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[HH1.0] 30k Alpha Legion Tactics


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Not with orbital assault, though. A unit needs to be able to DS to take OA, and you don't get DS until after the army is selected, and if a unit takes a pod, it must Deploy in it.


And so we go to the question as before; "RAW" or "RACSD".

Edited by Hesh Kadesh
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Sorta. Folks are still hoping the combi-bolter is the default weapon and the 5 point upgrade is what makes them combi-weapons. Otherwise, I guess we just got some nice bits for Veteran and Seeker squads, so just as well it's an upgrade kit and not full models.

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So whats with the paint scheme change with AL? Its easier than the almost airbrush required old version and I am close to figuring it out but I am curious as to why they did it so drastically. Once I get a scheme down I will start on them. Seriously getting the scheme right has held me back now for over two years. Now with the new headhunter parts I might have to just do it if I can get the new scheme greener without being green. There's a light blue version I might try as well. Trying to differentiate them from UM or my existing mass of Night Lords(funny story every time I have gone to build a AL army in the past, they end up joining the Night Lords in frustration over the paint scheme. Yeah I have  somewhere in the neighborhood of 7k in NL mostly in marine infantry and jump troops pre-BaC.)


So Headhunters worth it over seekers? The power daggers and the spheres are nice perks but are they 10 point perks?


Is the only real perk of the Coils RoW the reserve manipulation and taking a legion unit from someone else? The negatives kind of suck and pretty much force you into a mech build. Or do they? Can I use mutable tactics to give everyone infiltrate thus allowing tac blobs without a rhino? Does Dynat's ability take precedence over the mech thing and say let me bring a melta tac support squad without a rhino if I use his ability to DS them? 

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Nope. HH are not worth it except for awesome models.


Currently, yes the only perks to coils are those mentioned, and outside of Iron Havocs, Siege Tyrants, Dark Furies, Gal Vorbak, and maybe Suzerains.


As the rules are written, infantry without infiltrate or deep strike natively must take a transport. This means jump infantry are okay.


However, this comes from FW not actually knowing what they are doing, so I think it is worth double checking with your opponent if it is okay to run it as Infiltrate mutable tactics qualifying for it. I think most reasonable players would allow it.

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@Galron, paint scheme is tricky, but there's a bunch of methods that create different effects. Alpha Legion backstory mentions a range of colour schemes, like blues, greens, purples and even other metallics like bronze. My scheme is fairly easy and doesn't require an airbrush.


Headhunters might end up with updated rules, but for now they are an interesting combat unit. Dynat, an Apothecary and 5 of them in a Dreadclaw is something I want to try out.


The rules queries about Coils have come up multiple times in the forum. We're hoping that the Red Book update will give total clarity on this point. For now, check with your meta/opponents and plan accordingly. I'm going for transports on my squads to future-proof my army, and it'll allow me to choose Mutable Tactics other than Infiltrate (plus get around the current rules murkiness). The Rite of War itself is not amazing, but it's cool! The reserves manipulation is great with Autilon Skorr and a Land Raider Proteus (with Explorator Augury Array), but only if your opponent has reserves.

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I might skip the Rite since the only thing I use in reserves or plan to use is a couple melta vets in rhinos. Was thinking of using Dynat's DS for a tac support squad with meltas. I play mostly 40k armies so AC is non-existent but I have more knights to deal with. I am a fan of tac blobs so I will be infiltrating them in my opponents face usually.


Going to pick up the HH set anyway and use them as seekers since there really isn't much of a difference in appearance and if the new rules are worthwhile then I can switch no problem.


Ill have a look at your scheme Callium.

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Already have my drop pod/jump pack army in my Night Lords, terminator and heavy vehicles in Iron Warriors, so was looking to do just bulk regular infantry with outflankers with AL. Move through Cover is nice for sure.

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Already have my drop pod/jump pack army in my Night Lords, terminator and heavy vehicles in Iron Warriors, so was looking to do just bulk regular infantry with outflankers with AL. Move through Cover is nice for sure.

If you're going for that specific theme with your Alphas, I would go for Skorr with Pride or Delegatus Rite. That way your troop choices get their choice of veteran tactic, their choice of mutable tactic, and then some more USRs from Skorr's choice of warlord trait. You can tailor your army to each game on the fly.

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Some combat data to report, brothers. In my attempts to get a terminator command squad on the table without spending a bunch on a Praetor who isn't Dynat, I tried a non-Skorr delegatus in cataphractii armour.


For 122 points with a master-crafted chainfist, power dagger and combi-plasma (so cheaper than Skorr), he performed very admirably to give the terminator more ooph. 5 chainfist attacks on the charge with a re-roll is no joke. He was backed up by a 4-man cataphractii command squad with plasma blaster, combi-plasmas, and power fists, so just a hair under 360 points for the unit. The shooting phase melted a plasma support squad, and WS5 and fearless bubble made a big difference when they were counter-charged by Suzerain. He rolled a lot of 3's in that engagement, and his smug look quickly melted off his face when he was informed they were all misses. :D


Chosen Warriors played a hilarious part in the second game, where they got charged by a Proxy Alpharius (!), who in a late-game attempt to get two VPs for killing the delegatus, challenged him to open combat. I then proceeded to waste his time accepting challenges with the mooks, and the game ended with the banner and Delegatus untouched. Pretty hilarious. I guess fake-Alpharius will have to make a note of that in the future. :P


The two VP swing probably makes going with Skorr and cowering in your backfield somewhere more tactically sound, but this guy was fun, and I've been looking for ideas on what to do with my Calth terminator dudes.

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It's nice to hear about Terminator command squads being effective. I'm building up some now in Cataphractii with double LCs and a Pfist on the Standard bearer. I'm thinking of running them in a Phobos with a Forgelord for rad. Then throwing the praetor/delegatus into a 10man Termie squad with a vigilator for Infiltrate and scout to offset my lack of a Spartan ;).


Do y'all reckon that if I use army wide infiltrate that it will offset the lack of transports if I do a full foot terminator army?

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Hello. First time posting here! Been following this thread for a good while as I assemble my army. So quick question, I have been trying to figure out a way to not waste a unit of MKIII close combat veterans. If throwing 9 in a drop pod alongside Dynat, mixed with cc weapons and maybe Meltas/plasma guns, to deal with either vehicles or stronger units be a decent enough plan?
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Hello. First time posting here! Been following this thread for a good while as I assemble my army. So quick question, I have been trying to figure out a way to not waste a unit of MKIII close combat veterans. If throwing 9 in a drop pod alongside Dynat, mixed with cc weapons and maybe Meltas/plasma guns, to deal with either vehicles or stronger units be a decent enough plan?

Dynat with vets in a pod is a perfectly useful tactic, a melta/plasma plus a combi on the sarge, add in melta bombs and maybe a couple power weapons. Tank hunters/furious charge on a unit like that in the enemy backfield can deal with a variety of threats and benefit a lot from dynats rules. Plus he allows another infantry unit to deep strike near them for support.

Edited by Liquid_O
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If we're talking plasma support squad, I always like the Sergeant to be lugging an augury scanner for that intercept.

Under normal circumstances I agree with that, but if you throw Dynat in with em then his cognis signum counts as one. SomethIng that I constantly forget!

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