibbing their stuff, the Snippy Claw will make short work of their Suits/Multiwound models. With his Av13/13/12(?) 4++ and Armored Ceramite, they'll have a tough time dealing with him.


Two of them dropping into their Gunline will wreak absolute havoc as the Tau panics to deal with one let alone two.


Arm 1 as Grav + Claw, another as Grav + Drill.


Another bonus is the DDP/Lucius Pods providing Shrouded to units getting shot through it and while Tau can get ignores cover pretty easily, it should help you get yours into position.


If the points are high enough and you want to be mean and so happen to have 2 Kharybdis Pods lying about you could use those instead and drop the pod onto the gunline and make sweet, sweet use of the D3+3" S6 Ap5 Radial Flamer Attack it drops when arriving from deepstrike followed by their 5 Missile Launchers.


...Not to mention its a 5HP giant annoyance that, once it drops off your Leviathans, can freely fly around flaming their stuff.


That said, you can make some pretty nasty Tac Vets with AL by taking the Tank Hunter Mutable Tactic. It means you can have a Dual Purpose Tac Vet Squad with Sniper Bolters and Tank Hunter Melta Bombs.


Nice tips on the dreads and the pods!


What do you recon about the superheavies? Or if going against 40K xenos best to use Alpharius instead? As much as I love Alphie, I do love Glaives and Falchions a lot ;) Although maybe having an Onslaught might allow me to have both the primarch and a superheavy, but it means we are talking about a 4K-4500 pts game at least in order to be able to legally include them. 


Thanks for the tips (to both of you!!), I want to rewrite some of my lists and see what can be done to make it both effective and lookin pretty... and preferably affordable as far as buying the models goes! :D


I'll be back! :cool.:

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Alpharius giving you Armywide Preferred Enemy as well as some shenanigans to go first/seize (I Forget) and a multitude of other buffs would be a good enough addition.


Otherwise the Typon is always a Good addition. Nothing says ":cuss you xenos!" Like S10 Ap1 Ignores Cover 7" Blast.


A Strong 2nd would be a Glaive with its S8 Ap2 Ignores Cover Deflagrate Beam that Auto-Hits.


But with Tau possibly focusing on having Multiple Big Stompy Monsters (SHOULD BE ROBOTS WITH AN AV BUT THATS NEITHER HERE NOR THERE JUST KNOW THAT THAT IRKS ME TO NO END) means that single shot template weapons aren't the best way to deal with them especially since you can get Anti-Infantry rather readily from your Regular non-LoW Selections.


If your REALLY wanted to go monster hunting, a Questoris Knight Detachment (allied or Otherwise) would be the way to go. The only problem is that you'd be bringing a minimum of 2 Knights.


Alpharius is probably your best bet in this regard especially if your aiming for Under-3k Games.


With PoTL Sniper + Mutable Tac vets with Preferred Enemy you should be able to make short work of his Suits. Though if they bring Gargantuans (ie the Stormsurge) you're going to need a slightly different game plan revolving mainly around Leviathans chopping them to bits before possibly getting Stomped on a 6.


Terminators/Larneans with Volkites and Fists would also be decent additions in my mind since they can pile on the wound in shooting due to Volkite and can turn them into paste in CC with or without fists doubly so if you get Rad Grenades into the mix though that is a bit more limited in possibility since it usually requires a Forge Lord.


You could also take a Praevian with Castellax (Infiltrating Castellax / Tank Hunter Darkfire Lance Castellax? Yes please!) To give them a taste of their own Medicine with sturdy MC's of your own. Though this unit tends to be points intensive so might not be feasible if you're including a Primarch.


I'll try drafting a rough concept when I get home.

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@Hesh All good points. I don't like the first list as it's not my style (even though I advocate the hell out of that SA allied force!) as spending 600 on a D box seems a little wasteful of the Heresy setting and Legion. Leave that to the Fists/ Perts lads. The second one is cool, but too much the other way aha.

This is mostly a Mash of cool AL units designed to take advantage of infiltrate and PE from Alpharius. Model count is probably low, but it seems okay. The Moritat was with some destroyers but I took them out as there is just no making them mega useful. Put in a plasma squad in a dread claw instead.


+++ Alphas (2500pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2500pts) ++

+ HQ (390pts) +

Legion Centurion (230pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Refractor Field, The Drakaina, Void Shield Harness, Volkite Serpenta]
····Consul [Moritat]

Legion Centurion (160pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Cyber-familiar, Power Dagger, Rad Grenades]
····Consul [Forge Lord]

+ Troops (615pts) +

Legion Tactical Squad (205pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Dagger]

Legion Tactical Squad (205pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Melta Bombs, Power Dagger]

Legion Tactical Support Squad (205pts) [5x Legion Space Marines, Plasma Guns] So 6 guns in total.

+ Elites (270pts) +

Lernaen Terminator Squad (270pts) [Chainfist, 4x Lernean Terminator, Plasma Blaster]
····Harrower [Chainfist, Venom Sphere Harness]

+ Fast Attack (100pts) +

Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod (100pts)

+ Heavy Support (710pts) +

Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher]

Legion Heavy Support Squad (280pts) [7x Legion Space Marines, Volkite Culverin]
····Legion Sergeant [Augury Scanner]

Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (210pts) [Armoured Ceramite]

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]

+ Lord of War (415pts) +

Alpharius (415pts)



Any help on my humble list flying around? :tongue.:


I decided to get rid of the support squad and dreadclaw for a leviathan in a pod too, a few other bits were moved around to accommodate but it's more or less similar!


Let me know :smile.:

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Alpharius giving you Armywide Preferred Enemy as well as some shenanigans to go first/seize (I Forget) and a multitude of other buffs would be a good enough addition.


Otherwise the Typon is always a Good addition. Nothing says ":cuss you xenos!" Like S10 Ap1 Ignores Cover 7" Blast.


A Strong 2nd would be a Glaive with its S8 Ap2 Ignores Cover Deflagrate Beam that Auto-Hits.


But with Tau possibly focusing on having Multiple Big Stompy Monsters (SHOULD BE ROBOTS WITH AN AV BUT THATS NEITHER HERE NOR THERE JUST KNOW THAT THAT IRKS ME TO NO END) means that single shot template weapons aren't the best way to deal with them especially since you can get Anti-Infantry rather readily from your Regular non-LoW Selections.


If your REALLY wanted to go monster hunting, a Questoris Knight Detachment (allied or Otherwise) would be the way to go. The only problem is that you'd be bringing a minimum of 2 Knights.


Alpharius is probably your best bet in this regard especially if your aiming for Under-3k Games.


With PoTL Sniper + Mutable Tac vets with Preferred Enemy you should be able to make short work of his Suits. Though if they bring Gargantuans (ie the Stormsurge) you're going to need a slightly different game plan revolving mainly around Leviathans chopping them to bits before possibly getting Stomped on a 6.


Terminators/Larneans with Volkites and Fists would also be decent additions in my mind since they can pile on the wound in shooting due to Volkite and can turn them into paste in CC with or without fists doubly so if you get Rad Grenades into the mix though that is a bit more limited in possibility since it usually requires a Forge Lord.


You could also take a Praevian with Castellax (Infiltrating Castellax / Tank Hunter Darkfire Lance Castellax? Yes please!) To give them a taste of their own Medicine with sturdy MC's of your own. Though this unit tends to be points intensive so might not be feasible if you're including a Primarch.


I'll try drafting a rough concept when I get home.


Do I understand you correctly - you pick a mutable tac for vets for them exclusively AND you also get to pick a mutable tac for your whole army when you roll on a warlord trait, correct? 


I really need to do some re-reading on the rules for mutable tactics!

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Tac Vets have Veteran Tactics which lets you choose from: Sniper, Tank Hunter, Outflank, Fearless and Furious Charge and is independant of Mutable Tactics: Infiltrate, Scout, Tank Hunters (and one more im forgetting).


This means with Tac Vets you can double dip so to speak since one rule both lists share is Tank Hunters.


Though if you use Tank Hunters from Mutable the rest of your LA:AL units have it too.


But is not the case if taken as a Veteran Tactic.


Each Tac Vet squad also independantly chooses their Veteran Tactics which means you can have multiple specialized Tac Vet units.

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Very rough-around-the-Edges Idea.


+++ Alpha Legion Vets (3000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Centurion [Augury Scanner, Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Cyber-familiar, Power Dagger, Rad Grenades, Thunderhammer, Void Shield Harness]
··Consul [Forge Lord]
+ Troops +
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]
Lernaen Terminator Squad [5x Lernean Terminator, 3x Power Fist]
··Harrower [Power Dagger, Power Fist, Venom Sphere Harness]
··Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]
+ Elites +
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
+ Heavy Support +
Deathstorm Drop Pod [Drop Pod Assault special rule]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Phosphex Discharger]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]
+ Lord of War +
··Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]
3000 points on the dot.
Alpharius should be able to punt any MC's he gets into CC with since he'll almost always go first and the Pale Spear has Instant Death.
Forge Lord joins the Spartan Unit with Alpharius (revealed at all times) to provide Extra Punch as well as Rad Grenades for sweet, sweet, -1 Toughness. He has a Void Shield Harness for Overwatch protection for when they Charge out of the Spartan. Denying Tau Overwatch Shenanigans is sweet, sweet justice.
2 Leviathans are geared Pretty much the same. Drop the Phosphex on some poor fools for Hilarity. Being Poisoned 3+ and Ap2 means that it can also make a mockery of MC's if needed. Decided to give them Armored Ceramite as extra Insurance.
Deathstorm is only there for 3 Pods so that both Leviathans can drop in T1 or, if the Tau Player Castles, Hilarity as the Deathstorm drops in and fired a ton of Frag Missiles at everything.
Would have wanted to give the Lerneans more Power Fists but Points were a bit tight. That said, the Venom Sphere Harness gives the Unit Hammer of Wrath which may come in Handy. The Harrower also has the added benefit of 5 Attacks on the Charge due to 3 Base, +1 due to 2 Specialist Weapons and +1 Charge.
Tac Vets do what they do. Sniper Bolters are nasty, they have Melta Bombs in case they need to Tank Bust and the Sarge has 4 Attacks on the Charge with a Power Fist in the event that its needed.
Rapiers do what Rapiers do.
Mainly: if the Moritat is flying solo, make him as cheap as possible. Dont waste any points on him (VSH, Melta Bombs, etc) since after his Chain Fire and Because he's rolling solo, he's likely to just get vaped off the table. I'd rather lose a solo ~150 pts character vs a solo 230 point character.
Power  Daggers as a CC weapon are Blegh. They're cheap but their main and primary job is to be +1A for having Two Specialist Weapons. I'd drop it for Artificer Armor Instead.
Drop a single Plasma Support Marine and use the points saved to give every and all Sarges Artificer Armor if possible and Power Axes on the Tac Sarges if there are still points left over.
See the above as to why a Power Dagger on the Harrower would possibly be a good idea :tongue.:
...your Forge Lord and Lerneans cant all fit in the Dreadclaw due to it only have 10 Slots (5 Bulky). Sooooo yeah. If they're not the primary recipients of the ride, then use Normal Terminators instead and save yourself a bunch of points on a unit thats going to be Slow and potentially not doing its primary job: Assaulting due to footslogging with Slow And Purposeful; even if you Infiltrate them its not going to help the problem much.
Where is Alpharius going?
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Aye, thanks for the insight. I'll keep the Moritat cheap and give the Larneans a ride, failing that maybe making them a big unit could help. No one wants to face down a chunk of 11 Cataphractii infiltrating on them.


I love the Drakaina but do you think it's worth it? Would I be better off with a second serpenta and save the points? Or keep the flair. By the way, I'm guessing he doesn't but does the Moritat benefit from preferred enemy?


Alpharius would either go in the Larneans or sneakily in a Tac squad depending on what my opponent is fielding.


I always see tooled up sarges on Tac squads, why is that? Just seems like points for not a lot of return.


Wondering if a normal Sicaran is better than a Deredeo, less chance of anti air but cheaper and adds some mobility...


Taking the list you posted above into account, maybe I'd be better with Pride running some sniper vets... They seem to work with AL very well.

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Moritat gains no buffs so no BS5 Re-rolling 1s shenanigans.


At this stage, you might be better off giving the Forge Lord the VSH, Starting Alphie on the Board and having them + Lerneans under it T1 if they're not in a ride. But thats just me.


Mainly because All Tac Sarges Take 2+ Armor to tank for their Squads. What happens when you get into CC and your Naked Tac Sarge gets into a Challenge with a 2+ & Ap2 Tac Sarge? Yours dies.


Deredeo brings more utility and can inherently shoot 2 Different Targets. His weapons are also more reliable being BS5 and the Cannons being Twin-Linked Sunder. Being S8 they can also double-out any T4 Bodies if he ever has to shoot at marines with FNP. 

Edited by Slipstreams
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Awesome, thanks for the tips.


Here is an updated one - no support squads but instead the Leviathan for first turn disruption/ anti AV. Put the shield on the FL and got a couple more terms for the unit.


I miss the preferred enemy Volkite Culverin goodness but the Grav Flux will do more against most things I'll need to wipe out.


+++ Alphas (2500pts) +++


++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2500pts) ++


+ HQ (390pts) +


Legion Centurion (190pts) [Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Refractor Field, The Drakaina, Volkite Serpenta]

····Consul [Moritat]


Legion Centurion (200pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi bolter, Chainfist, Cyber-familiar, Power Dagger, Rad Grenades, Void Shield Harness]

····Consul [Forge Lord]


+ Troops (440pts) +


Legion Tactical Squad (220pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


Legion Tactical Squad (220pts) [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Legion Vexilla]

····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs, Power Weapon]


+ Elites (420pts) +


Lernaen Terminator Squad (420pts) [3x Chainfist, 7x Lernean Terminator, Plasma Blaster, Power Fist]

····Harrower [Chainfist, Power Dagger, Venom Sphere Harness]


+ Heavy Support (835pts) +


Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (220pts) [Aiolos Missile Launcher]


Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (405pts)

····Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger, 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver]


Sicaran Venator Tank Destroyer (210pts) [Armoured Ceramite]


+ Legion +


Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]


+ Lord of War (415pts) +


Alpharius (415pts)

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Very rough-around-the-Edges Idea.


+++ Alpha Legion Vets (3000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Centurion [Augury Scanner, Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Cyber-familiar, Power Dagger, Rad Grenades, Thunderhammer, Void Shield Harness]
··Consul [Forge Lord]
+ Troops +
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]
Legion Veteran Tactical Squad [2x Heavy Bolter and Suspensor Web, Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 9x Legion Veteran Space Marines, Melta Bombs, Sniper]
··Legion Veteran Sergeant [Artificer Armour, Power Dagger, Power Fist]
Lernaen Terminator Squad [5x Lernean Terminator, 3x Power Fist]
··Harrower [Power Dagger, Power Fist, Venom Sphere Harness]
··Legion Spartan Assault Tank [Armoured Ceramite, Flare Shield]
+ Elites +
Legion Rapier Weapons Battery
··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
··Legion Rapier Weapons Battery [Quad Mortar ('Thud Gun')]
+ Heavy Support +
Deathstorm Drop Pod [Drop Pod Assault special rule]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Leviathan Siege Drill, Phosphex Discharger]
Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon
··Leviathan Siege Dreadnought [Armoured Ceramite, Grav-flux Bombard, Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod, Phosphex Discharger]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XX: Alpha Legion]
+ Lord of War +
··Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]
3000 points on the dot.
Alpharius should be able to punt any MC's he gets into CC with since he'll almost always go first and the Pale Spear has Instant Death.
Forge Lord joins the Spartan Unit with Alpharius (revealed at all times) to provide Extra Punch as well as Rad Grenades for sweet, sweet, -1 Toughness. He has a Void Shield Harness for Overwatch protection for when they Charge out of the Spartan. Denying Tau Overwatch Shenanigans is sweet, sweet justice.
2 Leviathans are geared Pretty much the same. Drop the Phosphex on some poor fools for Hilarity. Being Poisoned 3+ and Ap2 means that it can also make a mockery of MC's if needed. Decided to give them Armored Ceramite as extra Insurance.
Deathstorm is only there for 3 Pods so that both Leviathans can drop in T1 or, if the Tau Player Castles, Hilarity as the Deathstorm drops in and fired a ton of Frag Missiles at everything.
Would have wanted to give the Lerneans more Power Fists but Points were a bit tight. That said, the Venom Sphere Harness gives the Unit Hammer of Wrath which may come in Handy. The Harrower also has the added benefit of 5 Attacks on the Charge due to 3 Base, +1 due to 2 Specialist Weapons and +1 Charge.
Tac Vets do what they do. Sniper Bolters are nasty, they have Melta Bombs in case they need to Tank Bust and the Sarge has 4 Attacks on the Charge with a Power Fist in the event that its needed.
Rapiers do what Rapiers do.


Nice list actually! I will make note of it and put it down as "Anti Tau List" :tongue.:


EDIT: Thank you tons!

Edited by ak1508
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Just never feel like our siggestions are superceeding your gut feelings/desires.


Becsuse while these are tactica theads and we talk about possible entries and what would make for better additions under given circumstances, its still your army at the end of the day and your money being spent; so spend it wisely.


Besides, Culverins with tank hunters are still capable of dealing with av 12 or lower due to weight of fire and can even be anti-air in a serious pinch.

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Had another idea... Seeing as we can get infiltrating breachers, this seems like an incredibly good tactic and a way to turn the troops section away from dudes in rhinos.


15 dudes, 3 Grav Guns and an Apothecary. Can even add a vigilator for scouting shenanigans. Combined with Alpharius' mad sieze skills could get some powerful anti armour straight away and act as an awesome anchor unit for the force. Melta bombs for taste.


Combine with other infiltrate and armoured/ podded leviathan support to overwhelm the enemy from the get go, like a True Alpha Legionnaire. You could even hide Alpharius inside and have him split off turn two to intercept what is coming thier way.



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Been saying this for a long time. AL and RG breachers are sweet. I recommend Vigilators to other legions because they cannot infiltrate, but infiltrate at 18" is subject to the vagaries of scatter, which is where Scout comes in handy.


Bear in mind the unit will likely be charged first turn if you are facing a Spartan or raider rush. An apothecary is most useful for an augury scanner giving the grav guns interceptor. Drop pods get gibbed by them, and leave 4 dangerous terrain pieces which all cause individual tests, so a unit of 10 takes 40 tests, thats 6-7 failures, and 2-3 dead.

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